
[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]

Believers must remember the words of John 14:29

In the 66 books of the Bible, history, moral instructions, prophecies, and fulfillment are recorded.

Among them, history and moral instructions are always there—but a prophecy ends when it becomes fulfilled. History is a record of past events, and God’s instructions are what people must always keep. 

A prophecy is God’s promise to be fulfilled. It is a promise given so that people will believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29). And just as everything was fulfilled (Jn 19:30) at the time of Jesus, everything that was prophesied in the New Testament is fulfilled (Rv 21:6).

성경 66권 중에는 역사와 교훈과 예언과 성취가 기록되어 있다. 이 중 역사와 교훈은 항시 있는 것이며, 예언은 성취함으로 끝난다. 역사는 과거사이며, 하나님의 교훈은 항시 사람이 지켜야 하는 것이다. 예언은 하나님의 이룰 약속이다. 이를 이룰 때 믿으라고 하신 약속이다(요 14:29). 그리고 예수님 초림 때 구약이 다 이루어진 것(요 19:30)같이 신약에 예언한 것들이 빠짐없이 다 이루어진다(계 21:6).

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29
The reason that God promised to make a new covenant

Physical Israel did not keep the covenant (Ex 19:5-6) they had made with God (Hos 6:7, Jer 31:32). Because of this, God promised to make a new covenant (Jer 31:31-34). 

육적 이스라엘이 하나님과 약속한 언약(출 19:5-6)을 지키지 않았다(호 6:7, 렘 31:32). 하여 하나님은 새 언약을 하시겠다고 약속하셨다(렘 31:31-34).

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29T
The word of promise of the New Testament

God made the new covenant through Jesus, and it is the covenant of the blood in Luke 22:20 (refer to Mt 26:28). This is the word of promise of the New Testament

예수님을 통해 새 언약을 하셨으니 곧 누가복음 22장 20절의 피의 언약이다(마 26:28 참고). 이것이 신약의 약속의 말씀이다. 

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29T
The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is a comprehensive book that puts together the promises of the New Testament. When this is fulfilled, we must see and believe, as Jesus said.

이 신약의 약속을 종합한 것이 계시록이다. 이를 이룰 때 보고 믿으라고 하신 것이다.

The content of Revelation is recorded in parables, figuratively using the names of people and locations in the Old and New Testament. At the time of fulfillment, physical entities appear, not the parables.

계시록의 내용은 신·구약 성경의 인명, 지명 등을 빙자한 비유로 기록되었고, 이룰 때는 비유, 비사가 아닌 실체들이 나타난다. 

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29T
The revelation of the Old and New Testament

At the First Coming, Jesus received and ate the revelation of the Old Testament. He came, fulfilled the Old Testament, and testified to it (Ez 2, 3, Mt 15:24). 

구약의 계시는 초림 때 예수님이 받아먹고 오시어 이루어 증거하셨다.

Likewise, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus comes and opens all of the seven seals of Revelation, the sealed scroll, and fulfills it (Rv 5, 6, 8). This scroll is then given to a promised pastor through an angel for him to eat (Rv 10). After showing the fulfillment of the entire Book of Revelation (Rv 22:8), Jesus sends the promised pastor to testify about these things to the churches (Rv 22:16). 

This pastor is the messenger who is sent by and speaks on behalf of the Lord. 

이와 같이 계시록에서도 예수님이 오시어 봉한 책 계시록의 일곱 인을 다 떼어 여시고 이루었으며 이 책을 천사를 통해 약속의 목자에게 주어 먹게 하셨고, 책에 기록된 계시록 전장의 이룬 것을 약속한 목자에게 보여 준 후 교회들에게 가서 전하라고 하셨다). 이 목자가 주께서 보내신 대언의 사자이다. 

[Shincheonji's Bible Teaching of Today]Believers must remember the words of John 14:29
Believers must remember the words of John 14:29

To believe in the promise is to believe in the fulfillment of what was told ahead (prophecies) at the time the New Testament is fulfilled. 

If one does not believe the promise that has been fulfilled, that person’s faith is a fake one. 

Those who believe will be saved and become the people of the kingdom of heaven.

신앙인이 기억해야 할 것은 요한복음 14장 29절의 말씀이다. 신약을 이룰 때 미리 말씀하신(예언) 그것을 이루는 것을 믿는 것이 약속을 믿는 것이다. 약속은 이루어도 믿지 않는다면 그 신앙은 가짜 믿음이다. 하여 믿는 자가 구원받아 천국 백성이 된다.

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