
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word

If one listens to the true word of Jesus and the promised pastor
and the true God and passes this on to his family,
the family members will regard what they heard as heresy
because it differs from their pastor’s teaching or their own thoughts.

Due to this, disputes within families occur.

In facing life and death, would you follow your family or the true word of God?
(refer to Dt 30:19-20)

Whoever keeps the word of promise earns salvation.
(Mt 7:21, Jn 14:23, Rv 1:3)

Anti-Shinchonji people have uploaded hundreds of persecuting lies on Internet cafes
to destroy the work of God’s revelation.

Those lies are stopping their church members from going to Shinchonji,
where the word of truth is being told,
and those who persecute Shinchonji are mistaking lies for the truth
because they are deceived by their pastor.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
In every generation, 
why do the pastors not believe? 

Jesus came and carried out the work of salvation with the twelve disciples, 
but the pastors and elders at that time did not believe. 
Israel did not realize what kind of situation they were in and they thought they were the righteous, chosen people. 
Jesus and the disciples, who had come into this kind of world, 
promised what is stated below and were killed. 

예수님께서  12제자들과 함께 구원의 역사를 하였으나, 
당시의 목자들과 장로들이 믿지 않고, 
예수님과 그 제자들을 이단으로 몰아 핍박하고 죽였다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
Why do they not believe? 

Who is the true believer-the one who believes in this word of prophecy or the one who doesn't believe? 

What is stated above is one of the most epoch-making and important content of the New Testament that gives hope to the believers. 

Why do they not believe? 

Is this not proof that they do not believe in God or His Word (New Testament)?
(Rv 21:8)

It is written that people will be judged according to their deeds as written in the books. 

Please read Jn 12:48 and Rv 20:12-15.  
If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around?  

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words, 
why won't he believe in what is fulfilled according to the promise? 

As Satan's pastors also sowed their seeds in the field (church) that Jesus sowed his seed, the two types of seeds grew together in Jesus' field up until the last days of the world. 

Because only the wheat, meaning those who were born with God's seed, were harvested at the time of harvest, only the seeds of the devil, the weeds, remain in the church. 
(Mt 13:24-30)

The weeds are referred to as the sons of the devil, who are the pastors and the congregation members who belong to them; they are not harvested, and they are the only ones remaining as the weeds (the sons of the devil born from the seeds of the devil). 
(Mt 13:38-39)

Just because such people call the harvested wheat "heretics" do they really become heretics? 
True heretics are the weeds, the sons of the devil.

참으로 예수님과 그 말씀을 믿는다면 약속대로 이루어진 것을 왜 안 믿는가?
예수께서 씨 뿌린 밭(교회)에 사단의 목자도 자기의 씨를 덧뿌렸으니 
예수님의 밭에는 세상 끝 날까지 이 두 가지 씨가 같이 자라왔고, 
추수 때 알곡 곧 하나님의 씨로 된 자들만 추수하여 왔으니, 
교회에 남은 것은 마귀의 씨 가라지뿐이다. 
이 가라지는 마귀의 아들들이라 하였으니, 
추수되지 못한 목자와 소속 교인들 곧 가라지들만 남은 것이다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise...

If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise, 
one should realize that the promise has been fulfilled when he hears 
about the news regarding the work of harvesting and come running to the mountain. 

The reason why "Those who believe in the New Testament” 
do not come running is because they do not believe in the promise. 

Anyone who hears about the work of harvesting, sealing, 
and the creation of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, 
and anyone who realizes that the promised prophecies are coming true 
and believes in this will come running. 

참으로 예수님과 그 말씀 약속을 믿는다면 추수의 소식을 들을 때 
약속이 이루어진 것을 깨달아 달려와야 할 것이다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
I pray that they would come into the Bible)and carry out a true life of faith.


I pray that the saints would not be deceived by the lies and that they would come into the Word (the Bible) and carry out a true life of faith.


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