
Shincheonji Church have done nothing wrong! Shincheonji is not a heresy!

Shincheonji Church have done nothing wrong! Shincheonji is not a heresy!

The ongoing controversy of heresy is a big fuss in Korean Christianity than elsewhere. 

The Communion of Churches in Korea (CCIK) has separated from the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) because of the difference of opinion on the judgement of being a heresy. 

If the interest was different from the first place, then even the head of the emergency heresy council would be declared as a heresy. 

A good evidence of this is that a pastor, who was once declared to be a heresy, now heads up the head of Shincheonji Emergency Council, which clearly shows the judgement of being a heresy is purely decided upon those political influences as well as power. 

한국교회에는 유독 교단도 많고 이단 논란도 심하다. 기성교단인 한기총에서 한교연이 갈라져 나가 서로 싸운 것도 이단 기준이 달랐기 때문이었다. 이해관계가 달라지면 이단사이비대책위원장이었던 자라도 이단이 됐다. 또 이단 목사로 규정됐던 자가 다시 신천지대책위원장으로 오르는 것이 현 교계에서 일어나고 있는 일이다. 

What is the reason behind for all these accusations on Shincheonji Church of Jesus by the organizations such as Christian Broadcasting System (CBS), the media backed Christianity community and their religious bodies? 

The CBS has publicly declared war against Shincheonji in the aim to protect Christianity of Korea.

However, one thing to note is that the CBS persecutes those who are not part of their organization without the basis of the bible. 

This movement by those persecuting is done in order to protect and preserve their vested rights. 

CBS 기독교방송 등 교계 언론들과 기성 교단들이 끊임없이 신천지예수교회를 공격·배척하는데, 이유가 무엇일까? CBS는 한국교회를 지키기 위해 신천지와 싸우겠다고 공개적으로 밝혔다. CBS의 이사회를 구성하는 교단 또는 자신들을 후원하는 교단이나 단체가 아니면 핍박의 대상이 된다. 자신들의 기득권을 지키고자 하는 것이다. 

They particularly feel Shincheonji to be their biggest threat because many of their believers are actually moving to Shincheonji as they’ve all discovered Shincheonji where God’s true words exist – and hence, the Christianity communities believe Shincheonji is a threat to their vested rights despite the fact that true God is with Shincheonji. 

특히 탁월한 성경 말씀 해석으로 인해 자기 교인들이 신천지로 옮겨가니, 자신들의 기득권을 해치는 가장 큰 위협 세력으로 보는 것이다. 

Reports suggest that coercive conversion education has been taking place on many occasions towards those believers of minority Christian order such as Shincheonji. 

As mentioned that Article 20 states for the freedom of rights for all the people in this country, these innocent people are threatened physically and forced to convert their religions merely because these people are not in their Christian order – this is absolutely unacceptable. 

The government and judicial authorities must sentence strict punishment to those who have violated the freedom of religion and ideology as well as rights of physical freedom within the boundary of the highest law of constitution regarding the coercive conversion education. 

신천지를 비롯한 소수 교단 소속 성도들을 대상으로 하는 개종교육이 심심찮게 일어나고 있다. 헌법 제20조에 명시한 대로 모든 국민이 종교의 자유를 가져야 함에도 불구하고, 자신들의 교단에 속하지 않는다는 이유로 물리적 위압을 동원해 종교적 신념을 강제로 바꾸도록 하는 것은 있을 수 없는 일이다. 종교의 자유, 사상의 자유, 신체의 자유 등 최고법인 헌법이 규정한 내용만으로도 정부와 사법당국은 이 법을 어긴 강제개종교육에 대해 엄중한 처벌을 가해야 한다. 

However the reality is that the evil coercive conversion education pastors would take advantage of the families of the victims to avoid these laws in the slyest way by controlling the families to conduct such crimes on their behalf.

하지만 현실은 간악한 개종교육 목사들이 가족들을 사주해 모든 불법적인 일들은 가족이 대신하게 하고 자신들은 교묘히 법망을 빠져나가고 있다. 

The way these pastors are able to manipulate is because the Christian Medias such as the CBS would artificially plot a false image and impression on Shincheonji, and hence would create an air of anxiety to the families of the victims. 

With these false propaganda, coercive conversion education pastors would earn a lucrative amount of money, and the CBS and those churches which support such movements are all in coalition as a basis. The proper reaction and the need to handle this by the judicial authorities are imperative.

이들이 이렇게 헌법을 짓밟을 수 있는 것은 CBS 등 기독교 언론들이 신천지에 대한 얼토당토않은 거짓 이미지를 조작해 가족들의 불안감을 조성하기 때문이다. 

이러한 거짓 이미지로 개종교육 목사는 돈벌이를 하고 이를 바탕으로 CBS를 후원하는 교회(목사)와 종교 방송의 야합 구조가 형성돼 있는 것이다. 사법당국의 적극적인 대처가 절실하다.

Despite the Article 20 Paragraph 1 and 2 in constitution which states “Every people have the rights and freedom of religion, and politics and religion must be separated” the reality is all the politicians share the power with religious leaders of Christianity, and they too are obsessed with this privilege of power received from the politicians.

This clearly violates the constitution in article 20, and also to the reason of both heaven and earth.

 “우리나라 헌법 제20조 1, 2항에는 모든 국민은 종교의 자유를 가지고, 정치와 종교는 분리되어야 한다고 했다. 그러나 정치인들이 나서서 기독교계 기득권 세력과 유착하고 있으며, 목사들 역시 정치권에 줄 대려고 안달이다. 이는 종교와 정치가 부패해 하늘의 법과 땅의 법을 위반한 것이다.

Shincheonji Church have done nothing wrong both spiritually and in flesh. 

Those false accusations of Shincheonji Church being an anti-social and anti-national are pure lies fabricated by the pastors of Christian Council of Korea (CCK).

Shincheonji is not a heresy! Shincheonji is born by the seed of God, harvested and stamped, cleaned from the sins by the blood of Jesus, and became a family of the 12 tribes as fulfillment of the promise.

신천지는 영적으로도 육적으로도 잘못한 것이 없다. 이단, 반사회·반국가 단체라는 것은 한기총 소속 목자들이 지어낸 거짓말이다. 신천지는 이단이 아니다. 우리는 하나님의 씨로 났고, 추수되어 왔고, 인 맞았으며, 예수님의 피로 속죄되었고, 약속대로 12지파 가족이 됐다.

The CCK deceive people by interpreting the promised words of prophecies in a different way and teaching lies, and if anyone does not belong to their organization, they split into 2 and even 3 groups and call each other a “cult” and “heresy.”

They also work hand in hand with this politician and that politician to torture believers and accuse them as cults.

The people (the church labeled a cult according to people’s standard and those who belong to the organization) were greatly affected by the lies that were reported and were socially ostracized. Although they pleaded, everything was useless.

약속한 예언의 말씀을 다른 뜻으로 속여 거짓말을 가르쳤고, 자기 소속이 아니면 두 갈래 세 갈래로 갈라져 서로 ‘이단, 삼단’ 하면서 싸우고 있으며, 또한 이 정치인, 저 정치인 들과 손을 잡고 신앙하는 자들을 괴롭히며 이단으로 몰아세운다. 사람들(사람의 잣대로 이단으로 규정된 교회와 그 소속)은 거짓 보도로 인해 엄청난 피해를 입었고, 사회에 매장되어 왔다. 기막힌 심정을 호소했으나 소용이 없었다.

However, is cursing, persecuting, framing, murdering, fighting, all a part of Jesus’ teachings? Is this proper education? 

Truthfully, one who believes in God of justice, Jesus, and the holy truth, cannot carry out these evil deeds.

한데 욕하고 핍박하고 저주하고 죄를 만들어 뒤집어씌우고 죽이고 싸우고 하는 것이 예수님의 계명인가? 이것이 교육인가? 참으로 의의 하나님과 예수님과 거룩한 진리를 믿는 자 같으면 악랄한 행동은 하지 않았을 것이다.

Today is the era of fulfillment of the Revelation, and also the end of the world.

Everyone must throw away their own thinking, repent, become humble, and keep the God’s law, God’s covenant by recording the prophecies and fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation in their heart and mind. 

오늘날은 신약 성경 요한계시록의 성취 때요, 마지막 때(세상 끝, 말세)이다. 천하 만민들은 아집(我執)을 버리고 회개하고 낮아져 새 언약을 지켜 신약 계시록의 예언과 그 이룬 실상을 생각에 두고 마음에 이를 기록해야 한다. 

Also, all religions of the world must become one under God. One who voluntarily acts accordingly is one who perceived and is a person of God.

또한 지구촌의 종교는 하나님 안에서 하나가 되어야 한다. 자발적으로 스스로 이를 행하는 자가 깨달은 자이며 하나님의 사람이다.


Shincheonji' Faith, Let's Keep God’s law, God’s covenant!

Shincheonji' Faith, Let's Keep God’s law, God’s covenant!

If you look at the past work of persecution of the corrupt religious world (Acts 7:51-53, Mt 23:29-36, Mt 5:11-12, Jn 16:4, Lk 20:16), you can see that it is the same today. 

역대 부패한 종교 세계의 핍박 사건들을 보면(행 7:51-53, 마 23:29-36, 마 5:11-12, 요 16:4, 눅 20:16) 오늘날도 그와 같음을 알 수 있다. 

At one time, the MBC TV show, PD Note, made up 14 different lies about Shincheonji and broadcasted them, but the High Court ruled in Shincheonji’s favor and they had to broadcast a retraction as well as a correction broadcast. 

The CCK, CBS, and the coercive conversion pastors forced their congregation members to sue Shincheonji in groups, however, the verdict was always not guilty. 

These actions are all actions of the corrupt false pastors. How can you call them true believers?

한때 MBC PD수첩이 우리에 대해 14가지 거짓말을 지어내어 방송하였으나, 고등법원에서 MBC PD수첩 측에 정정 보도 및 반론 보도를 하라고 판결하였다. 금번에도 CBS 방송이 우리에게 거짓말을 지어내어 보도했으나, 재판부는 정정 보도와 반론 보도를 하게 하였다. 한기총과 CBS와 강제 개종 목자들이 성도들을 시켜 집단으로 수차 형사고발을 하였으나 다 ‘무혐의’로 끝났다. 앞에 말한 것들이 부패한 거짓 목자들의 행동이다. 어찌 이들을 종교인이라 하겠는가?

※ Please refer to the Court's Ruling on CBS False Report for details ☞ The winning a lawsuit of Shincheonji Church

There was destruction in every era because they did not keep the covenant made with God (Hos 6:7), and it became a hindrance when God’s will was fulfilled. 

Therefore, God prophesied so the people would know who the Creator, the betrayer, the destroyers, and the savior sent by God are.

역대에 하나님의 언약을 지키지 못해(호 6:7) 멸망이 왔고, 하나님의 뜻이 이루어지는 때 지장이 되었다. 하여 하나님은 천지 창조주와 배도자와 멸망자와 주께서 보내신 구원자를 성도들에게 알리고자 먼저 예언하신 것이다.

Due to corruption, churches in Korea today are in darkness without God, the Word, and without even knowing the promised prophecies that are to fulfill. The only things they know are money and power. Therefore they are working hand in hand with worldly politicians and becoming more evil. 

오늘날의 한국 교회는 부패로 인해 하나님도 없고 말씀도 없으며 성취될 약속한 예언도 모르는 밤 같다. 아는 것은 돈과 권세뿐이다. 해서 세상 정치와 손을 잡고 악에 악을 더하고 있다. 

Those who rule over the nation must not be biased and create two groups of citizens. Religious leaders must have the truth first, and they must not create two types of believers.

The political leaders of the world now do not know who they are and what they are doing, and the religious leaders also do not know who they are, what they are doing, and what they are teaching. All people will receive judgment in front of God at least once. 

Therefore, they must all learn the words of the Bible and act accordingly.

국가 치리자는 편향적 치리를 하여 두 가지 국민으로 만들어서는 안 되고, 종교 지도자는 먼저 진리를 가져야 하고 성도들을 두 가지 성도로 만들어서는 안 된다.

지금 이 세상의 정치 치리자는 자신과 자기의 치리를 잘 알지 못하고, 종교 지도자들은 자신과 자기의 치리와 교육을 잘 알지 못하고 있다. 사람은 누구나 다 한 번은 하나님 앞에서 심판을 받게 된다. 하여 성경 말씀 안에 들어가 그 뜻대로 해야 한다.

However, is cursing, persecuting, framing, murdering, fighting, all a part of Jesus’ teachings? 

Distinguishing between truth and lie (cult and orthodoxy), believing in the truth, and receiving salvation is much wiser than fighting and arguing.

한데 욕하고 핍박하고 저주하고 죄를 만들어 뒤집어씌우고 죽이고 싸우고 하는 것이 예수님의 계명인가? 참과 거짓과 이단과 정통을 구분하고 정통 진리를 믿어 구원받는 것이 싸우고 다투는 것보다 현명할 것이다.  

From Adam’s time until today, God’s people did not keep God’s covenant and therefore their hope did not fulfill, and curses and judgment came upon them. 

If we add to or take away from the promised revelation, we become those who violate the new covenant just like those from Adam’s generation, Solomon’s generation, and those from the tabernacle of heaven in Revelation 13.

아담 때로부터 지금까지 하나님의 언약을 지키지 못함으로 소원이 이루어지지 못했고 저주가 임했고 심판을 받았다. 약속한 계시록을 가감하면 새 언약을 아담같이, 솔로몬같이, 계시록 13장의 하늘 장막 사람들같이 위반하는 자가 된다.

No matter what anyone says, God’s promise (new covenant) fulfilled according to how it was promised. 

Therefore, everyone must throw away their own thinking, repent, become humble, and keep the new covenant by recording the prophecies and fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation in their heart and mind. This is keeping God’s law, God’s covenant.

누가 무슨 말을 하여도 하나님의 약속(새 언약)은 약속대로 이루어진 것이다. 하여 천하 만민들은 아집(我執)을 버리고 회개하고 낮아져 새 언약을 지켜 신약 계시록의 예언과 그 이룬 실상을 생각에 두고 마음에 이를 기록하는 것이, 하나님의 법 언약을 지킨 것이 된다.

Following false pastors who receive evil spirits and do evil deeds will not lead to salvation. The congregation members should pray in their rooms and ask to be delivered from evil. Therefore, we must read the Word of promise and pray.

악의 신을 받아 악행을 하는 거짓 목자를 따르면 구원받을 수 없다. 성도들은 골방에서 기도해야 하고 악에서 구원해 달라고 해야 한다. 하니 약속의 말씀을 읽고 기도해야 한다.



Shincheonji Beliefs │ The true food that a believer must eat is God’s words of promise.

Shincheonji Beliefs │ The true food that a believer must eat is God’s words of promise. 

There are some who returned to flesh after beginning with the spirit (Gal 3:1~3) and there are some who are destroyed from lack of knowledge. (Hos 4:6)

성령으로 시작하였다가 육으로 돌아간 자들이 있고(갈 3:1~3), 약속한 성경 말씀에 대한 지식이 없어 망하는 자도 있다(호 4:6).

According to God’s diagnosis of people for the past 6,000 years since the first man, Adam’s sin, people were destroyed because they did not keep God’s covenant in each of their eras. This made a new era to be required. 

천지 창조의 첫 사람 아담 범죄 이후 6천 년 시대 시대의 하나님과 죄인인 인생들의 진단을 살펴본바, 시대마다 하나님과의 언약을 지키지 않고 부패함으로 멸망받았고, 새 시대가 요구되었다. 

God sent a messenger in each of the eras to save the sinful world of evil, but the people did not accept the messenger and killed him every time. 

God even sent Jesus, His Son, but the people also killed him. 

범죄한 죄악 세계의 구원을 위해 시대마다 하나님은 사자를 보내셨으나 받아 주지 않고 다 죽였다. 하나님의 아들 예수님을 보냈지마는 이도 죽였다. 

How about today, the time of the fulfillment of Revelation that is God’s final work? 

People still did not believe. The pastors of Christianity do not believe in God, Jesus, or their words or promises.

하나님의 마지막 역사인 계시록 성취 때인 오늘날은 어떠한가? 사람들은 여전히 믿지 않는다. 이 기독교의 목자들은 하나님도 예수님도 그 말씀도 그 약속도 믿지 않고 있다.

Now, it is time for God the Creator to reign over the world (Rv 19:6). Judgment begins now, and is given through the words of the Bible as promised (Rv 20). 

If we must believe and keep in the Old Testament and the New Testament, which are God’s promises, We can become the owners of this era. 

Let us create and protect with the same heart as God. 

지구촌의 통치는 이제 창조주 하나님이 하신다(계 19:6). 이제 심판이 시작되며, 심판은 약속한 성경 말씀으로 한다(계 20장). 우리가 하나님의 약속인 구약과 신약을 믿고 지킨다면, 우리는 이 시대의 주인이 될 수 있다. 하나님과 같은 마음으로 창조하고 지키자. 


Shincheonji beliefs of the new era, The preciousness of God's word

Shincheonji beliefs of the new era, The preciousness of God's word

God created all things on heaven and earth with His wisdom. But there is no one who wants to know about God or seek Him. No one knows the true God, or God’s will or purpose. 

하나님은 자기 지혜로 천지 만물을 창조하셨다. 이 하나님에 대해 알고자 하는 사람도 없고, 찾는 사람도 없다. 참 하나님을 아는 사람도 없고, 하나님의 뜻과 목적을 아는 사람도 없다. 

Today, People carry out their lives of faith with their scriptures, but there is no believer who understands the meaning of the prophecies that are recorded in them.

Every person lives by his or her own thoughts. However, no one knows neither their own selves nor the era that they live in.  

경서를 가지고 신앙을 하고는 있지마는, 기록된 예언의 뜻을 아는 신앙인도 없다. 사람은 누구나 자기 생각으로 살아간다. 하나 자기를 아는 사람은 없고, 시대를 아는 사람도 없다.

What made man’s mindset rusted and deteriorated like a rusted sword? 

At the First Coming, Jesus told the people of Israel to be born again, and that they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are born again with water and holy spirit (Jn 3:3-5). 

무엇이 녹슨 칼같이 사람의 정신을 녹슬게 변질시켰을까? 예수님 초림 때 예수님은 당시 이스라엘 백성들에게 다시 나라고 하셨고, 물과 성령으로 다시 나지 아니하면 천국에 들어가지 못한다고 하셨다(요 3:3-5). 

Jesus also said, “when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8).

그리고 주님이 세상에 다시 오실 때에도 믿음 가진 자를 보겠느냐고 하셨다(눅 18:8).

The true food that a believer must eat is God’s words of promise. Judgment is given through the words of the Bible as promised (Rv 20). We must believe the words of the promise.

신앙인이 먹어야 할 참 양식은 하나님의 약속의 말씀이다. 심판은 약속한 성경 말씀으로 한다(계 20장). 우리는 약속의 말씀을 믿어야 한다.

It is only when the Word is engraved into our hearts that we have the Word in us. 

Therefore, we must not bad-mouth others or behave inappropriaely. 

Instead, we must first examine ourselves and consider whether we have truly been created in accordance with the Word.

말씀을 깨닫고 마음에 새겨졌을 때 (비로소) 진정 이 말씀이 내 속에 들어 있는 것이 된다. 그러니 우리는 공연히 다른 사람을 헐뜯거나 잘못된 행동을 할 것이 아니라, 먼저 이 말씀대로 나 자신이 창조 되었는지를 생각해야 한다.


Looking at Shincheonji Volunteer Group which practice 'Love Your Neighbor' 2016 in Numbers

Looking at Shincheonji Volunteer Group which practice 'Love Your Neighbor' 2016 in Numbers

About 68,783 members of Shincheonji Volunteer Group touched the lives of 116,033 people across South Korea through the Shincheonji volunteering services last year. 

For these acts of service, Shincheonji was commended and received countless plaques of appreciation from various organizations and groups. 

The activities of the year 2016 of Shincheonji Volunteer Group can be seen through the following figures.

1) 105,738 = The total number of beneficiaries to receive Shincheonji Volunteer Group's help was 105,738 in 2016. 

Approximately 1 out of 15 people who receive basic living aid (1,554,484 people in 2015) was given a helping hand by Shincheonji Volunteer Group. 

With a focus on the alienated and vulnerable classes, Shincheonji Volunteer Group spreads warmth by helping those with disabilities, foreigners in Korea, spouseless elders, teen households, rural residents, 6.25 Korean War veterans, and elementary, middle, high, and college students.

2) 61,558 = Shincheonji Volunteer Group provided 61,558 volunteers in 2016. 

Members of Shincheonji Volunteer Group carry out monthly and weekly routine services and planned occasional services throughout the country.

Of the 61,558 volunteers more than 50,000 are regular weekly volunteers and about 10,000 provide short-term assistance in their spare time.

3) 6,557 = Every week Shincheonji Volunteer Group executes a variety of services simultaneously across the country. 

The total number of service days is 6,557 in 2016 (nationwide total by sectors). If depicted by years, the total of volunteer days amounts to 18 years.

4) 67 = Shincheonji Volunteer Group held social contribution activities in 67 out of 84 cities across the country. 

In other words, Shincheonji Volunteer Group shed its light on 80% of the total number of cities in Korea. 

Regardless of the city, province, or country, even if it is a rural town off the beaten track, Shincheonji Volunteer Group will rush anywhere there are neighbors in need.

5) 67 = Shincheonji Volunteer Group received 67 awards for volunteerism from the government, national assembly, and civic and private organizations in 2016. 

Shincheonji Volunteer Group was awarded 5 awards from the government and national organizations, 2 from the National Assembly, 14 from cities, provinces, and counties, and 46 from civic and private organizations.

More specifically, Shincheonji Volunteer Group’s volunteer work in regional development, welfare improvement, and growth of love for one’s country was the foundation of the awards.

6) 11 = The voluntary sectors of Shincheonji Volunteer Group in addition to the 6 core projects. 

△Welfare for the elderly △Care for the disabled △Support for foreigners in Korea and multicultural families △Support for the marginalized classes △Lending a helping hand to rural areas △Disaster recovery △Blood donation △Support for veteran groups △Regional development △Public service campaigns △Environmental protection. These are 11 of the sectors that Shincheonji Volunteer Group are active in.

Activities of Shincheonji Volunteer Group do not only focus on helping the vulnerable and alienated classes but are also spreading gradually into areas of regional development, culture, public service campaigns, and so forth.

We serve our community in thankfulness for the grace that was given to us, like how Jesus and his disciples did.

I'm proud of the fact that I'm a part of the Shincheonji volunteers which practice ‘Love Your Neighbor’ following Will of Jesus.

We have to lower ourself and serve others, we have to value fellow brothers and sisters, love them, and protect them. Always we have to remember Jesus who died in place of the sinners.

Let us retain noble hearts and good thoughts, and let us volunteer through the truth without having any national borders. 

★ previous Post 

From whom did we learn this work of volunteerism?

The six core projects of Shincheonji Volunteer Group, From whom did we learn this work?

The six core projects of Shincheonji Volunteer Group

Our headquarters in South Korea and our many international branches are actively volunteering. 

The six core projects of Shincheonji Volunteer Group can be seen through the images below.

“Door-to-Door Health Doctor”
cares and manages the health of the marginalized and foreigners in Korea.

▲ “Stories on the Wall”
renovates dilapidated walls into beautiful murals.

▲ “Love One’s Country, Sharing Peace”
A nation that forgets its past has no future!
This project is a cultural volunteer service to inherit the spirit of devotion to our country and to our people.

▲ “Hooray! 100 Years of Life!”
provides silver town cultural programs to the elderly and provides support for their emotions.

▲ “The Pink Wrapping Cloth”
delivers healthy lunchboxes to the spouseless elderly.

▲ ”Nature, Let's Go Green”
is an environmental cleanup service protecting the beautiful global village.

From whom did we learn this work of volunteerism?

Shincheonji Volunteer Group put into practice loving one’s neighbor to convey the love and sacrifice of Jesus. 

From whom did we learn this work of volunteerism? 

We learned it through the Bible, from Jesus, who was from Nazareth (commoner’s village), and his disciples. 

They volunteered 2,000 years ago by sacrificing their lives for the sake of all mankind. They did not work for power, money, honor, or their personal ambition. They were the light of the world. 

The true light that resulted from this work of volunteerism appeared as an inheritance of world peace, a fragrant flower that blossomed within the hearts of people. 

Every drop of Jesus’ blood that was shed on the hill of Golgotha is blossoming as a flower of peace. That was his work of volunteerism. 

We, like Jesus, have received the good seed of heaven and are sowing this seed in every corner of the earth make the flower of peace bloom. 

★ Next Post 

Looking at Shincheonji Volunteer Group which practice 'Love Your Neighbor' 2016 in Numbers


Shincheonji Volunteers Environment preservation program "Keeping the environment green"

Shincheonji Seoul James Volunteers Environment preservation program "Keeping the environment green" 

We had an invaluable experience as the Shincheonji volunteers. We felt rewarded  to do something for the community and helping the people.

Street cleaning could be important even if it is small things. I have always thought that it’s important for helpful to somebody.

Despite the cold weather, the Shincheonji Seoul James volunteers working for the "Keeping the environment green" program made significant progress in their Making Streets Beautiful campaign.

Volunteers have garnered favor from the local retailers by cleaning up the streets from Junnggye station to Nowon station. The volunteers swept and picked up trash left behind in areas inaccessible to street sweepers.

One nearby retailer praised the volunteers saying, "I am grateful to the volunteers for helping to clean our street in spite of the cold weather. We previously hadn't seen any organizations putting this much dedication into volunteering and improving their local community".

Shincheonji volunteers have been participating in six main programs this year including domiciliary care 'pink boljagi', culture programs for the elderly, medical house call services, and more.

I'm really glad that I'm a part of the Shincheonji volunteers which practice ‘Love Your Neighbor’ following Will of God who gave us light, rain and air to live on, without any condition.