
[Shincheonji Bible Study] A general Pastor, A Pastor of Prophecy, and The Promised Pastor

[Shincheonji Bible Study] A general Pastor, 

A Pastor of Prophecy, and The Promised Pastor

When an era became corrupt, God destroyed it and promised a new era. 

[Shincheonji Bible Study] The destruction of the former-heaven and
The creation of the latter-heaven

The world of Adam and the world of Noah, the world of Noah and the world of Moses, Physical Israel of the world of Moses and Spiritual Israel of the world of Jesus, and Spiritual Israel and New Spiritual Israel. 

This speaks of the destruction of the former-heaven and the creation of the latter-heaven which has occurred since the time of Adam’s world until the time of the Revelation in the New Testament.

So man cannot prevent this from coming. Just like the corrupt era of Adam passed away and the era of Noah came, the era of Noah then passed away and the era of Moses came, and the era of Moses passed and the era of Jesus came, so the era of New Spiritual Israel has come as the era of Spiritual Israel of Jesus has come to an end.

하나님은 한 시대가 부패할 때 이를 허무시고 새 시대를 약속하셨다. 아담의 세계와 노아의 세계, 노아의 세계와 모세의 세계, 모세의 세계 육적 이스라엘과 예수님의 세계 영적 이스라엘, 영적 이스라엘과 영적 새 이스라엘. 이는 아담의 세계로부터 신약 계시록 때까지 있었던 선천 멸망과 후천 창조에 관해 말한 것이다.
부패한 아담의 시대가 가고 노아의 시대가 온 것같이, 노아의 시대가 가고 모세의 시대가 온 것같이, 모세의 시대가 가고 예수님의 시대가 온 것같이 예수님의 영적 이스라엘 시대가 끝나고 영적 새 이스라엘 시대가 도래한 것이다. 

[Shincheonji Bible Study] The days of Noah and Lot

Whenever an era ends, due to the corruption of that generation, a new era begins, it occurs in much the same way as in the days of Noah and Lot (refer to Mt 24:37-39, Lk 17:26-30), in that those who are destroyed are vast in number but those who receive salvation are few, only the seed is left (refer to Is 1:8-9).

When an era comes to an end, due to the corruption of that generation, God prophesied that a new era would come, and considerable time is needed to make known these prophecies. When God fulfills these prophecies, He comes to the promised pastor and fulfills everything through him.

한 시대가 부패로 인해 끝나고 새 시대가 시작될 때마다 노아 때와 롯 때같이 하였으니, 이 때 끝나는 자는 그 수가 많지만 구원받을 자는 겨우 씨만 남은 정도였다.
하나님은 한 시대가 부패로 끝날 때 새 시대를 예언하셨고, 예언하신 것을 알리기 위해 상당한 시간이 필요했다. 하나님이 이 예언을 이루실 때는 약속한 목자에게 오시어 다 이루어 주신다.

How are a general pastor, a pastor of prophecy, and the promised pastor different?

[Shincheonji Bible Study] A general Pastor, A Pastor of Prophecy, and The Promised Pastor

A general pastor is a pastor who preaches what is recorded in the Scripture, a pastor of prophecy is a pastor who makes known the prophecy that will be fulfilled in the future, and the promised pastor is a pastor who testifies to the fulfillment when the promised prophecy is fulfilled.

At the First Coming, Jesus was the pastor promised in the Old Testament. And God promised a pastor who would testify to the fulfillment of Revelation, when it is fulfilled at the Second Coming, as promised in Revelation 2 ~ 3. The promised pastor, the One Who Overcomes, is the one who comes according to the promise, fulfills the book of Revelation with Jesus, and testifies to what is fulfilled.

일반 목자와 예언의 목자와 약속의 목자는 어떻게 다른가? 일반 목자는 경서에 기록된 것을 전하는 목자이고, 예언의 목자는 장래에 이룰 예언을 전하는 목자이며, 약속의 목자는 약속한 예언을 이룰 때 나타낼 목자를 말하는 것이다.
초림 예수님은 구약에 약속한 목자였다. 그리고 하나님은 재림 때 곧 계시록을 이룰 때 나타낼 목자를 계시록 2-3장과 같이 약속하셨으며, 약속의 목자 이긴자는 약속대로 오시어 예수님과 함께 계시록을 이루시고 그 이룬 것을 증거하는 자이다.

[Shincheonji Bible Study] People are destroyed
because of their lack of knowledge regarding God’s word

Thus, a new promised pastor appears whenever one era has passed away and a new era is created. The congregation members of the former era can only receive salvation when they belong to the pastor of the new era. The congregation members who lack in knowledge of the promised pastor living in the last days cannot be saved. This is the “knowledge” stated in Hosea 4:6.

People are destroyed because of their lack of knowledge regarding God’s word (Heaven) (Hos 4: 6). The believers at the end of the age must speak only according to the Bible.

Without knowledge of the Bible, they will not know God, Jesus or heaven even if it has come, just like the time of Jesus’ First Coming. They will not know the physical entities of the fulfillment of the New Testament, even once they have appeared.

If the pastors at the time of Jesus’ First Coming knew God, they would not have killed Jesus. At that time God was to fulfill and reveal the true meaning of the Old Testament through Jesus. 

이와 같이 한 시대가 가고 새 시대가 창조될 때마다 약속한 새 목자가 출현하게 된다. 이전 시대의 성도는 새 시대의 목자에게 속해야만 구원이 있게 된다. 말세에 약속의 목자를 알지 못하는 성도는 구원받지 못한다. 이것이 호세아 4장 6절에 말한 ‘지식’이다.
성경(하늘) 지식이 없으면 망한다(호 4:6). 말세의 성도는 성경 안에서 성경으로 말해야 한다. 성경 지식이 없으면 초림 때와 같이 오늘날 하나님과 예수님과 천국이 와도 알지 못하고, 신약이 이루어진 실체들이 나타나도 알지 못한다. 만일 초림 때 그들(목자들)이 구약을 이루실 하나님과 예수님과 구약의 뜻을 알았더라면 예수님을 죽이지 않았을 것이다. 

[Shincheonji Bible Study] We should know the promised pastor.

Excluding the false pastors, a pastor of prophecy, who makes known the prophecy or the will of God, a general pastor, who preaches the prophecy recorded in the Scripture to the congregation members, and the promised pastor, who testifies to the fulfillment at the promised time when the prophecy is fulfilled, are all necessary and important.

However, the promised pastor is the most important of the three as the new era begins through him and people can only receive salvation when they come to the promised pastor as all nations would have fallen. This is also the time when the pastor of prophecy, the general pastor, and the traditional churches come to an end.
The new era that God has promised will come like spring comes after winter is over.

Our congregation members should know the promised pastor at the time of Revelation more than in any other era because this is the time when the book of Revelation that will come to us is being fulfilled.

거짓 목자를 제외하고 하나님의 뜻 곧 예언을 전하는 예언의 목자도 중요하고, 예언을 성도들에게 전하는 일반 목자도 필요하며, 예언을 이루는 약속의 때에 나타낼 약속의 목자도 중요하다. 그러나 이 중 약속의 목자가 더 중한 것은 이를 통해 새 시대를 열기 때문이며, 끝나는 만국에서 약속의 목자에게 와야만 구원이 있기 때문이다. 또 이 때는 예언의 목자도 일반 목자도 전통 교회도 다 끝나는 때이기 때문이다.
하나님이 약속하신 새 시대는 겨울이 가고 봄이 오는 것과 같은 것으로, 사람의 힘으로 이를 막을 수는 없다. 
우리 성도는 어떤 시대보다도 계시록 때의 약속한 목자를 알아야 한다. 이는 우리에게 도래할 계시록이 이루어지는 때이기 때문이다. 

[Shincheonji Bible Study] A true church, a true pastor, and the true congregation members are the church, pastor, and congregation members
that God or the Word is with.

The churches must have the Word of God. The reason the churches do not have the Word of God is because God does not dwell in those churches, and the reason the people (pastors) do not speak the Word of God is because God does not dwell in them (refer to 1Cor 3: 16-17).

These people are not people of God but people of the world. A true church, a true pastor, and the true congregation members are the church, pastor, and congregation members that God or the Word is with.

교회에서는 하나님의 말씀이 있어야 한다. 하나님의 말씀이 없는 곳은 하나님이 그 교회에 계시지 않기 때문이며, 하나님의 말씀이 사람(목자)에게서 나오지 않는 것은 그 사람 안에 하나님이 계시지 않기 때문이다(고전 3:16-17 참고). 이러한 사람은 하나님의 사람이 아니요 세상 사람이다. 참 교회와 참 목자와 참 성도는 하나님 곧 말씀이 함께하는 교회요 목자요 성도이다.

[Shincheonji Bible Study] 

Jesus said “Sanctify them by the truth” (Jn 17:17-19).
The “truth” here is the Word of God. God was also with the Word (Jn 1:1).

Therefore since they do not have the Word, they are not holy but sinners and since they are sinners, they have become slaves to sin so their mouths are full of persecution, lies, and curses.

Above all, congregation members must have the Word. And they must meet the true pastor who teaches the Word of God. They can be saved by keeping the Word of promise and once they are saved, they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

예수께서 “저희를 진리로 거룩하게 하옵소서.” 한 ‘진리’는 하나님의 말씀이다. 또 하나님은 그 말씀과 함께하셨다. 그러므로 말씀이 없으므로 거룩함이 없고 죄인이며, 죄인이므로 죄의 종이 되어 핍박과 거짓말과 저주가 가득하여 그 입에서 흘러나오는 것이다.

성도는 첫째 말씀이 있어야 한다. 그리고 말씀을 가르치는 참 목자를 만나야 하며, 약속의 말씀을 지켜야 구원이 있고, 구원받아야 천국에 들어갈 수 있다.


Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth : What is the meaning of new heaven and new earth?

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth : 

What is the meaning of new heaven and new earth?

What is the meaning of new heaven and new earth? 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

It makes known the end of the era of Christianity (Rv 6) and the re-creation of a new era (Rv 7). 

This is like the era of Adam and Noah, the era of Noah (Canaan) and Moses (Physical Israel), and the era of Physical Israel and Jesus’ first coming. 

In the same way today, the corrupt Spiritual Israel comes to an end (Rv 6) and New Spiritual Israel is created (Rv 7).  

새 하늘 새 땅은 무엇을 말한 것인가? 예수교의 한 시대가 계시록 6장같이 끝나고 새 시대가 계시록 7장같이 다시 창조된 것을 알린 것이다. 이는 아담 때와 노아 때 같고, 노아의 가나안 때와 모세의 육적 이스라엘 때와 같으며, 육적 이스라엘 때와 예수님 초림 때와 같으며, 오늘날 낡고 부패한 영적 이스라엘을 계시록 6장같이 끝내시고 영적 새 이스라엘을 계시록 7장같이 창조한 것과 같다. 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

Revelation 21 also states, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the old order of things has passed away and there was no longer any sea.” 

The Chinese characters for “new heaven new earth” can be shortened to Shincheonji.

First heaven and first earth passed away because of corruption and betrayal.  

이를 계시록 21장에는 “새 하늘과 새 땅을 보니 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어지고 바다도 다시 있지 않더라.”고 하신 것이다. 이 새 하늘 새 땅을 한자어(漢字語)로 요약한 말이 곧 신천지(新天地)이다. 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어진 것은 부패하고 배도했기 때문이다. 

Do the congregation members on earth have the Word? If not, why?  

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

They do not have the Word because their pastors do not have the Word.  Furthermore, the seminary schools do not have the Word to teach these pastors. 

Revelation 22:18-19 warns that anyone who adds or takes away from Revelation cannot enter heaven and will receive curses (plagues). Can there be salvation if no one cares to know or even truly understands Revelation? 

지금 지상 모든 성도들에게 말씀이 있는가? 없다면 왜 없는가? 목자에게 말씀이 없기 때문이며, 이는 신학교에 말씀이 없어 목자에게 가르치지 못했기 때문이다. 계시록 22:18-19에 계시록을 가감하면 천국에 못 가고 저주(재앙)를 받는다고 경고되어 있으나, 이는 아랑곳없고 계시록을 참으로 아는 자 하나도 없으니 구원이 있겠는가? 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

One must then learn the meaning and fulfillment of Revelation from the pastor who received the revelation as written in Revelation 10.

하여 계시록 10장같이 계시를 받은 목자에게 배워야 계시록의 뜻과 그 성취를 알 것이다. 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

Bear in mind that many who are first will become last and the last will become first (Lk 13:29-30). There is a day when a person, regardless of who he is, will be judged by God. 
At that time, each person will be judged by the books, in other words the Bible, according to what he has done and will go to either heaven or hell (Rv 20:12).

먼저 된 자로서 나중 될 자도 있고 나중 된 자로서 먼저 될 자도 있다(눅 13:29-30) 하심을 명심해야 한다. 사람은 누구를 막론하고 하나님 앞에서 심판받는 날이 있다. 이 때는 자기 행위에 따라 책들 곧 성경책에 기록된 대로 심판을 받아 지옥과 천국으로 가게 된다(계 20:12).

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

A church is a place to teach and learn the word of God. Therefore, those who teach the things of the world in the church are pastors of the world and cannot become God’s pastors. The pastor and church of the true God are the pastor and temple of Revelation chapters 10 and 15. 

This pastor is the one who receives and teaches the revelation from heaven, and the temple that testifies to this is the Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony. 

It is the place before God’s throne is at and where those who fought and overcame the organization of the beast in Revelation 12 have gathered. This is where all people of the world come to worship (Rv 15:2-5). 

교회는 하나님의 말씀을 가르치고 배우는 곳이다. 한데 교회에서 세상의 것을 가르치는 자는 세상 목자이지 하나님의 목자가 될 수 없다. 참 하나님의 교회와 목자는 계시록 10장과 15장의 목자와 성전이다. 이 곳의 목자는 하늘의 계시를 받아 가르치는 목자이고, 성전은 그 일을 증거하는 증거장막 성전이다. 이 곳은 계시록 12장에서 짐승의 무리와 싸워 이긴 자들이 있는 하나님의 보좌 앞이며, 세계 만민이 와서 경배하는 곳이다(계 15:2-5).

Why do they not know the word of promise? 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

Why do they not believe? If they do not know nor believe, are they the orthodox? Can they enter heaven? Yet, if people teach that they will go to heaven, are not those teachers false pastors? No one can enter heaven if the promised Revelation of the New Testament is not fulfilled in his life. The Bible provides evidence for this.

왜 안 믿는가? 왜 약속의 말씀을 알지 못하는가? 알지도 믿지 못해도 정통인가? 천국에 들어갈 수 있는가? 이래도 천국 간다고 가르치는 자는 거짓 목자가 아닌가?
약속한 신약 계시록대로 자기에게 이루어지지 아니한 자는 단 한 사람도 천국에 들어갈 자가 없다. 이는 성경이 증명한다.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

God’s promise began from the era of the Old Testament prophets and continued until today’s fulfillment of Revelation. None of the corrupt will understand this work, but the one who is reborn and receives the revelation will know the fulfillment of this work. If they do not understand prophecies, how can they recognize the physical entities that appear as the fulfillment?  Since we have been reborn, we understand.  Jesus said, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe” (Jn 14:29). The blind and deaf will not understand.

하나님의 약속은 구약 선지자들 때로부터 시작하여 오늘날 이룬 계시록 때까지의 일이다. 하나 이 일을 부패한 자는 아무도 알지 못할 것이요, 다시 나서 계시를 받은 자는 이 일이 이루어진 것을 알 것이다. 예언의 뜻을 알지 못하니 어찌 이룬 실체들을 보고 알겠는가? 그러나 다시 난 우리는 안다. 예수께서 “일이 이루기 전에 말한 것은 일이 이룰 때 보고 믿게 함이라(요 14:29).”고 하셨다. 소경이요 귀머거리가 된 자들은 알지 못할 것이다.

Revelation is God’s last promise

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Truth

Revelation is God’s last promise, and His ultimate purpose was new heaven new earth, Shincheonji. Shincheonji harvests like a thief in the night at the field where the seed was planted (Mt 24, 1 Thes 5:2, Rv 17:14, 18:4), seals the 144,000, establishes the twelve tribes of God’s nation, and after that, creates the multitude in white that gathered from all nations (Rv 7, 14).  This is the purpose of the Lord’s work.

Following the path laid out by the revealed word of the Bible is following and coming to heaven. This is salvation. 

계시록은 하나님의 마지막 역사이고, 이루고자 하신 목적은 새 하늘 새 땅 곧 신천지이다. 신천지는 씨 뿌린 밭에 가서 밤에 도둑같이 추수하고(마 24장, 살전 5:2, 계 17:14, 18:4), 144,000명을 인쳐 하나님의 나라 12지파를 창설하고, 그 후 만국에서 모은 흰 무리를 창조한 것이다(계 7, 14장). 이는 주께서 목적하신 일이다. 성경의 계시 말씀을 길을 삼아 이 곳으로 오는 것이 천국에 오는 것이며, 구원이다.

Seoul James tribe of Shincheonji volunteer organization, " Draw our hearts" Mural painting

Seoul James tribe of Shincheonji volunteer organization
" Draw our hearts" Mural painting by volunteers

Hello! This is the prestigious Seoul James tribe.

The volunteer organization of the Seoul James tribe visited the Donong Police Station in Namyangjoo. We'd like to share with everyone about our "Mural Painting Story" project and what we did there.

Mural painting Story of the Prestigious Seoul James Tribe 

- Donongdong Police Station in Namyangjoo.

Shincheonji volunteer

Here is a picture of the Donong Police Station in Namyangjoo before it was painted.
Are you curious to see how the volunteers of Seoul James Shincheonji changed the place? First of all, let's take a look at the process of the amazing changes.

Shincheonji volunteer

They partially repaired the interior of the station and got rid of the dirt and stains on the walls of the building. The full process from the drawing to the coloring wasn't easy work to complete within a short time. We needed the help of a lot of talented volunteers to decorate the Namyangjoo Donong Police Station's second story.

Draw a heart!

Shincheonji volunteer

Volunteers of Seoul James Shincheonji used the character of Phyodori as a fitting mural for the Donong Police Station. Phyodori is a hero who controls the traffic, protects children, guards the residents and deals with civil affairs.

One of the Shincheoji volunteers has joined in every event to paint murals on walls and explained her activities as not painting on walls, but painting the heart. It seems as if there is a warm heart inside each of the paintings.

Before and After

Shincheonji volunteer

These are the wall paintings on the Donong Police Station before and after the competition.

What do you think? Don't you feel the bright and vibrant energy?

The local people of that region responded favorably after looking at the Donong Police Station and how it had changed with its refreshing new bright walls. Now, other residents have been asking the volunteers to paint their walls bright and new too.

Shincheonji volunteer

Podori and Patrol Car are used as safety mascots at the Donong Police Station. People said that they could easily identify the police station based on the paintings on its walls.

It seems that the Donong Police Station will be listening to the happy voices of the citizens of Namyangjoo and will take care them with happy smiles. 

The Shincheonji Seoul James volunteers who participated in this work took great pleasure in completing the whole picture even if each of the volunteers only drew a very small part of the effort, yet it took the effort of every single person to put the mural together.

They also expressed their willingness to continue on with their volunteer work of painting on walls in the future.

Shincheonji volunteer
The Shincheoji Mural Painting volunteer work is an activity to heal the hearts of the people of the region by giving the old and shabby a new vitality.

Volunteers of Shincheoji Seoul James tribe have been working and drawing wall paintings as a way to practice the base motto of the Scriptures of Jesus which is to "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Shincheonji volunteer

Volunteers of Shincheonji Seoul James have been devoted to making the Donong Police Station of Namyangjoo more beautiful without holding back any effort. 

Not only were they changing the wall with the "Mural Painting Story", but they were also sharing their hearts and were communicating with the people of the local community.

It seems like making beautiful modifications changes the hearts of the people.

We are expecting more active volunteer work from the prestigious Seoul James Tribe in the future. *^________________^*


[Shincheonji News conference for the CBS false report] Misunderstanding is like Murder

[Shincheonji News conference for the CBS false report]
Misunderstanding is like Murder!

Recently in South Korea, Korean religious media CBS aired a documentary titled “People of Shincheonji,” which they purposefully produced to slander Shincheonji. 

It has recently become an issue among Korean Christians.

Shincheonji held a press conference on April 4 at Sejong Hall (Seoul, S. Korea) and asked for an apology and a retraction from CBS. 

Shincheonji News conference for the CBS false report

At the press conference, Shincheonji said, “CBS recorded without the consent of the party being filmed and did not notify their intent of broadcasting, which is illegal. 

They violated the image and voice rights of those being filmed.” Shincheonji added, “Particularly, they edited and used the sermon of the Shincheonji chairman without authorization in the documentary, thereby violating copyright laws." 

[Shincheonji News] CBS received monthly donations of $7,482 and 
broadcasted the sermons of heretical pastors.

Shincheonji said, "CBS made a big mistake—CBS and coercive conversion education pastors. They broadcasted the program to earn money. Among believers, many say they carry out a life of faith but do not know the Bible. As for the nonbelievers, who do not know the Bible well, CBS took advantage of their lack of knowledge and broadcasted a false report.” 

Shincheonji continued by saying, "CBS, instead of reflecting on the opinions of the involved party, did not contact Shincheonji and for that reason they violated the broadcasting standards of fairness and objectivity.” 

[Shincheonji News] Pastor Jin claimed he did not receive money from conversion education,
yet has a personal account with 1.4 billion KRW.
Also, Pastor Shin, their other front man, was expelled from Shincheonji for distorting the Bible and using church finances for his own personal use. 

Both of them are in the coercive conversion education business and in 2013, at the last Christian Media Forum, they were condemned as “individuals who act arbitrarily [whose] deeds must come to an end.” 

These two pastors, Jin and Shin, received a great deal of criticism for their heretical teachings from the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) and CBS (which represent the Republic of Korea Presbyterian Church), the influential daily newspaper JoongAng Daily, etc. until 2013. 

[Shincheonji News] The CBS false, distorted report

CBS broadcasted a distorted report that was edited to slander, not to state true facts. 

Video was also cut from the middle of a sermon, which was edited so Shincheonji seemed to be presenting Jesus as a heretic. 

CBS’ “People of Shincheonji” aired a total of eight episodes based on the testimony of these two pastors, Jin and Shin. This resulted in a reaction from a number of pastors of established churches because they wondered why they did not appear in any part of the documentary at all. 

[Shincheonji News] CBS Broadcasting is a violation of human rights.

Coercive conversion education pastors approached the family members of people who belong to Shincheonji.  

Although their children were having no problem living a normal life while attending Shincheonji Church, the conversation pastors persuaded the parents to abduct their children and restrain them in a rented motel room, which broke the families apart. 

Although it was their actions that caused the families to fall apart, they united with CBS, aired the documentary, and made it seem like Shincheonji was the one violating human rights.

[Shincheonji News] Let’s have an open Bible debate publically on air. 

This is a stern warning to CBS!

Let’s not obscure the essence of broadcasting by producing rumors, malicious editing, and distorted news. 

What more can be said to those who believe and follow Jesus? 

Let the citizens decide who is carrying out a true life of faith—let them distinguish good and evil—based on the Bible. 

Please do not refuse the invitation by giving a flimsy excuse; we strongly urge you to have a public debate broadcasted live.

Misunderstanding is like Murder.

It means that to indiscriminately say something is the same as murder.

If a letter does not belong to anyone, it goes back to its sender. 

Likewise, words, which are not righteous, eventually return to the person who said them.

Therefore, we should not speak carelessly.

'오해'라는 자체는 살인과 같은 것이다.
확신도 없는 것을 가지고 함부로 말하는 것은 살인과 같다는 말이다.
편지도 받는 사람 본인 것이 아니면 보낸 사람에게 되돌아가듯이, 
말이라는 것도 결국 말한 그 사람에게 돌아간다.
그러므로 말을 함부로 하면 안 된다는 것이다.

■ Featured Post

Shincheonji truth and distorted proclaims of old denominations ▶ http://goo.gl/BltYQ

[Shincheonji Church Quotes] "Walking Bibles"

[Shincheonji Church Quotes] "Walking Bibles"

Shincheonji Church Quotes

We have to be "Walking Bibles" which means that we must understand chapters 1 to 22 of Revelation and engrave them on our hearts so as to not miss even one.

By taking the Bible to heart, we can have perfect faith. Also, it is possible to completely convey our faith to others.

우리는 이 계시록이 1장부터 22장까지 하나도 빠짐없이 마음에 새겨져서, 달려가면서도 읽을 수 있는 '걸어 다니는 성경'이 되어야 한다.

이러한 일을 알아야만 나 자신에게도 완벽한 믿음을 줄 수 있고, 또 다른 사람에게도 이것을 완전하게 전할 수 있다.

Shincheonji Church Quotes

Today is the era where the dragon will be driven out of the hearts of people and God will govern.

What kind of era are we now facing? 

Who are we according to the Bible in this era?

So, we must always think about these questions.

오늘날은 사람의 마음에 자리 잡은 용(사단)의 모든 것을 내쫓고 하나님께서 주관하는 시대이다.

그래서 우리는 항시 '우리는 어떠한 때를 맞이하고 있는가? 이 때에 성경이 말한 나는 누구인가?' 하는 것을 늘 생각해야 한다.

ⓒ http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/J4p8/560


Shincheonji Quotes - The Holy Bible from my heart

Shincheonji Quotes - I am making this speech to you about reading the Holy Bible from my heart.

Everyone, please listen carefully.

Shincheonji Quotes, Why did God's people betray Him?


In the time of Adam, the first coming of Jesus Christ or in the world of physical Israel, 
why did God's people from His kingdom in each of those eras betray Him?

I cannot feel sorry for what happened to them.

아담의 세계나 예수 초림 때 육적 이스라엘 세계나
어찌해서 ‘하나님의 나라다, 하나님의 백성이다’하는 그러한 곳에서
이런 일이 자꾸 있단 말인가? 안타깝지 아니 할 수 없습니다.

Shincheonji Quotes, The Sovereign Lord does nothing without
revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.

According to Amos 3:7,

the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan
to his servants, the prophets.

Why does God act only after showing what will happen?

To show what He foretells.

That is God's secret exactly as he sees it.

But it cannot be a secret if the whole world today knows about what will happen.

God said that, based on the words that were foretold,
all prophesies would be fulfilled.

아모스 3장 7절에는 
하나님이 자기 비밀을 자기 사자에게 보여주지 않고는 행치 아니한다고 하십니다.
왜 보여주고 행할까요? 본 것을 말하게 하기 위해서입니다.
그것이 그 본 것 그 자체가 ‘하나님의 비밀’이라는 것이었지요.
오늘날도 모든 세상이 다 안다고 한다면 비밀이 될 수 없겠지만
하나님께서 약속한 것이 이러한 곳에서 이루어진 것을 두고 하신 말씀인 것이었습니다.

So when you see
"the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place,"
then the reader must be assisted to understand.

These words were spoken through the prophet Daniel,
but what was he talking about?

What did he say about this incident?

그래, ‘이 멸망자가 거룩한 곳에 서는 것을 보거든 다니엘서를 읽는 자는 깨달을 진저’
이렇게 말했습니다. 그럼 다니엘서는 무얼 말했는가?
바로 이 사건들을 말씀하신 것이었죠?

Shincheonji Quotes, I am making this speech to you
about the reading of the Holy Bible from my heart.

Shincheonji Quotes

There is no time to read together and show you the Bible verses one by one.

However, I have one same Holy Bible in my heart.

As I said, I am making this speech to you
about the reading of the Holy Bible from my heart.

Therefore, please listen carefully as I am giving you the words of God.

I am not speaking from my own will or arbitrary interpretation,
but I am telling you the truth from the Holy Bible as it was written.

이 사람은 이 성경을 펴서 하나하나 같이 읽으며 말할 시간이 없습니다.
그래도 이 사람 속에는 이와 같은 것이, 책이 하나 있습니다.
마음의 책을 읽으며 말씀을 드리는 것이거든요.
그러니 제가 말씀 드리는 것 잘 들으시고,
이 사람의 뜻이나 자의적인 것을 말하는 것이 아니라
성경의 것을 그대로 차례대로 제가 말씀해 드리고 있는 것입니다.

From the seminars in Belgium


Shincheonji Quotes - The Biggest and the Most Valuable Secret of the Bible

Shincheonji Quotes - The Biggest and the Most Valuable Secret of the Bible

Shincheonji Quotes, God's seed

Shincheonji Quotes

How did we become the people of heaven instead of the people of the earth?

It is because we were born again from the seed of Heaven.

However, there are many secrets in the Bible.

Among those secrets, the biggest and most valuable pertains to God's seed.

성경의 가장 크고 귀한 비밀

우리는 땅의 사람이 아니라 하늘의 사람이 된 것이죠?
왜 그런가하면 하늘의 씨로 났기 때문입니다.
성경에는 많은 비밀이 있습니다만
그 중 가장 크고 귀한 비밀은 바로 하나님의 씨였습니다.

Shincheonji Quotes, The true meaning of God


By the way, although there are those in this world

who read the same Bible and believe in the same God,

many don't know the true meaning of God and don't have true faith.

The majority of Christians are like this.

그런데 이 세상은
같은 성경을 가지고 같은 하나님을 믿고 있습니다만
진짜 하나님의 참된 뜻을 알지 못하고 신앙하는 사람들이
대다수이다 그런 말입니다.

Shincheonji Quotes, God's Family

Shincheonji Quotes

However, We should be different than them.

Do we have to know the meaning of God's words?

There is one reason why we must know.

We are God's Family since we have been born again from God's seed.

Because of this, God let us know.

This is the reason.

그런데 우리는 그와는 달리 
하나님의 뜻을 알게 된 것이죠?
알게 된 이유는 하나입니다.
하나님의 씨로 난 하나님의 가족이기에
하나님께서 알려 주신 것이죠?
바로 그것이었습니다.

Among the 28th Anniversary Service of Shincheonji Foundation day. 3.14.2014.

2012.3.14 신천지 창립 28주년 기념예배 말씀 중에서