
Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Have you ever seen a mention of the following?

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

Ernest Hemingway Quotes

It may be the difficult matter to believe in something.

In the case of believer, read the Bible, but it seems the difficult matter to believe the Bible.

If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around?  It is a sad situation. 

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's Quotes

What are the proper faith?

God, the creator, established covenants through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. 
God kept the covenant he established with Abraham through Moses. (Gn 15; Ex 12)

God also fulfilled the prophecies that he had established with the Old Testament prophets through Jesus. (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30)

Prophecies have been given to us so that when they are fulfilled, we will believe. (Jn 14:29)

There are prophecies and events of fulfillment in each of the eras, and believing in them is faith.

창조주 하나님은 아담, 노아, 아브라함, 모세, 예수님을 통해 언약을 하셨다. 

아브라함과 언약하신 예언은 모세를 통해 이루셨고, 
구약 선지자들을 통해 언약하신 예언은 예수님을 통해 이루셨다. 
예언은 이룰 때 보고 믿으라고 미리 말씀해 주신 것이다.

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

The promise and prophecy of a new covenant

The New Testament is not the same as the Old Testament, which has already been fulfilled. 

It is the promise and prophecy of a new covenant.

Therefore, people who believed in Jesus since his First Coming need to believe and keep the New Testament. 

The prophecies in the New Testament are to be fulfilled at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.

Believers can attain salvation as they see and believe in the physical fulfillment of the prophecies at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming.

신약은 이룬 구약이 아닌 새로운 약속인 예언이다. 

예수님 이후의 신앙인들이 믿고 지킬 약속은 신약이다. 
신약 성경에 약속한 예언은 주 재림 때 이루어지는 것들이며, 
이룰 때 보고 믿음으로 구원받게 된다. 

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

The promise and prophecy of a new covenant

Even if a believer reads the New Testament but yet does not understand its meaning, he will not recognize the fulfillment despite witnessing it.

If he does not recognize the fulfillment, there is no doubt that he will not be able to believe in it.

Even if a believer reads and knows the meaning of the New Testament, 

if he refuses to believe in the physical fulfillment he sees or act accordingly, 
he will not gain salvation. (refer to Mt7:21;Jn14:23)

God has made a covenant in advance in order to save mankind, 

who has been held captive by evil. 

This covenant is the prophecy God has recorded in the Bible for the sake of our salvation. 

Therefore, it is only when we believe in and act according to the words of the prophecy

that we will be able to cross over from death to life and attain salvation.

신약을 읽고도 그 뜻을 알지 못하면 이룰 때 보고도 알지 못할 것이며, 

알지 못함으로 믿지 못할 것이다. 
그리고 신약의 뜻을 읽고 다 안다 할지라도 이룬 것을 보고도 믿지 않고 
또 그 뜻대로 하지 않으면 구원받지 못한다. 
하나님은 악에 사로잡혀 있는 인생을 구원하기 위해서 이룰 것을 미리 언약(예언)하셨다. 
그러므로 구원을 위한 예언의 말씀을 믿고 
그 뜻대로 해야만 사망에서 생명으로 구원받게 된다.

Ernest Hemingway Quotes, Shincheonji / Shinchonji's QuotesT

Do you believe in this prophecy and its fulfillment?  

The work of salvation has nothing to do with those who do not know 

and believe in the New Testament prophecies and their physical fulfillment. 

But to those who believe in God and his promises, this work of Salvation is the greatest blessing because it is the fulfillment of their will and hope.

이 구원의 일은 신약 성경의 예언과 그 성취된 실상을 

알지도 믿지도 아니한 사람에게는 해당이 없겠으나 
하나님과 그 약속을 믿는 자들에게는 뜻과 소망을 이룬 최고의 복된 것이다.


'New Testament (New Covenant), Matthew Chapter 13'

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