
Luke 2:14, What is glory in heaven and peace on earth?

Luke 2:14, What is glory in heaven and peace on earth?

Among the bible story, I wish to tell whether talk that

glory in heaven and peace on earth(Luke 2:14)

I'm not that good either, but I hope this helps.

Main references: Luke 2:14, Luke 19:38-42

What is glory in heaven and peace on earth? 

It is the end of sin and wickedness, and of both physical and spiritual war. 

It is the coming of world peace and restoration of light. 

하늘의 영광과 땅의 평화는 어떤 것일까요? 

죄악이 끝나고 영육 전쟁이 종식되고, 세계 평화·광복이 있게 되는 것입니다.

It was also the message that an angel passed on to shepherds at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem(Luke 2:14).

Jesus’ disciples also offered praise with the same content (Luke 19:35-38).

Having heard this word the Pharisees said to Jesus,

"Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" 

Jesus replied to them,

"I tell you. If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Mt 23:33)

As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said,

“If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace

 but now it is hidden from your eyes” (Luke 19:41-42)

“The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against 

 you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. 

 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. 

 They will not leave one stone on another, 

 because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you” 

(refer to Lk 19:43-44; Mt 24:1-2)

누가복음 19장에 예루살렘 성에 가까이 온 예수님은 성을 보시고 우시며

“너도 오늘날 평화에 관한 일을 알았더면 좋을 뻔하였거니와, 지금 네 눈에 숨기웠도다.”

고 하셨습니다.

Because of this word Jesus was teaching,

the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the leaders among the people

were looking for the means to kill Jesus.(Luke 19:47-48)

Is today not like this? 

They were persecuting Jesus and labeling him 

as a heretic, a troublemaker, and a demon-possessed person,

just to cover up their faults, shortcomings, and their shamefulness. 

당시 유대 지도자들은 자기들의 잘못과 부족이 드러남과 창피함으로 인해 이를 가리고자

예수를 이단, 염병, 귀신들린 자라 하며 핍박했고,

심지어는 예수를 죽일 방침을 찾고 있었습니다.

오늘날도 이와 마찬가지입니다...

Roughly 2,000 years have passed by. 

What about today? 

Jesus spoke about how there would be betrayers, destroyers, and a savior regarding today.

He also stated that not one stone of the temple would be left on another, and that the destroyer would stand in the holy place.

At that time, the pastors in the temple and their congregation will receive the mark from the destroyers and worship them.

Whoever does not worship them will get killed.

Those who kill people will think,

“This is the way to offer a service to God.” 

If a savior appears in the midst of this situation, how intensely he will get persecuted!

It becomes obvious how people will persecute the saviour at that time.

This is the small and narrow path of salvation. 

이 때로부터 2 천 년이 지난 오늘날은 어떠한가요? 

예수님은 오늘날을 가리켜, 배도자·멸망자·구원자가 있음을 말씀하셨고, 

‘성전은 돌 하나 없이 무너지고, 멸망자가 거룩한 곳에 선다.’고 하셨습니다.

이 때 성전의 목자와 성도가 멸망자에게 표 받고 경배하게 되고, 

경배하지 않는 자는 죽인다고 하셨습니다.

그런데 죽이는 자가 말하기를 ‘이것이 하나님을 믿는 예(例)라.’고 합니다.

이럴 때 구원자가 나타났으니 얼마나 핍박이 심하겠습니까?

이것이 좁고 협착한 구원의 길입니다.

It is not as easy as we think to attain salvation without understanding the prophecy regarding today.

Firstly, one must understand the word of the prophecy in the New Testament. 

Secondly, one must recognize the betrayers and the destroyers through the recorded promised word. 

Thirdly, one must know the promised savior.

6천 년 간의 역사와 오늘날에 대한 예언과 깨달음이 없이 구원받는 일이 쉬운 일만은 아닙니다.

첫 번째는 신약 성경의 예언의 말씀을 깨닫는 일입니다.

두 번째는 배도자와 멸망자를 기록된 약속의 말씀으로 알아야 합니다.

세 번째는 약속한 구원자를 알아야 합니다.

Such work is the will that God is going to accomplish.

They are carrying out their life of faith with incomplete faith, and they attend church habitually just as they always have been doing.

This is why corruption has slipped into people without them recognizing it.

Darkness has covered their hearts and thoughts so that they will not receive the revelation (i.e. the revealed word).

Even if salvation belongs to God, how can it enter into people if their hearts are shut?

이 일이 하나님께서 이루실 뜻이로되, 그저 세월 따라 형식적으로 교회에 출석하고 있으니, 

부패함이 자기도 몰래 숨어들어 와 어둠이 마음과 생각을 가리니, 계시를 받지 못하는 것입니다.

구원하고자 함이 하나님께 있다 할지라도, 마음 문이 닫혔으니 들어갈 틈이 없는 것입니다.

Two thousand years ago at the time of the First Coming,

Jesus stated how peace was hidden from the eyes of the people in Jerusalem. 

It was hidden from Jerusalem because Satan killed all the spirits 

of the saints in the Jerusalem temple through the snakes, the Pharisees.

It was also because they hated Jesus, the messenger of peace, and his words of peace.

Just as it says,

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men,” 

world war will only end when religious war—in which people dispute with one another,

claiming to have the truth—comes to an end. 

This is going to happen as the truth overcomes, and religions are unified through the truth. 

War will come to an end as Satan, the spirit of wickedness, is seized and locked up. 

It will be glory to God and peace to men as the God of peace retrieves the world he created and reigns over it. 

Today the whole world desires peace. 

Today the truth has triumphed over the world. 

Peace will come to each person as the God of peace reigns. 

Peace and restoration for you and me. Let us offer glory to our God.

2천 년 전 초림 때 ‘예루살렘에서 평화가 너희에게 가리워졌다.’는 말씀은 

사단이 바리새인들을 통해 예루살렘 성전 성도들의 영을 다 죽였기 때문이며, 

그들이 평화의 사자 예수님과 그가 하는 평화의 말을 싫어했기 때문입니다.

그리고 ‘하늘에는 영광이요, 땅에는 평화.’라고 하신 말씀처럼 

오늘날 서로 진리라고 다투는 종교 전쟁이 끝남으로 세상 전쟁도 끝나는 것입니다.

오늘날 진리로 세상을 이겼고, 평화의 하나님이 통치하심으로 

평화가 각인에게 찾아들 것입니다.

우리 모두 세계 평화를 위해 함께 기도해요.


k-pop songs 2014, Fly to the Sky comeback, You You You

k-pop songs 2014, Fly to the Sky comeback!

"You You You"

Fly to the Sky has finally reunited to drop their ninth album, 'CONTINUUM'!

Fly to the Sky come back in 5 years.

ⓒ 1theK, Fly to the Sky "You You You"

Fly to the sky occupied music chart 1st as new music 'You You You'.

20 day, Fly to the Sky exhibited ninth album 'CONTINUUM' through on-line music site.

Fly to the Sky comeback! ninth album, 'CONTINUUM'!

As title music 'You You You' is grand, sensual sound is impressive.

'You You You' of Fly to the sky is music that include pitiful contents that do not send lover who is separate.

Fly to the Sky harmonized beautifully, 

working together once more for a great partnership in which 

Hwanhee provides the deeper, 

Brian balances him out with a lighter, clearer voice.   

Actor Lym Jueun that play of "You You You" music video

Actor Lym Jueun played on "You You You" music video.

She played the part Bayan Khutugh(伯颜忽都) empress in MBC drama 'Gi empress(기황후,奇皇后)'.

She gave an impressive performance in drama 'Gi empress'.

She has shown pure and lively charm on title music 'You you you' music video of fly form more sky.

Heard Fly to the Sky's song after a long time.

So, so good!

Legendary duo-unit, Hwanhee-Brian! Fighting!!

이미지출처 : 에이치투미디어, 킹콩엔터테인먼트


What does the bible say about Shincheonji?

What does the bible say about Shincheonji?

How is the Bible doing proof about Shincheonji?

I wish to tell whether talk that the Bible is what about Shincheonji.

There is to inform first.

Word 'Shincheonji' does not speak 'Shinchonji'.

It is straight expression though speak 'Shincheonji'.

Forward, do not speak 'Shinchonji'. ^^;

What kind of place is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, 

the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony?

It is New Spiritual Israel and the temple that has been newly created after Spiritual Israel came to its end after 2,000 years.

“Shincheonji” refers to the new heaven and the new earth,

which refer to the newly-created tabernacle and the congregation members

after the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.

Prophecies regarding the creation of God’s new kingdom are recorded not only in the Book of Revelation,

but also in chapter 19 verses 28 to 29 of the Gospel of Matthew, which is one of the Four Gospels.

새 하늘 새 땅 이를 한자어로 표현한(新天地)란 계시록 21장에 잘 언급되어 있고,

이는 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어진 후 다시 창조된 새 시대의 장막과 성도들을 뜻합니다.

“Church of Jesus” means that 

the lord of Shincheonji is Jesus, and that the revelation of Jesus

meaning the doctrine of the New Testament, belongs to Jesus. 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is not a Presbyterian or a Calvinist church, 

and Shincheonji’s doctrine is not the Calvinist commentaries of the Presbyterian denomination.

Therefore, talk that Shincheonji serves 'A person' in scene is lie.

Shincheonji is serving God and Jesus.

'예수교'란 신천지의 교주가 예수님이란 뜻으로 신약의 교리가 예수님의 것이란 의미입니다.

따라서 신천지가 '사람'을 신처럼 추앙한다고 하는 소문은 거짓말입니다.

What does the bible say about “The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony”?

“The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony” means that it is a tabernacle which testifies to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and their fulfillment.

“the temple (holy place)” refers to the fact that it is the place where Holy God is; it is not an ordinary church.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony finally comes to appear when Revelation of the New Testament is fulfilled.

The temple created to testify to the fact that the former-heaven (first heaven and first earth), which is the heaven-tabernacle in Rv 13, has been destroyed by the enemies (refer to Mt 24:15) is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.

'증거장막(證據帳幕)'이란 요한계시록의 예언과 그 예언이 성취된 것을 증거하는 장막이란 의미입니다.

'성전(聖殿)'이란 거룩하신 하나님이 계신 곳을 지칭하며, 일반적인 교회가 아닙니다.

This temple is the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in Rv 15 where those who fought and overcame the pastors of the dragon at the location of Rv 12 come out to testify to the events of Rv 13 after seeing these events.

The tabernacle that appears in Rv 13 is different from the tabernacle that appears in Rv 15; the tabernacle in Rv 15 is a tabernacle that is created after the tabernacle in Rv 13 receives destruction.

It is only the promised temple of the tabernacle of the testimony where people can go to receive the testimony of the events of Revelation, and every other place that claims to testify to the events of Revelation is a fake.

What does the bible say about Shincheonji(新天地)?

Therefore, Shincheonji Church of Jesus and the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony come to exist because the prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled.

It is the kingdom and the temple at the time that has been promised. 

The names of all of the other denominations on the earth are names made up by men, not promised by God.

The names of the churches made up by the people themselves are only used until the era of Shincheonji comes; in the era of Shincheonji, the era of the former-heaven (the era of the churches) comes to an end.

This is spoken by God and the Bible—the first heaven and the first earth pass away, and the new heaven and the new earth begin in order to fulfill the promise (in this era, only the harvested become the chosen people in the era of Shincheonji).

This is like how Adam’s world came to its end when Noah’s era began, how Noah’s world came to its end when Moses’ era began, and how Moses’ world Israel(Physical Isral) came to its end when the era of Jesus’ gospel began.

Just as such, the churches of the era of Jesus’ gospel of the First Coming(Spiritual Isral) came to its end as the era of Shincheonji of Jesus’ Second Coming(New Spiritual Isral) began.

Although the former eras asserted their traditions and claimed to be orthodox without thinking about their own corruption, the former eras came to their ends due to the sin of their not believing in God’s promise.

What are events that must first take place in order for the era of promise and the kingdom of promise to appear?

Can get the answer if click below link!

Writing origin : Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony


korean pop star IU[ Flower Bookmark] 'My old tales' music site chart 1st

korean pop star IU[ Flower Bookmark]

'My old tales' music site chart 1st

아이유 '나의 옛날 이야기' 음악 사이트 차트 1위

'My old tales' of IU is recording 1st in music site real time chart.

In May 16, new album 'Flower Bookmark' of IU was exhibited,

'My old tales' is doing 1st continuously.

ⓒ New album 'Flower Bookmark' of IU, 로엔엔터테인먼트 제공

New album 'Flower Bookmark' of IU is remake album.

IU reinterpreted excellent song of elders by own style.

New album 'Flower Bookmark' most musics of IU are state that enter within music site 10th rank.


Most traffic fatalities are pedestrian

Most traffic fatalities are pedestrian

This year, according as more than traffic fatalities' half 

that happen in the Seoul city is detected by pedestrian and 

pedestrian accident increases, 

the police came in countermeasure preparation.

This year(1∼4 month), 71 people among 125 Seoul city traffic fatalities was pedestrian.

올해 서울 시내에서 일어난 교통사고 사망자의 절반 이상이 보행자라고 합니다.

1월부터 4월까지 서울 시내 교통사고 사망자 125명 중 71명이 보행자였는데요.

이는 서울 시내 교통사고 사망자의 56.8%에 달하는 수치입니다.

지난해 같은 기간 교통사고 보행자 사망자는 65명으로 올해 들어 6명이 늘어난셈이죠.

According to police, example by roadway jaywalking 27 (38%)s,

pedestrian crossing jaywalking 14 (19.7%)s etc..

pedestrian carelessness passed over 70% in deads middle.

Also, dead by vehicles for business with a bus or taxi was

the most to 40 people, and was expose with rain business 27 people,

two-wheeled vehicle 4 people etc..

차도 무단횡단 38%, 횡단보도 무단횡단 19.7%로

보행자 부주의로 인한 교통사고 사망자가 70%를 넘었다는 발표를 듣고

우리나라 안전불감증에 대해 생각해보게 됐습니다.

Specially, aged is 43.7% more than 65 years old among dead,

must lay a safety net to old man pedestrian.

특히 사망자 중 65세 이상 고령자가 43.7%를 차지해

노인 보행자를 대상으로 한 안전 대책을 세워야 합니다.

Accordingly, the police educate traffic safety visiting directly to old mans,

and decided to hand out reflection article that driver can recognize well.

It is the most important that pedestrian pays attention in safety.

이에 따라 경찰은 노인들에게 직접 방문해 교통안전교육을 하고, 

운전자가 잘 알아볼 수 있는 반사용품을 나눠주기로 했습니다.

무엇보다 보행자 스스로 안전에 유의하는 것이 가장 중요합니다.

ⓒ pixabay


Bible Study, The Testimony of the Counselor, John 16

Bible Study, The Testimony of the Counselor, John 16

Among the bible study, I will tell you about The Testimony of the Counselor(John 16)

I'm not that good either, but I hope this helps.

- Main reference: John 16:8-15 -

Bible study, The Spirit of truth Another counselor

As it is written in 1Jn 2:1,

Jesus was the Advocate or the Counselor at the First Coming.

The “another counselor” whom Jesus promised to send

is referring to the Counselor, the Spirit of truth,

mentioned in the reference verse.

The Counselor who comes from heaven is the Spirit of truth, 

and it is written that the Spirit of Truth will be inside a person(John 14:16-17).

Therefore, the person is clothed with the Spirit of Truth, 

while the Spirit of Truth is clothed with that person.  

These two entities become one, just as God and Jesus were one(John 10:30).

요한일서 2장 1절에 보면, 초림 당시 예수님을 대언자 곧 보혜사라고 했습니다.(난하주 참고)

그리고 요한복음 14장에 보면, 예수님은 '다른 보혜사'를 보내신다고 하셨는데요.

이 '다른 보혜사가 요한복음 16장에 나오는 '진리의 성령'입니다.

이 '진리의 성령'은 사람 안에 들어가 하나되어 역사를 합니다.

Bible study, Religion is a teaching

Religion is a teaching of heaven, and the one who teaches is,

first and foremost, the spirit.

The pastor who received the teaching

from the spirit and has been clothed by the spirit

is a true pastor who can do the work of God(John 3:31-34).

종교는 신의 가르침으로 가르치는 이는 먼저 성령입니다.

이 성령의 가르침을 받은 목자가 참 목자입니다.

Jesus said, “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, 

whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things 

and will remind you of everything I have said to you”(John 14:26)

John the Baptist came in the name of Elijah (Lk 1:17),

Jesus came in the name of God the Father (Jn 5:43),

The Counselor of the New Testament comes in Jesus’ name just as he (Jesus) promised.  

The Counselor takes from what is of Jesus and teaches it to the congregation members,

and it is written in Jn 16:14-15 that what belongs to Jesus belongs to the Father.

At that time, Jesus had much more to say, but he did not say it.

Instead, he handed it (the duty to say) over to the Counselor who was promised to come (John 16:12-13).

This Counselor is the Spirit of truth (Jn 15:26).

And the truth is the word of God (John 17:17).

예수님이 아버지 하나님의 이름으로 오셨듯이

예수님이 약속하신 신약의 보혜사는 예수님의 이름으로 오십니다.

이 진리의성령 보혜사는 예수님의 것을 성도들에게 가르칩니다.

Bible study, God's Advocate and Jesus's Advocate

Jesus, the Counselor at the First Coming, 

was the Advocate who spoke on behalf of God. (1Jn 2:1)

The Spirit of truth, the “another counselor” who comes in Jesus’ name,

is the Advocate who speaks on behalf of Jesus. (John 16:14-15, 14:16)

The pastor who is clothed with the Spirit of truth 

is also—together with the spirit—the Advocate 

who speaks on Jesus’ behalf. (Rv 19:10)

Thus, these two beings are the Advocate in the spirit and the Advocate in the flesh, the pastor.

초림 때의 보혜사인 예수님은 하나님의 대언자였습니다.

재림 때 예수님의 이름으로 오시는 '다른 보혜사'인 진리의 성령과 

이 진리의 성령을 입은 목자는 예수님의 대언자입니다.

이들을 가리켜 대언의 영, 대언의 목자라고도 부릅니다.

Bible study, Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment

Jesus told in advance the things the Counselor will speak of when he comes.

“When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt

  in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:

  in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me;

  in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father,

  where you will see me no longer; in regard to judgment,

  because the prince of this world now stands condemned” (Jn 16:8-11).

What are the sin, righteousness, and judgment that the Counselor, 

the Spirit of truth, whom Jesus promised to send, testifies?

☞ The Testimony of the Counselor: Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment

예수님께서 교회들을 위해 보내겠다고 약속하신 진리의 성령 보혜사가 오셔서 

증언하는 죄와 의와 심판은 어떤 것일지 위 링크를 클릭하시기 바랍니다.


Bible Story, God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed

Bible Story, God’s Seed, Abraham’s Seed

Among the bible story, I will tell you about the God's seed and Abraham's seed.

I'm not that good either, but I hope this helps.

Bible Story, Abraham's son, Ishmael and Issac

Abraham had a wife named Sarah, and Sarah had a maidservant named Hagar.

Abraham had First son born from Hagar, named Ishmael,

and another son born from Sarah, named Isaac.

Isaac was born from the woman of promise, while Ishmael was born from a servant.

(Gn 16 ~ 17, Gn 18:1-15, 21:1-7)

Bible Story, The standard to become child of Abraham

God spoke to Abraham(Gn 21:12),

“It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.”

God’s word of law is the standard to become Abraham’s child, born with Abraham’s seed.

Therefore, it can be said that one is only a gentile 

if he is not born with Abraham’s seed.

Ishmael was the older brother of Isaac.

Ishmael was born of Abraham’s seed ; so one may think,

“Why was Ishmael not born of Abraham’s seed?”

This is because God’s Word is the Law.

하나님께서 아브라함에게 말씀하시길 "이삭에게서 난 자라야 아브라함의 씨이다"라고 하셨습니다.

그런데 이스마엘은 아브라함의 씨로 난 아들이자 이삭이 형입니다.

그렇다면, '이스마엘은 아브라함의 씨가 아니란 말인가?'란 생각을 할 수 있습니다.

여기서 우리가 중점을 둬야 할 것은 '하나님의 말씀이 법'이란 것입니다.

아브라함의 씨가 되는 기준은 하나님이 지시하신 말씀입니다.

Bible Story, God’s work to accomplish His purpose

After Hagar and Ishmael were sent away from the house of Sarah and Isaac,

they resided in the Desert of Paran (the desert located in the middle of Sinai Peninsula);this desert was close to Egypt.

Since Ishmael married a woman from Egypt (Gn 21:8-21),

this event is synonymous with the event in Genesis 6,

when the son of God married the daughters of the earth and became the same flesh.

Sinai Peninsula is a desert where people cannot reside.

This is why people residing in this desert had no other choice but to move towards Egypt, ending up becoming one with Egyptians.

Afterwards, Abraham looked for Hagar and Ishmael and helped them.

The fact that Abraham, Jacob, and Jesus went to Egypt (Mt 2:13-23) 

and that Moses started his work in Egypt 

was all part of God’s work to accomplish His purpose.

Abraham’s maidservant, Hagar, was a woman from Egypt,
along with the wife of Ishmael (Gn 16:3, 21:9).

In fact, the Israelites who originated from Jacob, the son of Isaac, were a single people,
and were not to be married to others from different nations (Ex 34:15-16).

This was put into effect from the time of the Law.

아브라함이 애굽에 간 것도, 야곱이 애굽에 간 것도, 모세가 애굽에서역사를 시작한 것도,

예수님이 애굽에 가신 것도 하나님께서 역사를 이루시기 위한 과정중의 하나였습니다.

Bible Story, God promised a new scenario

Until the coming of Jesus, the people, or the descendants of Abraham,

who were born since the time of Adam(the betrayers),

were those born of the seed of flesh.

They constantly broke the covenants of God. 

For this reason, God promised a new scenario,

which He promised through the Old Testament prophets(Jer 31).

Jesus fulfilled this promise by sowing the seed,

which was the secrets of the kingdom of heaven

It was not the physical seed of Abraham, but it was God's seed. 

The sowing of this seed of God (Mt 13:24) 

was the new work and the new covenant

아담의 세계, 노아의 세계, 모세의 세계가 하나같이 하나님의 언약을 지키지 않았습니다. 

그리하여 하나니님은 새로운 시나리오를 약속하셨고,

이 약속을 예수님이 이루셨으니 곧 천국 비밀인 '시 뿌리는 일'이었습니다.

하나님의 씨를 뿌리는 것이 바로 새 일이며, 새 언약입니다.

Bible Story, harvest the fruit of the seed that was sown.

Those who are born of God’s seed are not born of natural descent, 

nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (Jn 1:13). 

The seed of the new covenant was sown, 

and it grew for the last 2,000 years (proclaiming of the gospel). 

Jesus returns to harvest the fruit of the seed that was sown.

According to Matthew 24 (v. 29-31), Luke 13 (v. 28-30), and Revelation 14 (v. 14-16),

those who harvest are Jesus and angels.

They harvest with sickles, which symbolize flesh.

In other words, the Lord uses people (who have the Word) to harvest

; the ones who harvest are both spirit and flesh.

Because Jesus and angels are spirits,

they harvest a flesh that is born of God’s seed.

This is why they use a flesh (a sickle) to harvest.

하나님의 씨로 난 자는 육과 혈통으로가 아닌 하나님께로서 난 자입니다.

새 언약의 씨는 2천년간 뿌려쪄 자라왔고,

예수님이 다시 오실 때는 뿌린 씨의 열매를 추수하기 위해 오십니다.

Bible Story, the resemblance of God’s image and likeness

Everyone born of God’s seed does not have the image of people born

of the seed of Adam (for example, Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses), the betrayer:

they bear the resemblance of God’s image and likeness. 

Although we are wearing our flesh as an external surface,

our inner person is born into God’s image, and is born only of God’s seed, 

not of Abraham’s seed and natural descent (man) nor of the seed of gentiles and man.

If one takes off his own flesh, his inner person will be shown.

If he clothes himself with the holy spirit, the clothes his flesh used to wear will disappear.

If one says he practices his faith, 

it means he knows the only true God and His will, 

and acts according to God’s will. 

In doing so, he can become God’s offspring and God’s child.

This is how one becomes the family of God’s kingdom (heaven).

하나님의 씨로 난 자는 하나님의 모양과 형상을 닮는 것입니다.

우리가 껍데기는 육신을 입었으나 속사람은 오직 하나님의 형상과 하나님의 씨로 된 것입니다.

우리가 신앙을 하는 것은 참 하나님을 알고, 그 뜻을 알고, 그 뜻대로 하는 것이며,

그렇게 함으로써 하나님의 자녀가 되는 것입니다.

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