Jesus’ new command 'Love'
God is the creator of heaven and earth,
who controls life and death, blessings and curses.
He is the origin of blessings.
Since God controls life and death, blessings and curses,
one must follow Jesus’ new command
and carry actions that are acknowledged by God
in order to receive long life and blessing.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
God is Love (1 Jn 4:7-11)

As God is love, those born of God will love.
Those who are not born of God will not love.
Those born of the evildoer, the devil, will lie, kill, and persecute as the devil does.
Where we are to receive love is where God is at.
The reason why God loves us is because we belong to him
and he has created and has given birth to us,
Since we have been born of God it is inevitable that God loves us.
(Jn 3:5, James 1:18, 1 Pe 1:23)
It is not to say that since God is our Father and we are his son (children)
we just say “believe” or “I will believe”
but He is our Father and we are His sons.
우리가 사랑받을 곳은 하나님입니다.
왜나하면 하나님이 우리를 창조하셨고 낳으셨기 때문이지요.
따라서 하나님께서 우리의 아버지라는 것을 '믿어라' 혹은 '믿겠다'가 아니라
하나님이 우리의 아버지이시라는 것은 당연한 일입니다.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
Love is the greatest

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son to save it;
Jesus the son gave up his life out of love for his friends.
(Mt 20:23; Jn 3:16)
Apostle Paul said that of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest.
(1 Cor 13:13)
하나님은 세상을 사랑하사 독생자 예수님을 주셨고,
그의 아들 예수님은 우리를 위해 목숨을 주셨습니다.
그리고 사도 바울은 믿음, 소망, 사랑, 이 셋 중에
사랑이 제일이라고 하셨죠.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
Liars belong to the devil

According to the Bible,
a man who says he loves God
but hates one of the brothers in faith is a liar. (1 Jn 4:20)
Jesus said that liars belong to the devil.(Jn 8:44)
요한일서 4장에 하나님을 사랑한다 하면서
믿음의 형제를 사랑하지 않는 자는 거짓말하는 자라 했습니다.
그리고 거짓말하는 자는 마귀라고 하셨습니다.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
If we are born of God’s seed...

and because he was born as God’s son,
Jesus is also love, light, life, and the word.
(Jn 1:9; Jn 5:26; Jn 13:34; 1 Jn 1:1-2)
If we, too, are born of God’s seed, we become love, light, life, and the word.
(Lk 8:11; Jas 1:18; 1 Pt 1:23)
A lack of love, light, life, and the word is evidence
that a person has not been born of God’s seed.
하나님은 말씀이요 빛과 생명이요,
그 아들 예수님도 그 아버지 하나님에게서 난 분이시기에
사랑이요, 빛이요, 생명이며, 말씀입니다.
우리도 그 씨로 났으면, 마땅히 사랑과 빛과 생명과 말씀일 것입니다.
사랑과 빛과 생명과 말씀이 없다는 것은 그 씨로 나지 않았다는 증거가 되겠지요.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
What is the way to receive heaven’s blessing?

One has to obey God and Jesus’ commands,
love one another, and become holy.
Whoever belongs to God loves others.
Jesus told us to love, forgive, and bless one another.
Whoever does not love and forgive one another
and only curses is born from the seed of Satan.
Whoever does not love or forgive one another
but only curses is not following God or keeping His word and commands.
In other words, they are not believers of God.
복을 받는 비결은 하나님과 예수님의 계명을 지켜
서로 사랑하고 거룩해지는 것입니다.
하나님께 속한 자는 예수님의 계명같이 서로 사랑하는 자이지만,
사랑하지 않고, 용서함이 없고, 저주를 일삼는 자는
사랑의 하나님께로부터 나지 않고 악의 씨로 난 증거라 할 수 있습니다.
사랑하고 용서함이 없고 저주를 일삼는 자는
하나님도 그 말씀도 계명도 지키지 않는 자로 신앙인이라 할 수 없지요.
Shincheonji(신천지) / Shinchonji's words, Jesus’ new command 'Love'
Let us love, forgive, and bless one another!

God’s desire is to forgive the sin of sinners and to make sinners holy.
For this reason, he sent His one and only son Jesus to be crucified on a cross
for the forgiveness of sins.
People who belong to evil think they are good and kind.
If we bite and fight each other, we will all be destroyed. (Gal 5:15)
Today, all Christians in the world must stand
according to the commands of Jesus who loves us.
Let us love, forgive, and bless one another!
Let us enter the path of the word, unite, and live in harmony together forever.
하나님의 목적은 죄인의 죄를 사하시고 죄인을 선인으로 만드는 것입니다.
이를 위해 하나님은 예수님을 보내셨고,
예수님은 죄인의 죄를 사하기 위해 십자가를 지신 것입니다.
전 세계의 모든 기독교는 우리를 사랑한 예수님의 계명과 말씀 앞에 서야 합니다.
서로 사랑하고 용서하며 축복하여
화합과 상생의 길 말씀 안으로 들어갔으면 좋겠습니다.
Jesus’ new command: Love
A Holy Nation and Heaven’s Blessing