
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, 
Jesus’ new command 'Love'

God is the creator of heaven and earth, 

who controls life and death, blessings and curses. 

He is the origin of blessings. 

Since God controls life and death, blessings and curses, 

one must follow Jesus’ new command
and carry actions that are acknowledged by God 
in order to receive long life and blessing. 

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
God is Love (1 Jn 4:7-11)

As God is love, those born of God will love. 

Those who are not born of God will not love. 

Those born of the evildoer, the devil, will lie, kill, and persecute as the devil does. 

Where we are to receive love is where God is at. 

The reason why God loves us is because we belong to him 

and he has created and has given birth to us
Since we have been born of God it is inevitable that God loves us. 
(Jn 3:5, James 1:18, 1 Pe 1:23)

It is not to say that since God is our Father and we are his son (children) 

we just say “believe” or “I will believe” 
but He is our Father and we are His sons.

우리가 사랑받을 곳은 하나님입니다. 

왜나하면 하나님이 우리를 창조하셨고 낳으셨기 때문이지요.
따라서 하나님께서 우리의 아버지라는 것을 '믿어라' 혹은 '믿겠다'가 아니라
하나님이 우리의 아버지이시라는 것은 당연한 일입니다. 

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

Love is the greatest

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son to save it; 

Jesus the son gave up his life out of love for his friends. 
(Mt 20:23; Jn 3:16)

Apostle Paul said that of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest.

(1 Cor 13:13)

하나님은 세상을 사랑하사 독생자 예수님을 주셨고, 

그의 아들 예수님은 우리를 위해 목숨을 주셨습니다.
그리고 사도 바울은 믿음, 소망, 사랑, 이 셋 중에 
사랑이 제일이라고 하셨죠.

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

Liars belong to the devil

According to the Bible, 

a man who says he loves God 
but hates one of the brothers in faith is a liar.  (1 Jn 4:20)

Jesus said that liars belong to the devil.(Jn 8:44)

요한일서 4장에 하나님을 사랑한다 하면서 

믿음의 형제를 사랑하지 않는 자는 거짓말하는 자라 했습니다.
그리고 거짓말하는 자는 마귀라고 하셨습니다.

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

If we are born of God’s seed...

God is love, light, life, and the word, (Jn 1:1-4)
and because he was born as God’s son, 
Jesus is also love, light, life, and the word. 
(Jn 1:9; Jn 5:26; Jn 13:34; 1 Jn 1:1-2)

If we, too, are born of God’s seed, we become love, light, life, and the word

(Lk 8:11; Jas 1:18; 1 Pt 1:23)

A lack of love, light, life, and the word is evidence 

that a person has not been born of God’s seed.

하나님은 말씀이요 빛과 생명이요, 

그 아들 예수님도 그 아버지 하나님에게서 난 분이시기에
사랑이요, 빛이요, 생명이며,  말씀입니다.
우리도 그 씨로 났으면, 마땅히 사랑과 빛과 생명과 말씀일 것입니다.

사랑과 빛과 생명과 말씀이 없다는 것은 그 씨로 나지 않았다는 증거가 되겠지요.

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

What is the way to receive heaven’s blessing?

One has to obey God and Jesus’ commands, 
love one another, and become holy. 

Whoever belongs to God loves others. 

Jesus told us to love, forgive, and bless one another. 

Whoever does not love and forgive one another 

and only curses is born from the seed of Satan.

Whoever does not love or forgive one another 
but only curses is not following God or keeping His word and commands. 

In other words, they are not believers of God. 

복을 받는 비결은 하나님과 예수님의 계명을 지켜 

서로 사랑하고 거룩해지는 것입니다.
하나님께 속한 자는 예수님의 계명같이 서로 사랑하는 자이지만,
사랑하지 않고, 용서함이 없고, 저주를 일삼는 자는
사랑의 하나님께로부터 나지 않고 악의 씨로 난 증거라 할 수 있습니다.
사랑하고 용서함이 없고 저주를 일삼는 자는 
하나님도 그 말씀도 계명도 지키지 않는 자로 신앙인이라 할 수 없지요.

Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'

Let us love, forgive, and bless one another!

God’s desire is to forgive the sin of sinners and to make sinners holy. 

For this reason, he sent His one and only son Jesus to be crucified on a cross 

for the forgiveness of sins. 

People who belong to evil think they are good and kind. 

If we bite and fight each other, we will all be destroyed. (Gal 5:15)

Today, all Christians in the world must stand 

according to the commands of Jesus who loves us. 

Let us love, forgive, and bless one another!

Let us enter the path of the word, unite, and live in harmony together forever.

하나님의 목적은 죄인의 죄를 사하시고 죄인을 선인으로 만드는 것입니다. 
이를 위해 하나님은 예수님을 보내셨고,
예수님은 죄인의 죄를 사하기 위해 십자가를 지신 것입니다.

서로 물고 싸워받자 서로 망합니다.
전 세계의 모든 기독교는 우리를 사랑한 예수님의 계명과 말씀 앞에 서야 합니다.

서로 사랑하고 용서하며 축복하여 
화합과 상생의 길 말씀 안으로 들어갔으면 좋겠습니다.


Jesus’ new command: Love

A Holy Nation and Heaven’s Blessing


Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song, Beautiful Pictures for Free Download

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download

I love sharing to the Revelation new song of Shincheonji(Shinchonji) 
and beautiful pictures

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
Our Lord is looking down upon us

Our Lord is looking down upon us, 
riding on his heavenly horse and passing through the clouds.

I clasp my hands, look up to God, make firm resolutions in my heart, and pray.

Heaven and earth see me. 

Clouds, mountains, rivers, grass, and trees all see me.

天馬를 타고 구름을 헤치며 지구촌을 내려다보는 마음.
두 손 모아 하나님께 우러러 다짐하고 기도하는 모습,
하늘도 보고, 땅도 보고, 구름도 보고, 산천초목도 본다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
Wickedness is passing away, and good is coming. 

A single shrub growing in the midst of the nightmare breathes 
by receiving light, rain, and air.

The covenant with the Lord of heaven is like an unchanging rock.

It will remain unchanged even if winds blow a thousand times and ten thousand times.

How beautiful God’s saints are, the saints resting within God’s embrace tonight!

Wickedness is passing away, and good is coming. 

The true light is dawning in our hearts.

The image born of the true seed is the image of our father, the image of light.

The firstfruits have been harvested by the angel with the sickle (the believer with the word).

악몽 속에 자라나는 한 포기 나무, 빛과 비와 공기 받아 숨 쉰다.
천(天)님과 맺은 언약, 불변의 바위. 천번 만번 몰아쳐도 불변.
이 밤도 아버지 품안에 쉬는 성도들의 모습 아름답구나!
악이 가고 선이 온다. 동트는 가슴에 솟아오르는 참 빛

참 씨로 된 모습은 아버지의 모습, 우리의 빛의 형상.
처음 익은 열매들 천사의 낫(말씀 가진 성도)에 추수된다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
The kingdom of glory is coming.

Heaven, which we have been eagerly waiting for, is coming towards us. 

It is coming from heaven. 

It is coming with the spirits. 

The spirits are dancing, singing, and coming down to us.

Clouds cried and the spirits wept for this world, but this world is passing away. 

The kingdom of glory is coming.

기다리고 기다린 천국이 온다. 하늘에서 내려온다.
영인(靈人)들을 가득히 담아 온다. 영인들 춤추며 노래하며 오신다.
구름도 울고 가고, 영들도 울고 간 세상 지나 영광 나라 온다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
The 12 colored gemstones shine beautifully.

The 12 tribes of God’s kingdom, the gemstones of heaven, 
are established here on earth as it is in heaven.

The 12 colored gemstones shine beautifully.

It is the City of Truth, the Kingdom of Justice and Righteousness.

It is the army of heaven, the 144,000 priests, 
the people of heaven in white robes who dance like butterflies.

This is paradise! The kingdom of heaven where we find rest.

하늘에서 이룬 것같이 이 땅에 이룬
하나님의 나라 열두 지파는 하늘의 보석인가!
열두 가지 색의 보석들 천광(天光)에 빛나고, 
진리의 성읍, 공의공도는 그의 나라와 그의 의(義)인가!
천군(天君) 제사장 144,000, 흰 옷 입은 천민(天民)들
나비같이 춤춘다.

여기가 낙원일세! 천국일세! 안식의 처소일세! 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
The song of birds in heaven

Even I, a sinner, can come under the Father’s care in the kingdom of paradise 
by believing in Jesus.

Flower petals of the tree of life grow amid envy, jealousy, and persecution.

The song of birds in heaven and the sound of water—

Prayers rise up on the wind as the fragrance of heaven!

나 같은 죄인 예수를 믿어
낙원의 나라 천국 아버지 품 안에 안기었네.
시기, 질투, 핍박 속에 자라 온 생명나무 꽃잎들과
천조(天鳥)의 노랫소리, 물소리.

바람 타고 날아오는 향기는 천향(天香)의 기도인가!

Shincheonji / Shinchonji- Revelation New Song
Beautiful Pictures for Free Download
Heaven and earth respond to the new song of Shincheonji

Heaven and earth respond to the new song of beautiful Shincheonji(Shinchonji).
The healing of all nations,
The harmony of heaven and earth, The harmony of new creation,
The day of Sabbath rest is coming.

All nations are gathering together in the newly created Kingdom of God.

They are gathering hand in hand…

Shouts of victory shake heaven and earth.

To the kingdom of heaven, the people of heaven shout.

아름다운 신천지 새 노래에 천지가 화답한다.
만국소성 천지조화, 새 천지조화 안식이 다가온다.
하나님의 새 나라에 만국이 모여온다.
손에 손 잡고 ….
승리의 함성 천지 진동한다.
천국 백성 천국으로.


Five years of nightmare

God and Heavenly People


Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word

If one listens to the true word of Jesus and the promised pastor
and the true God and passes this on to his family,
the family members will regard what they heard as heresy
because it differs from their pastor’s teaching or their own thoughts.

Due to this, disputes within families occur.

In facing life and death, would you follow your family or the true word of God?
(refer to Dt 30:19-20)

Whoever keeps the word of promise earns salvation.
(Mt 7:21, Jn 14:23, Rv 1:3)

Anti-Shinchonji people have uploaded hundreds of persecuting lies on Internet cafes
to destroy the work of God’s revelation.

Those lies are stopping their church members from going to Shinchonji,
where the word of truth is being told,
and those who persecute Shinchonji are mistaking lies for the truth
because they are deceived by their pastor.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
In every generation, 
why do the pastors not believe? 

Jesus came and carried out the work of salvation with the twelve disciples, 
but the pastors and elders at that time did not believe. 
Israel did not realize what kind of situation they were in and they thought they were the righteous, chosen people. 
Jesus and the disciples, who had come into this kind of world, 
promised what is stated below and were killed. 

예수님께서  12제자들과 함께 구원의 역사를 하였으나, 
당시의 목자들과 장로들이 믿지 않고, 
예수님과 그 제자들을 이단으로 몰아 핍박하고 죽였다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
Why do they not believe? 

Who is the true believer-the one who believes in this word of prophecy or the one who doesn't believe? 

What is stated above is one of the most epoch-making and important content of the New Testament that gives hope to the believers. 

Why do they not believe? 

Is this not proof that they do not believe in God or His Word (New Testament)?
(Rv 21:8)

It is written that people will be judged according to their deeds as written in the books. 

Please read Jn 12:48 and Rv 20:12-15.  
If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around?  

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words, 
why won't he believe in what is fulfilled according to the promise? 

As Satan's pastors also sowed their seeds in the field (church) that Jesus sowed his seed, the two types of seeds grew together in Jesus' field up until the last days of the world. 

Because only the wheat, meaning those who were born with God's seed, were harvested at the time of harvest, only the seeds of the devil, the weeds, remain in the church. 
(Mt 13:24-30)

The weeds are referred to as the sons of the devil, who are the pastors and the congregation members who belong to them; they are not harvested, and they are the only ones remaining as the weeds (the sons of the devil born from the seeds of the devil). 
(Mt 13:38-39)

Just because such people call the harvested wheat "heretics" do they really become heretics? 
True heretics are the weeds, the sons of the devil.

참으로 예수님과 그 말씀을 믿는다면 약속대로 이루어진 것을 왜 안 믿는가?
예수께서 씨 뿌린 밭(교회)에 사단의 목자도 자기의 씨를 덧뿌렸으니 
예수님의 밭에는 세상 끝 날까지 이 두 가지 씨가 같이 자라왔고, 
추수 때 알곡 곧 하나님의 씨로 된 자들만 추수하여 왔으니, 
교회에 남은 것은 마귀의 씨 가라지뿐이다. 
이 가라지는 마귀의 아들들이라 하였으니, 
추수되지 못한 목자와 소속 교인들 곧 가라지들만 남은 것이다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise...

If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise, 
one should realize that the promise has been fulfilled when he hears 
about the news regarding the work of harvesting and come running to the mountain. 

The reason why "Those who believe in the New Testament” 
do not come running is because they do not believe in the promise. 

Anyone who hears about the work of harvesting, sealing, 
and the creation of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, 
and anyone who realizes that the promised prophecies are coming true 
and believes in this will come running. 

참으로 예수님과 그 말씀 약속을 믿는다면 추수의 소식을 들을 때 
약속이 이루어진 것을 깨달아 달려와야 할 것이다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, The True God & The True Word
I pray that they would come into the Bible)and carry out a true life of faith.


I pray that the saints would not be deceived by the lies and that they would come into the Word (the Bible) and carry out a true life of faith.



Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon

I met my old friends and we walked in Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway.

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
A fine day and A Clear Sky

The sky was a very very clear and beautiful.

It was an extremely fine day.

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
Separate Palace, Jungmyeongjeon

Jungmyeongjeon is located near the Chongdong Theater(정동극장).

It is easy to locate by simply walking along the Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway.

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
Separate Palace, Jungmyeongjeon

The Jungmyeongjeon Area formerly was a residential zone for missionaries from the West.

The area was incorporated into the palace premises when Gyeongungung(Today's Deoksugung palace) was expanded in 1897.

Because the American legation had already been established between here and the main buildings of Gyeongungung(Today's Deoksugung palace), this area was used as a kind of separate palace.

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
Royal Library, Jungmyeongjeon

Jungmyeongjeon is a two-story brick building that was used as a Royal Library.

It was designed by A. I. Sabatin, the Russian architect who also designed Jeonggwanheon and Dongnimmun(Independence Gate).

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
Historical site in Korea, Jungmyeongjeon

There were at that time 10 more buildings in this area, all of which were dismantled in the 1920s when the area was separated from Deoksugung.

Jungmyeongjeon became the main office of King Gojong for discussing national affairs greeting foreign dignitaries.

It is Korea Seoul famous place and historical site in Korea.

Jungmyeongjeon is where the Treaty of 1905 was signed. 

It also witnessed the tragic part of history in which the infamous 'Eulsa Treaty(Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905)' was signed.

And it was in building that King Gojong gave credentials to his special envoys before dispatching them to the Hague Peace Conference in 1907.

Korea Seoul famous place, Deoksugung Stonewall Walkway, Jungmyeongjeon
Separate Palace, Jungmyeongjeon

In September, 2006, the ownership of Jungmyeongjeon Hall changed to the Cultural Heritage Administration and was classified as part of Deoksugung Palace as part of Historic Site No.124 in February 2007.

▣ Korea Seoul famous place 'Jungmyeongjeon' Adress

☞ 41-11, Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

▣ Korea Seoul famous place 'Jungmyeongjeon' Directions

☞ Seodaemun Station, Seoul Subway line 5, Exit #5 >> Behinde of Jeongdong Theater
☞ City Hall Station, Seoul Subway line 1 & 2, Exit #1 & #12

▣ Korea Seoul famous place 'Jungmyeongjeon' Operating Hours

☞ 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00

▣ Korea Seoul famous place 'Jungmyeongjeon' Closed

☞ Every Monday, Seollal, Chuseok

▣ Korea Seoul famous place 'Jungmyeongjeon' Admission Fees

☞ Free


Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, 'like the times of noah' Bible image

Shincheonji / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure, 
'like the times of noah' Bible image

What does it mean when the scriptures say,
one will not see the days of the Son of Man although they may long to see it,
and the days of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah and Lot?

Shincheonji (신천지) / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure
'like the times of noah' Bible image
The Time of the Second Coming which is Like the Times of Noah and Lot

One will be unable to see the days of the Son of Man, although they long to see it,
because in the second coming the Lord will come as a spirit. 

The days of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah and Lot because judgment will occur suddenly, just as it took place in the days of Noah and Lot. 

During the time of the judgment, it was only eight people in Noah's family and three people in Lot's family who were saved. 

People were eating, drinking, selling, buying, marrying, and giving in marriage. 
Nothing was different from an ordinary life, but the judgment suddenly began. 
The scriptures, therefore, speak about how it will be the same in the time of the second coming.

주의 날 하루를 보고자 하되 보지 못하는 것은 
재림의 주께서 영으로 오시기 때문이며, 
재림 때가 노아 때, 롯 때와 같다 함은 
노아 때도 롯 때도 갑자기 심판이 있었기 때문입니다.

Shincheonji (신천지) / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure
'like the times of noah' Bible image
The corruption and the betrayal of the previous or first heaven

The reason why people were judged during those times was because of the corruption and the betrayal of the previous or first heaven. 

The main reference(Luke 17:22-30) in the New Testament refers to the corruption of the Spiritual Israelites at the time of the Lord's second coming. 

They are judged because of their acts of betrayal. 

심판을 받게 된 원인은 선천이 부패했고 배도했기 때문입니다.
누가복음 17:22~30 말씀은 주 재림 때 영적 이스라엘의 부패를 말한 것이며, 
이들이 심판을 받은 것은 배도한 행위 때문입니다.

Looking back on the reality of Today's Churches, 
there is no one who truly knows God and the Bible.
It is not easy to find people who believe in the Bible. 

Despite such corruption, people claim they are the orthodoxy, \and they have attained salvation and the holy spirit. 

They treat others who are not part of their own organizations as heretics. 
Is this the command of the Lord?

Shincheonji (신천지) / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure
'like the times of noah' Bible image
If one truly believes in God and his word, the Bible

Today's churches have merely turned into the world of leaders, who are oppressing their congregation members with the authority they have exchanged with one another.

If one truly believes in God and his word, the Bible, they must at least consider the words which say the days of the second coming will be like the days of Noah and Lot, and they must reflect upon these words themselves. 

The reality, however, is believers are not concerned with those words in the scriptures. 

But instead, they have so much ignorance and arrogance within them, don’t they? 
How can they claim to believe in God and the Bible?

하나님과 그 말씀 성경을 믿는다면, 
재림 때가 노아 때, 롯 때와 같다고 하신 말씀을 생각하고 
한번쯤 자신들을 돌아봐야 합니다.

Shincheonji (신천지) / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure
'like the times of noah' Bible image
Believers should have thought...

If the scriptures make references to the end times or the end of the age, 
believers should have thought at least once of whose end it refers to. 

If it was the Tabernacle Temple in heaven which fell, believers should have known the end referred to the end of the religious world, not of the world of non-believers. 

If one has acted according to their own will for the sake of money and authority, how heavy their punishment will be!

‘종말이다, 세상 끝이다.’라고 하셨다면, 
누구의 종말인지 꼭 생각해봐야 합니다.
하늘 장막 성전이 무너졌다고 했다면, 
불신 사회가 아닌 종교세계의 종말임을 알아야 하는 것입니다.

Shincheonji (신천지) / Shinchonji Church of Jesus cult ure
'like the times of noah' Bible image
The saints who perceive, see, and believe in this will attain salvation

If one believes in the word of the Lord, which says today is like the days of Noah and Lot, they will be able to know what is taking place today.

Believers in this current world are not interested in these events. 
Why aren't they interested in them? 

It is because they have betrayed and have been tainted by the gentiles just like Adam and the Physical Israelites. 

At the time of the Lord's second coming, this current era will be judged and brought to an end. A new era and a new kingdom, the twelve tribes of the priests and the great multitude dressed in white, are promised to be created through the blood. 

All of these are promised through blood as a covenant, and these are the words of the promise in the New Testament. 

The saints who perceive, see, and believe in this will attain salvation. 

주 재림 때 부패한 종교세계를 심판하여 끝내고, 
새 시대 새 나라 12지파 제사장과 흰 무리 백성을 창조할 것을 
피로 언약한 것이 신약 성경의 말씀입니다. 
이를 깨달아 보고 믿는 성도가 구원받게 된다는 점을 많은 분들과 공유하고 싶네요.

The Time of the Second Coming which is Like the Times of Noah and Lot


Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji(新天地)!

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji!

What are the new heaven and new earth? 

What are the first heaven and first earth that ceased to exist? 

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji (신천지 新天地)
The New Heaven and New Earth
The First Heaven and First Earth that Passed Away

The first heaven and earth that passed away was the tabernacle of the Spiritual Israelites and their congregation members. 

The new heaven and new earth is the tabernacle that is re-created and its congregation members.

없어진 처음 하늘과 처음 땅은 영적 이스라엘의 장막과 교인들이며, 
새 하늘과 새 땅은 재창조한 장막과 성도들입니다.

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji (신천지 新天地)
The tabernacle of Moses was heaven on earth!

The tabernacle (the dwelling place of the saints) is referred to as heaven because God’s chosen people are symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars, 
and thus, the place (the tabernacle) where the sun, moon, and stars are, becomes heaven. 
(refer to Gn 37:9-11)

Moses saw what was in heaven and built the tabernacle on earth accordingly 
(Ex 25).
Therefore, the tabernacle of Moses was heaven on earth. 

장막을 ‘하늘’이라 한 것은, 하나님의 선민을 해·달·별이라 하였으니
해·달·별이 있는 곳(장막)은 곧 ‘하늘’이 되기 때문입니다.

또한 모세가 하늘의 것을 보고 그와 같이 이 땅에 장막을 지었으니
모세의 장막이 이 땅의 하늘이 되는 것이지요.

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji (신천지 新天地)
The New heaven and New earth, Shincheonji(新天地)

Since man was formed from dust, dust or earth figuratively refers to flesh. 
(Gn 2)
The heaven and earth that passed away was the first heaven that Jesus started, 
and that has lasted for the past 2,000 years. 

The new heaven and new earth is the second heaven that is created today at the second coming. 

The short term for the new heaven and new earth in Chinese is Shincheonji(Shinchonji).

‘땅’은 흙으로 사람을 지었기 때문에 육신을 흙 곧 땅으로 빙자하는데요.

없어진 천지는 초림 예수께서 2천 년 간 역사해 온 선천(先天)이고, 
새 하늘 새 땅은 오늘날 재림 때 창조한 후천(後天)이며, 
‘새 하늘 새 땅’의 한자어 ‘신천신지(新天新地)’의 약자가 신천지(新天地)입니다.

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji (신천지 新天地)
The tabernacle of Moses was heaven on earth!

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away(Revelation 21:1).” 
It means that when the new heaven and new earth is created, the first heaven and first earth has already ceased to exist. 

The Physical Israelites were already brought to an end at Jesus’ first coming, and yet they still do exist. In fact, they were put to an end as God’s chosen people and became gentiles 2,000 years ago. 
Likewise, even if the new heaven and new earth has been created today, the Spiritual Israelites still exists. 

The reality, however, is that they were cut off from God and became gentiles. 
In other words, they returned to mere flesh and to the world. 
God is now with the New Spiritual Israelites(Shincheonji / Shinchonji) who have been victorious.

계시록 21장의 “새 하늘과 새 땅을 보니 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어졌다.” 함은 새 하늘 새 땅이 창조되었을 때는 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어졌다는 말입니다.
오늘날 새 천지가 창조되어도 영적 이스라엘이 아직 있으나사실상 하나님에게서는 끝났고,
육 곧 세상으로 돌아간 자들일 뿐입니다.
하나님은 이제 승리한 영적 새 이스라엘(신천지)과 함께하십니다.

Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji (신천지 新天地)
Welcome to heaven, Shincheonji / Shinchonji!

The Republic of Korea where God, heaven, and the promised pastor, the one who overcomes are, will become the greatest and the most wonderful country. 

All nations will have to come to Shincheonji(Shinchonji) of the Republic of Korea to worship God. (Rv 15:4)

We, the congregation members of the new era of Shincheonji, are united as one with God as one family in His kingdom of heaven. 

It is the light that shines to the earth, the beautiful paradise of heaven! 

Let’s grow, love, and sing. And let’s be thankful!

Let’s offer God the glory forever and ever for atoning our sins and calling us to become His kingdom and priests.


'The New Heaven and New Earth, & the First Heaven and First Earth that Passed Away' 

'The Beginning and Origin of Faith' 


Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Have you ever seen a mention of the following?

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Ernest Hemingway Quotes

It may be the difficult matter to believe in something.

In the case of believer, read the Bible, but it seems the difficult matter to believe the Bible.

If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around?  It is a sad situation. 

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

What are the proper faith?

God, the creator, established covenants through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. 
God kept the covenant he established with Abraham through Moses. (Gn 15; Ex 12)

God also fulfilled the prophecies that he had established with the Old Testament prophets through Jesus. (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30)

Prophecies have been given to us so that when they are fulfilled, we will believe. (Jn 14:29)

There are prophecies and events of fulfillment in each of the eras, and believing in them is faith.

창조주 하나님은 아담, 노아, 아브라함, 모세, 예수님을 통해 언약을 하셨다. 

아브라함과 언약하신 예언은 모세를 통해 이루셨고, 
구약 선지자들을 통해 언약하신 예언은 예수님을 통해 이루셨다. 
예언은 이룰 때 보고 믿으라고 미리 말씀해 주신 것이다.

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

The promise and prophecy of a new covenant

The New Testament is not the same as the Old Testament, which has already been fulfilled. 

It is the promise and prophecy of a new covenant.

Therefore, people who believed in Jesus since his First Coming need to believe and keep the New Testament. 

The prophecies in the New Testament are to be fulfilled at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.

Believers can attain salvation as they see and believe in the physical fulfillment of the prophecies at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.

신약은 이룬 구약이 아닌 새로운 약속인 예언이다. 

예수님 이후의 신앙인들이 믿고 지킬 약속은 신약이다. 
신약 성경에 약속한 예언은 주 재림 때 이루어지는 것들이며, 
이룰 때 보고 믿음으로 구원받게 된다. 

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

The promise and prophecy of a new covenant

Even if a believer reads the New Testament but yet does not understand its meaning, he will not recognize the fulfillment despite witnessing it.

If he does not recognize the fulfillment, there is no doubt that he will not be able to believe in it.

Even if a believer reads and knows the meaning of the New Testament, 

if he refuses to believe in the physical fulfillment he sees or act accordingly, 
he will not gain salvation. (refer to Mt7:21;Jn14:23)

God has made a covenant in advance in order to save mankind, 

who has been held captive by evil. 

This covenant is the prophecy God has recorded in the Bible for the sake of our salvation. 

Therefore, it is only when we believe in and act according to the words of the prophecy

that we will be able to cross over from death to life and attain salvation.

신약을 읽고도 그 뜻을 알지 못하면 이룰 때 보고도 알지 못할 것이며, 

알지 못함으로 믿지 못할 것이다. 
그리고 신약의 뜻을 읽고 다 안다 할지라도 이룬 것을 보고도 믿지 않고 
또 그 뜻대로 하지 않으면 구원받지 못한다. 
하나님은 악에 사로잡혀 있는 인생을 구원하기 위해서 이룰 것을 미리 언약(예언)하셨다. 
그러므로 구원을 위한 예언의 말씀을 믿고 
그 뜻대로 해야만 사망에서 생명으로 구원받게 된다.

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

Do you believe in this prophecy and its fulfillment?  

The work of salvation has nothing to do with those who do not know 

and believe in the New Testament prophecies and their physical fulfillment. 

But to those who believe in God and his promises, this work of Salvation is the greatest blessing because it is the fulfillment of their will and hope.

이 구원의 일은 신약 성경의 예언과 그 성취된 실상을 

알지도 믿지도 아니한 사람에게는 해당이 없겠으나 
하나님과 그 약속을 믿는 자들에게는 뜻과 소망을 이룬 최고의 복된 것이다.


'New Testament (New Covenant), Matthew Chapter 13'