
Quotes about life, The most terrible poverty

Quotes about life, The most terrible poverty

Life is a treasure...

There is plenty of comedy in life. 

Life is win a few, lose a few...

The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. 

(Teresa, Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu)

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

(Andre Gide)

When we were children, we used to think
that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. 
But to grow up is to accept vulnerability...
To be alive is to be vulnerable.

(Madeleine L'Engle)

When we follow our own thoughts and our own perceptions,
our life is filled only with pain and distress,
and emptiness is constantly added upon it.

This is why the Scriptures were made and given to us
—in God’s desire to make known truth to an ignorant world for a long time. 


Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
The light of life

The creator, God, is the light of life according to the scriptures (Jn 1:1-4). 

His son, Jesus, is also the light of life (1Jn 1:1-2; Jn 12:46). 

경서(經書)에서 본 창조주 하나님도 생명의 빛이었고(요 1:1-4), 
그의 아들 예수도 생명의 빛이었다(요일 1:1-2, 요 12:46). 

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
The light of true love

The light that came from heaven was the word of life that was granted to all mankind (Jn 1:1-4). 

It is the light of true love that provides the everlasting life to all creations 
just like the light, rain and air from heaven.

하늘에서 온 빛은 온 인류에게 주는 생명의 말씀이었다(요 1:1-4). 
천지 만물에게 변함없이 생명을 주는 하늘의 빛과 비와 공기 같은 참 사랑의 빛이다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
The unchangeable culture

The light from heaven is the heavenly culture that gives life to all things. 

This is the unchangeable culture of God who created all things in heaven and on earth. 

하늘에서 온 빛은 만물에게 생명을 주는 하늘 문화이다. 
이 문화는 천지 만물을 창조한 불변의 문화이다. 

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
The culture of heaven

The only possible means to renew and heal tainted creatures is the light of true love, the culture of heaven. 

Within this culture of heaven, there dwells the divine being of the creator, the Holy Spirit

때묻은 천하 만물을 새롭게 소성시킬 수 있는 것은 참 사랑의 빛 하늘 문화이다. 
이 하늘 문화 안에는 창조주의 신 성령이 함께하신다. 

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
The Holy Spirit of the creator

The one who knows the foundation of the creation of heaven and earth is the creator and the Holy Spirit of the creator knows even the deep things (the secret) of heaven and earth (1Cor 2:10).

This is the culture of heaven.

천지 창조의 근본을 아는 것도 창조주이시고, 창조주의 성령은 천지간 깊은 것(비밀)도 아신다(고전 2:10). 
이것이 하늘의 문화이다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
For whom did they have to die? 

Why, why and why do young men around the world have to die?

For whom do they have to die? 

왜, 왜, 왜, 지구촌에 피어나는 수많은 꽃 같은 청년들이 누구를 위해 아무 이유 없이 죽어 가야 하나? 

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
A world without war and without death

The sacrifice of their lives is greater than the universe. 

The wish of the deceased souls is surely world peace and the restoration of light

Their wishes must have been to live in a world without war and without death

이 생명의 희생은 우주보다 더 크건마는, 말이 없는 그 영혼들의 바람은 세계 평화와 광복이었으리라. 
전쟁 없는 세상, 죽음 없는 세상 말이다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
Why do we have to fight against one another? 

Everyone living on this globe belongs to one family that surpasses national borders, races or religions. 

Why do we have to fight against one another? 

Why do people have to kill others? Our lives are granted by the light, rain and air from heaven?

국경도 인종도 종교도 구별 없이 지구촌은 한 가족이다. 
왜 싸워야 하나? 하늘의 빛과 비와 공기로 준 생명을 왜 죽여야 하나?

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
If religions of the world are united...

If religions of the world are united, the world will also be unified. 

In order for the religions to be united, all religions must be overcome by the truth

The truth of the culture of heaven belongs to heaven, and it must be given by heaven.
종교가 통일되면 세상도 통일된다. 

종교가 통일되려면 모든 종교들을 진리로 이겨야 한다. 

하늘 문화의 진리는 하늘에 있고, 하늘에서 받아야 한다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
World peace and the restoration of light

The new era, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. New Heaven and New Earth), was created through the culture of heaven. 

Let’s bring peace and the restoration of light to ourselves and to the world through the culture of heaven. 

The one who can accomplish this is a person of the culture of heaven, 
who has seen and heard what was in heaven and who has received commands from above.

새 시대인 신천지 시대는 하늘 문화로 창조된다. 하늘 문화로 자기 자신과 세상의 평화와 광복을 이룩하자. 
이를 창조할 수 있는 사람은 하늘에서 보고 듣고 지시받아 온 하늘 문화인(文化人)이다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
New Heaven and New Earth

In the dark night, is the cold of winter.

The hard soil gets wet by the spring rain.

Plants sprout and burst forth from the melted ground.

The birds of heaven follow the scent of the wind.

The day breaks, a historical song, it is a good time and a good season when
the heaven and the earth are in harmony.

깊은 밤 엄동설한(嚴冬雪寒) 굳은 땅 봄비에 젖어 녹은 땅 새 싹 꽃 피고,
바람 향기 찾아온 천조(天鳥)들 역사 깊은 노래 소리 동이 튼다.

Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image 
My heaven, the everlasting paradise

Out of the heaven, earth, and all things, the eternal youth and immortality,
every creature waits for the fortune of Shincheon (new heaven)
the spiritual man of Cheonji (heaven and earth) is good.

It is the eternal spring with the songs of the birds of heaven by the side of the running stream.

The beautiful flowers are dancing, 
the clapping sound of the mountains and streams, overwhelmed,
by the wind, on the cloud, the flying visitors.
It is my heaven, the everlasting paradise.

때는 좋아 호시절(好時節)은 천지조화(天地造化)
천지만물지중 불로불사 초락도(不老不死初樂道)
만물고대 신천운(萬物苦待新天運) 천지영인(天地靈人) 좋을시고.
사시장춘(四時長春) 봄일세.
흐르는 시냇가에 천조들의 노랫소리 아름다운 꽃들 둥실둥실 춤 나온다.
산천초목 잎들 손뼉 소리 풍미에 젖고, 바람 타고 구름 타고 날아오는 손들

여기가 나의 천국 영원한 낙원일세.

ⓒ The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 

Light of Life, the Culture of Heaven

The Belief, Creation, & Faith of Shincheonji, The Church of Jesus


Shincheonji Beliefs, The Reason Why People Fight

Shincheonji Beliefs, The Reason Why People Fight

It is beautiful that on Earth we live together cooperating with love, joy and feeling grateful to one another.

It is happiness to live life loving all creation pleasantly and beautifully.

사람들이 같이 살아가는 지구촌에서 함께 상생의 길로 가며 서로 협조하고 사랑하고 감사하며 
기쁘고 즐겁게 사는 것이 아름다운 일이다. 

Shincheonji Beliefs
light, rain, and air

The sky provide all things in the Earth with light, rain, and air without a cost.

Nevertheless, all things don’t seem to be grateful to light, rain, and air.

God’s grace (favored by nature) comes to people fairly.

Should people with God’s great grace fight against each other or curse to harm others? 

만물을 사랑하고 즐겁고 예쁘게 사는 것이 행복이다. 
하늘은 지구촌 만물에게 말없이 빛과 비와 공기를 주어 살게 한다. 
아무 대가도 없이 값 없이 주고 있다. 
그럼에도 만물은 빛과 비와 공기에게 감사하다고 생각하는 일이 별로 없는 것 같다. 
사람은 하나님으로부터 똑같은 은혜를 입고 살아간다. 
이 큰 은혜를 입은 사람이 서로 다투고 싸워야 하겠는가? 
서로 해려고 저주를 해야 하겠는가? 

Shincheonji Beliefs
What controls people to make them fight against each other?

In the spiritual world there are God’s world (the world of the holy spirits) and Satan’s world(the world of the evil spirits).

There are two kinds of spirits : the holy spirit and the evil spirit.

In addition, in the physical world there are two kinds of people :
people who belong to God and people who belong to Satan.

무엇이 사람을 주관하기에 서로 싸우는가?  
영계는 하나님의 세계(성령의 세계)와 사단의 세계(악령의 세계)가 있으며, 
영도 성령과 악령의 두 가지 존재가 있다. 
그리고 육계에도 하나님 소속과 사단 소속의 두 가지 사람이 있다.

People with God’s grace (light, rain, and air) should live loving each other with a heart of gratitude. 

The reason why people fight with one another is because this is a practical joke of the spirits.

It is like clouds floating in wind.

Just as clouds float by wind, not by their will, people fight by gods controlling them. 

The word was referred to as gods (refer to Jn 10:35, Jn 1:1).

When people fight they fight with the word. 

The reason they fight is because of the different words and the different gods. 

다 같이 하나님께 창조받고 은혜(빛, 비, 공기 등)를 입은 사람들은 서로 사랑하며 고맙게 살아야 할 것이다. 
이 같은 사람이 싸우는 이유가 있다면 그것은 신의 장난일 것이다. 
바람에 밀려가는 구름같이 말이다. 
구름이 밀려감이 자기의 뜻이 아니라 바람에 의해 움직이는 것같이, 
사람들이 싸우는 것도 신의 뜻에 의해 움직이는 것이다. 
말을 신이라 하였다(요 10:35, 요 1:1 참고). 싸울 때는 말로 싸운다. 
싸우는 동기는 같은 말, 같은 신이 아니기 때문이다. 

Shincheonji Beliefs
God's World VS Satan's World

This means that different gods use people as their weapon controlling them to fight.

Then why do they fight?

It is because of their different thoughts.

서로 간의 싸움은 서로가 상극(相剋)인 신이 사람을 주관하여 사람을 무기로 싸우는 것이다. 
그러한데 왜 싸우는가? 다르다면 생각이 다를 것이다. 

Shincheonji Beliefs
What makes people think differently? 

It is because of  the different gods who control people. 

The bible records that they will be divided, father against son and husband against wife,
brother against brother and friend against friend.

This is described well in Mt 3:11-12 and Lk 12:49-53.

Namely, Jesus baptized people with the Holy Spirit and with fire (the word of judgment)
and said that people would be in distress because of the Holy Spirit and with fire and
also said that we should judge this ‘time(age)’ and this ‘event’ when you see this event(Lk 12:54-57).

사람들의 생각이 다른 것은 무엇 때문인가? 
생각을 움직이는 무형체의 신이 있고, 그 신이 각각 다르기 때문이다. 
성경에 본바 부자지간에, 부부지간에, 형제지간에, 친구지간에 싸우고 원수가 된다고 하였다. 
그 이유는 마태복음 3:11-12, 누가복음 12:49-53에 잘 나타나 있다. 
즉, 예수님은 성령과 불(심판의 말씀)로 세례를 주셨고, 성령과 불로 인해 환난(患難)이 있게 된다고 하셨다. 
그리고 이런 일을 보거든 이 ‘때(시대)’와 이 ‘일’을 판단하라고 하셨다(눅 12:54-57).

Shincheonji Beliefs
We can know the spirit inside the person 
through the actions.

From the reading above, you would know which spirit you need to belong to you.

When you see a person who lies, has evil actions, and is prideful, you can discern which spirit is within them.

In order wards, We can know the spirit inside the person through the actions.

1 Corinthians 3:9 says that a person is God’s building and God’s field.

Depending on the spirit that enters inside the house of an individual,
the actions will reflect the actions of the spirit (refer to Mt 7:15-20)
and that person becomes someone who belongs to that particular spirit.

앞에서 살펴본바, 두 가지 신 곧 두 가지 영 중 어떤 영의 소유자가 되어야 할지를 알 것이다. 
거짓말과 악행과 교만을 보면 그 영을 알 수 있다.
즉, 그 행동으로 그 사람 속에 있는 영을 알 수 있는 것이다. 
고린도전서 3:9에 사람을 집과 밭이라고 하였다. 
집인 사람에게 어떤 신(영)이 들어가는가에 따라,
그 행동은 그 신의 행동이 되고 그 사람은 그 신의 사람이 된다.

A person may speak beautifully, and his heart may be beautiful.

However, having the spirit of knowledge dwell in a person is more beautiful.

어떤 사람이 아름답게 말하고 그 사람의 마음이 아름다울지라도 
그 사람에게 지혜의 신이 함께 한다는 것이 더 아름다운 것이다.


Two Kinds of Spirits and Three Types of People

The Mindset of the Pastor & Heavenly People at the End of the Age


Shincheonji Church of Jesus, How to read the Bible

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, How to read the Bible

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
How to read the Bible

When reading the Bible, one should start from the cover of the Bible and the table of contents.

Then, he should read in detail starting from the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis 1:1.

He must pray before and after reading.

The words he read must remain in his heart, 
and he must think about those words as if he is breathing them. 

The words of the Bible are the teachings of God, 
and they are the true food for one’s mind (heart).

The Bible explains who recorded the books, whose sons they are (lineage),
and the content of what they saw and heard from God.

By reading from the first to the last chapters, one can understand the content of the book.

성경을 읽을 때는 성경책 겉표지와 기록된 차례를 본 후, 
구약 성경 맨 첫 권인 창세기의 1장 1절에서부터 상세하게 읽어야 하고, 
읽기 시작할 때와 끝날 때마다 기도해야 한다. 
읽은 말씀이 마음에 있어야 하고, 그 말씀을 호흡같이 생각해야 한다. 
성경 말씀은 하나님의 교훈이요, 내 정신(마음)의 참 양식이다.
기록자는 어느 때 누구의 아들이며(족보), 
내용은 무엇에 대해 하나님으로부터 보고 들은 것이라고 기록되어 있다. 
그리하여 1장에서부터 끝 장까지 읽음으로 내용을 알 수 있다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Whenever someone reads or hears the Word

Whenever someone reads or hears the Word,
he must do so based on the 5 W’s and 1 H—meaning, he must always think,
“Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How” when reading the Word.

읽을 때나 들을 때나 육하원칙(六何原則)에 입각하여야 한다. 
곧, ‘누가, 언제, 어디서, 무엇을, 어떻게, 왜 했는가?’를 생각하며 읽어야 한다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The people who recorded the Bible and
The one reading the Bible

God is in the “heavens,” while the people (entities) who appear throughout the content of the Bible are mostly the chosen people on “earth.”

Those who saw and heard the things from God were the people who recorded the Bible (prophets, and others).

And “I” (the one reading the Bible) am the one who reads the words recorded by those who heard and saw the things from God.

성경 내용에 나오는 사람들(존재)은 ‘땅’에서는 대개 선민들이었고, ‘하늘’에서는 하나님이었다. 
그리고 보고 듣는 자는 기록한 사람(선지자 등)이다. 
듣고 보고 기록한 사람의 글을 보는 자는 ‘나’(성경을 읽는 자)이다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The reason for reading the Bible

The reason for reading the Bible is to know what God and the prophets spoke about (the content).

When the reader comes across content he does not understand or cannot know, he must make separate notes of those verses.

읽어 보는 이유는 하나님과 선지자가 기록한 말씀(내용)이 무엇을 말씀하셨는가를 알기 위해서이다. 

읽을 때 이해가 되지 않거나 알 수 없는 내용이 나올 때에는 그 구절을 별도로 기록해 두어야 한다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The Content of the Bible

Recorded within the past history are what have occurred,
the moral instructions from God, prophecies that will be fulfilled in the future,
the promised pastor who fulfills the prophecies and the fulfillment of the prophecies themselves, and what are yet to be fulfilled.

In terms of the eras, there are the old things (past events) and the new things,
and there also are the fulfillment of the old promises, and the promise which will be fulfilled.

Events of the times of Noah, Moses, and Jesus’ first coming have been fulfilled,
and what is promised in the New Testament, the Book of Revelation,
is a prophecy that will be fulfilled.

Within the Old and the New Testaments, everything has been fulfilled other than Revelation.

지나간 역사 속에 있었던 일들이 있고, 하나님의 교훈의 말씀이 있으며, 장래에 있게 될 예언이 있고, 
이 예언을 이룰 약속의 목자와 예언이 성취된 것이 있으며, 아직 이루지 못한 것이 있다.
시대적으로는 옛것(과거사)이 있고 새것이 있으며, 옛 약속을 이룬 것이 있고 이룰 것을 약속한 것이 있다. 
노아 때, 모세 때, 예수님 초림 때의 일은 이룬 것이며, 신약에서 약속한 계시록은 이룰 것을 예언한 것이다. 
구·신약 성경 중 계시록 외에는 다 이룬 것이다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The steps for understanding the true meanings 
in the Bible

1. First, one must read the Bible.

2. One must know the basic knowledge about the Bible (equivalent to   the kindergarten level in the Bible study process).

3. Introductory Level Study : Study of the physical entities of the parables.

4. Intermediate Level Study : Study of the prophecies and their fulfillment in specific chapters of the Bible.

5. Advanced Level Study : Study of the prophecies and the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.  In every era, there were the chosen people who betrayed, the enemies (the ones who oppose), also known as the the destroyers, and the savior.

성경 전서의 참뜻을 알기 위해 알아야 할 순리
1. 먼저, 성경을 읽는 일이다.
2. 성경에 대한 상식(성경 공부 과정의 유치원 수준)을 알아야 한다.
3. 초등 과정 공부 : 비유에 대한 실체를 공부한다.
4. 중등 과정 공부 : 각 장(章)으로 들어가, 예언과 그 성취에 대하여 공부한다.
5. 고등 과정 공부 : 신약 계시록의 예언과 그 성취에 대해 공부한다. 시대마다 선민이 있었고 
이 선민이 배도하였으며, 대적자, 멸망자가 있었고, 구원자가 있었다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The Betrayer and The Destroyer and The Savior

As seen in the prophecies, the chosen people betray and the gentile destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior, appear.  

Each fulfills all their work recorded in the Bible.

By seeing the actions of these three entities, one can know who the betrayers and the destroyers are, and know who the savior is.

The words of promise, the books of prophecies, make known these three entities.  

If one does not know about these three entities, he can mistake the savior as the destroyer or the betrayer.

As seen in the events of the 6,000 years of history since the time of Adam in Genesis, when one era becomes corrupt, a new era comes and things are created anew.

When these events take place, one will be able to perceive and distinguish these things if he has the biblical knowledge.

기록된 예를 보면, 선민의 배도와 이방 멸망자와 약속의 목자 구원자가 출현하여, 
성경에 기록된 자기의 일을 이룬다.
이 세 존재의 행동을 보아 배도자와 멸망자를 알 수 있고, 구원자를 알 수 있다. 
이 세 존재를 알게 한 것이 약속의 말씀인 예언서이다. 
이 세 존재를 알지 못하면 구원자를 멸망자 또는 배도자로 오해하게 된다.
창세기의 아담 때로부터 6천 년 간의 역사 속에 있었던 사건들을 보면, 
한 시대가 부패되었을 때 새 시대가 있게 되고, 새것으로 창조하게 된다. 
이 때의 사건들은, 먼저 나에게 성경의 지식이 있어야 깨닫게 되고, 구분할 수 있다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Reading the Bible, the divine scripture

Reading the Bible, the divine scripture, is reading to know God’s heart.  

And it is to know the era and the promise.

The one who claims that he believes and perceives, and claims to carry a life of faith,
will eventually suffer the consequences if he carries his life of faith for the purpose of
gaining authority, wealth, worldly pride (boasting), or fame.

The more one perceives, the more humble he becomes. 

He must deny himself with the heart of wanting to flee from death towards life, 
and be recreated into a new person of faith, a new creation.

Let us read a verse from the Bible (Jesus' words).

신서인 성경을 읽는 것은 하나님의 마음을 아는 것이며, 때와 약속을 알기 위한 것이다. 
깨달아 믿고 신앙을 한다는 자가 세상적으로 높아지기 위해서, 
또는 권세나 부귀나 세상의 자랑이나 명예를 위해서 신앙을 하는 것은 
도리어 자기에게 해(害)가 된다.
깨달을수록 낮아지고, 사망에서 생명으로 달려가는 심정으로 자기를 부인하고
새 사람으로 창조받아 새 피조물로 거듭나기 위한 신앙인이 되어야 한다.
성경 한 구절(예수님의 말씀)을 보기로 한다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The purpose of our life of faith

When one perceives the true meaning of the Bible,
he can understand the true meaning of Jesus' words.

The purpose of our life of faith is to walk on the Way, away from the eternal punishment in hell toward eternal life in heaven.

성경의 참뜻을 깨달으면 예수님의 말씀의 참뜻을 알게 될 것이다.

우리의 신앙의 목적은 영벌의 지옥에서 천국으로 들어가는 도의 신앙이다. 

ⓒThe correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji

The Words of Promise, Their Meanings, and Biblical Knowledge

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Biblical Knowledge

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Biblical Knowledge

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The Word since the beginning

The Word since the beginning is referred to as “the Way,” (Jn 1:1), 
because it is the path to heaven.

Just as there are laws (national and international laws) in this world,
there are laws in the kingdom of heaven as wellthe Holy Bible.
(refer to Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12)

태초의 말씀을 도(道)라 하였으니 곧 천국 가는 길이다.
이 세상에도 법(국법, 국제법 등)이 있는 것같이, 하늘나라에도 법이 있으니 곧 성경 전서이다. 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The knowledge of the words in the Bible

Just as there are people who are knowledgeable and who are ignorant in the world,
there are those who are knowledgeable and those who are ignorant in the world of faith as well.  

God said, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge,” (Hos 4:6).

This knowledge is referring to the knowledge of the words in the Bible.

That is why if the one, due to his lack of Biblical knowledge,
adds or takes away from Revelation he will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Thus, if one does not know, he must learn.

이 세상에도 지식인과 무식자가 있는 것같이, 신앙 세계에도 지식자와 무식자가 있다. 
하나님께서 “내 백성이 지식이 없으므로 망하는도다(호 4:6).”고 하셨으니, 
이 지식은 성경 말씀을 두고 하신 말씀이다. 
그러므로 성경 지식이 없어 계시록을 가감하면 천국에 가지 못한다고 한 것이다. 
모르면 배워야 한다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The Meaning of “Bible”

Meaning of “Bible”: The Bible is also referred to as “the Holy Scriptures,” 
and it is a collection of 66 books.

The Bible is divided into the Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books).

The names of the people who recorded the books and the number of the chapters of each book can also be found.

Why is the Bible called, “the Holy Scriptures?” 

Although it is recorded by man, God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth,
spoke to them and showed them what to write.

Because what are recorded are God’s words, it is called the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

‘성경’의 뜻 : ‘성경’이란 ‘거룩한 책’이라는 말이다. 
성경 전서라 함은 성경 66권을 모아 하나로 묶었다는 말이다.
구약이 39권이고, 신약이 27권이다. 기록자와 기록한 장수가 나와 있다.
왜 거룩한 책이라 하였는가? 
기록자는 사람이로되, 기록자에게 말씀하시고 보여 주신 분은 천지 창조주 하나님이시기 때문에 
하나님의 말씀을 거룩한 책 곧 성경이라고 한 것이다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Attitude when reading the Bible

What kind of attitude should a reader have when reading the Bible? 

What is recorded in the Bible are not words of man, such as the kings and presidents of the world.

Therefore, the reader must read each word carefully and write it in the tablet of his heart.

Furthermore, one must read the words of the Bible with a heart of prayer and faith, as if he is seeing God Himself.

성경을 읽는 자세 : 어떤 자세로 읽어야 하는가? 
성경은 세상의 왕이나 대통령의 말 등 사람의 말이 아니다. 
그러므로 시작부터 한 말씀 한 말씀 조심조심 받아 마음 판에 새겨야 한다. 
뿐만 아니라 책의 말씀을 볼 때 하나님을 보는 것같이 하여 기도하는 마음과 믿음으로 읽어야 한다.

ⓒThe correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
The Words of Promise, Their Meanings, and Biblical Knowledge

[Shincheonji News]Why going to Shincheonji Church? "Because of excellence of words"

[Shincheonji News]Why going to Shincheonji Church?
"Because of excellence of words"

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

The crisis of the church being about to be shut down for Shincheonji

Even if Shinchonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji) are taught heresy to believers, many pastors have complained of difficulty for believers which flock to Shincheonji.

Someone among pastors who taught Shincheonji as heresy says "80% of Shincheonji's words are correct".
Actually they allow the Shincheonji's doctrine.

In part, "Shincheonji doctrine theft problem" has been happening.

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

Shincheonji, rapid growth despite religious and social negative perceptions

Not only the religious world but also academic world has taken notice of Shincheonji which is rapidly growing even in situations where Christians rapidly decreases.

In the past, a large parts of researches and papers related to Shincheonji concluded that "Shincheonji is a cult".

Also, claims of believers who converted Shincheonji to general church were considerably analysed.

But other claimes didn't receive any attentions.

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

The reason of choosing Shincheonji, Words of excellence

Seoul Graduate School of Religious Studies master's thesis,
cause analysis of growth with the religious confessions in Shincheonji

However, Seoul graduate School of religious Studies literature master's thesis (A Study on the converted cause of Shin-Cheon-Ji devotee, Lee Jung Eun, 2013)  shows stark contrast with the existing analysis in that the paper tries to put away prejudice.

It compares the writings of 79 people who went to Shincheonji (the online articles in The Correct Understanding of BIble and Shincheonji) with the writings of 39 people who converted Shincheonji to general church (video recording and homepage online Articles) through Association of Korean Christian Heresy Counseling Center.

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

Academia analysis... "Because of excellence of words"

This paper refers to Shincheonji as "new religion that recevies socially significant interest for vigorous activities."

The purpose of the study is looking objectively about why a lot of people go towards Shincheonji in spite of the negative perceptions.

According to the paper, the most important factor is "Word of excellence and the idea of being able to concentrate on religious spiritual craving".

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

Exiting churches are insufficiently competitive in point of doctrine

"Unlike other churches giving the fragmentary messages, 
Shincheonji's words thoroughly based on Bible are sacred words that explain all things can", it describes.

Also, "By comparison, other churches' messages are exceedingly poor in terms of doctrine- competitiveness compared to Shincheonji's words.", it analyzed

On the other hand, about the reason converting Shincheonji to general church through Association of Korean Christian Heresy Counseling Center, common causes are not presented.

And the paper is finished, accenting "Description is needed".

Last 4th, Lee Jung Eun (Seoul National University Religious Studies PhD) announced the results of these studies at the academic presentation which Korea Christian History Society  held. The religious world also showed great interest.

As a result of analyzing more than 30 writings published in Shincheonji online community "The Correct Understanding of BIble and Shincheonji",
"For excellence of words, I go to Shincheonji" were confirmed commonly".

Why going to Shincheonji Church?

The considerable surge of not only domestic believers but also foreign!

Last year in June, Stan (22, Kenya, Africa) met at graduation ceremony site of Shincheonji John tribe said that "That I realized the revealed words and came to Shincheonji is the best in my life."
and "rather than graduated from seminary, it seems to have graduated from heaven".

For "words of excellence",
cases that believers leave the existing church and go to shincheonji church are increasing not in Korea also abroad.


[Shincheonji TV] True religion is taught to the people by God of heaven

[Shincheonji TV] True religion is taught to the people by God of heaven

In the world, there are religions established by the state and the society, 
a religion that was once true but is now formless due to corruption, 
and a worldly religion that abuses its authority and considers religion as a form of business.

세상 안에는 국교가 있고 사교가 있으며, 참 종교가 부패로 인해 변질된 것이 있고, 
권위를 앞세우고 종교를 사업체로 여기는 세상교가 있다.

Shincheonji TV
The end of religions

In the same way that Satan the serpent brought destruction upon 
Adam and Eve by giving them the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, 
destruction is occurring today in Revelation.  

All nations are made to drink Satan’s wine of adultery (Rv 17 ~ 18) and as a result they fall. 

This is why it is called the end of religions.  

뱀 곧 사단이 아담, 하와에게 선악과를 먹여 멸망시킨 것같이, 
오늘날 계시록에서도 사단의 음행의 포도주를 먹여 만국을 무너지게 하였으니(계 17-18장), 
이는 종교 말세이다. 

Adam’s world returned to flesh due to the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and was finally put to an end.  

Noah’s world ended due to the same sin of Adam’s world. 

Physical Israel ceased to be God's chosen kingdom and priests 
at the time of King Solomon because he served foreign gods.

Not only that, but Spiritual Israel (God’s new chosen kingdom and priests) 
also ended due to their betrayal, causing all nations to fall by the same sin of Adam’s world.  

This happens as all nations drink the wine of adultery, which is like the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

God created a new era as the previous eras all became corrupt: 

Adam’s world → Noah’s world → Moses’ world → the world of Jesus’ first coming → the world of Jesus’ second coming. 

아담의 세계가 선악과로 인해 육으로 돌아갔고 멸망받아 끝났으며, 
노아의 세계도 아담 세계같이 같은 죄로 인해 끝났으며, 
육적 이스라엘 모세의 세계도 솔로몬 때 이방 신을 섬김으로 끝났다. 
영적 세계인 예수님 초림의 세계도 아담 세계같이 선악과 곧 음행의 포도주로 인해 만국이 무너져 끝났다.
하나님은 시대마다 한 시대가 부패함으로 새 시대를 창조해 오셨다. 
아담 세계 → 노아 세계 → 모세 세계 → 초림 예수님 세계 → 재림 예수님 세계로 말이다. 

Shincheonji TV
True religion is taught to the people by God of heaven

True religion is taught to the people by God of heaven, and the people learn from God.  

참 종교는 하늘의 하나님이 사람에게 가르치는 것이며, 사람은 하늘의 하나님께 배우는 것이다.

Shincheonji TV
True religion is the faith in the fulfillment.

In each generation God prophesied what He will fulfill in the future, 
and after that prophecy spread God indeed fulfilled 
it through the promised pastor.  

This is what He calls us to believe (Jn 14:29).  

This is true religion.  

하나님은 시대마다 장래에 이룰 것을 미리 예언하셨고, 
그 예언이 전파된 후에 약속한 목자에게 오시어 이루셨다. 
이를 믿으라 하신 것이다(요 14:29). 이것이 참 종교이다. 

Shincheonji TV
It is not a true religion
if it does not have prophecy and fulfillment.

We cannot assume that a religion is “true” simply because it teaches how to be kind and do good deeds.  

It is not a true religion if it does not have prophecy and fulfillment.  
Its teachings are not the Words of God.  

It is nothing more than self-taught commandments and wisdom created by men.  

선하고 착한 일을 하라는 말들을 한다고 해서 종교로 오해해서는 안 된다. 
예언과 성취함이 없는 것은 종교가 아니며, 하나님의 말씀이 아니다. 
이는 자의적인 것으로 자기의 지식과 사람의 계명에 불과한 것이다. 

Shincheonji TV
God clears one era that is corrupt!

The Bible talks about “the end, the last days, the end of the age.” 

It is talking about one era that that passes away.  

Why would it pass away?  

It is because it has become corrupt.  

God clears one era that is corrupt and again creates a new era.  

This is what the Bible has been talking about.  

Those who understand the words of the prophecy 
and therefore understand the current era will not be pulled by the era that passes away. 

Rather, they will do whatever it takes to be a part of the creation of the promised new era.

성경에는 ‘말세다, 종말이다. 세상 끝이다.’하는 말이 있다. 이는 한 시대가 끝나는 것을 말한다. 
왜 끝나는가? 부패했기 때문이다. 
하나님께서는 부패한 한 시대를 청산하고, 새 시대를 다시 창조하신다. 
성경이 말한 것은 바로 이것이다. 
예언의 말씀을 깨달아 이 때를 아는 자는 끝나는 시대에 매여 끌려가지 않고, 
약속한 새 시대의 창조에 들기를 힘쓸 것이다.

Shincheonji TV
The end of religions

No matter what man may say and do, 
God will still fulfill according to what was promised in Revelation. 

Take Revelation as a mirror and reflect upon yourself.  

What do you see? 

The words of this book will be the judge.

하나님은 누가 뭐라 할지라도 약속하신 계시록대로 이루신다. 
계시록을 거울로 삼아 자기에게 비춰 보라. 
어떻게 나타나는가? 이 책의 말씀으로 심판을 받게 된다.

Shincheonji TV
The events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation

When the New Testament fulfills, the events of betrayal, destruction, 
and salvation recorded in Revelation will happen in a blink of an eye.  

This will give you an idea of the situation of this world at the fulfillment of the New Testament. 

신약이 성취되는 때에는 계시록의 배도, 멸망, 구원의 사건이 숨가쁘게 나타나 해결될 터이니, 
이 시대의 형편이 어떠할 것인지 가히 짐작하리라고 믿는다.

The order of appearance of the three entities is as follows: 

first the seven stars (the betrayer), 
second—Satan’s group the destroyer, 
and last but not least the savior (2 Thes 2:1-3). 

We must be able to distinguish who among these three receives salvation, 
in which we have to follow to receive salvation as well.

세 가지 존재가 나타나는 순리는 먼저 배도자 일곱 별이며, 다음은 멸망자 사단의 무리이며, 
그 다음은 구원자이다(살후 2:1-3). 이 셋 중 누구에게 구원이 있으며, 
누구를 따라야 구원받을 수 있는지 판단해야 한다.

ⓒThe correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji

The Situation at the Fulfillment of the New Testament