Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
What is the reason God’s son, Jesus, had to bear the cross?
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
The reason that Jesus had to take the cross

The reason that Jesus had to take the cross is recorded in Hebrews 10.
Namely, it was impossible for the blood of bulls or goats (sacrifices under the law)
to atone for the sins of the people,
but sins are forgiven only through the blood of Jesus, was who sinless,
when he bore the cross.
Bearing the cross was the worst punishment that sinners bore.
Jesus bore the cross not because of his sin,
but because of the sins of the world. (Jn 1:29)
예수께서 꼭 십자가를 지셔야 하는 이유는
황소와 염소의 피(율법적 제사)로는 사람의 죄를 없게 할 수가 없고,
죄 없는 예수님의 피로만 인류의 죄를 사할 수 있기에 십자가를 지신 것입니다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
God’s kingdom and priests

Revelation 1:6 says that Jesus has freed us from our sins
and has made us to be a kingdom and priests.
The righteous one had to endure the severe punishment of the cross,
which is usually reserved for the sins of criminals.
He paid for their sins and debts and purchased sinners
at the price of his blood. (Rev 5:9-10)
People who receive atonement belong to Jesus
and become God’s kingdom and priests,
kings of the eternal heaven.
의인인 예수님이 죄인의 죄 값으로 십자가의 중형을 대신 받았으니
죄 값을 치른 것이 되므로, 피를 주고 죄인을 산 것이 됩니다.
죄 사함 받은 이 사람들이 예수님께 속하여 하나님의 나라와 제사장이 되고,
예수님께 속하여 영원한 천국의 왕이 되는 것입니다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
The purpose of Jesus’ blood
In Revelation 7, after the 144,000 are sealed with the word,
a great multitude dressed in white is chosen as the new people
because their sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus.
These people are the kings (priests)
and the people of the kingdom of heaven.
This is the purpose of Jesus’ blood and God’s promise and will.
Although Jesus shed his blood on the cross,
it does not mean all people receive atonement for their sins.
Only people who believe in the promise will be atoned for
and become the people of heaven.
The previous pastors(kings) and the members who belonged to them
are not the people of heaven.
계시록 7장에 144,000명이 인 맞은 후 몰려오는 흰 무리들이 있는데요.
이들은 예수님의 피로 그 옷을 씻어 희게 된 '죄 없는 선민'입니다.
이 사람들이 바로 천국의 왕(제사장)과 백성이 되는 것이지요.
이것이 예수님이 피 흘리신 목적이요, 하나님의 약속이며 뜻입니다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
Why did only Jesus have to die?
Let's see the life of faith, the effort and the situation of the Hebrews
in those days of Apostle Paul through Hebrew 11:33-39.See how much they have suffered like how Jesus have for us
so that we could receive salvation today.
For enlightenment, self-reflection, repentance and correction,
if you cannot endure the education for yourself,
how do you think you are going to endure the fire in hell?
Isn't effort, faith and obedience now be easier than the fire in hell?
Only when you are dead and are born again, faith and obedience follows.
Why did only Jesus have to die?
Why did only the apostles who preached the gospel have to die?
What are we to.......
깨우침과 반성과 회개와 고침을 위해,
자기 자신을 위한 교육도 견디지 못한다면, 지옥 불에서 어떻게 견딜수 있겠습니까?
지금의 노력과 믿음과 순종이 지옥 불보다 쉬운 것이 아닐까요?
내가 죽고 다시 나야 믿음과 순종이 있습니다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
Those who do not know the true meaning of the cross
We have lost sensibility even though Jesus died on the cross
for us sins and do not understand how grateful his grace is.
If one truly understood his grace,
one would devote himself to Jesus to carry out his work.
Those who do not know the true meaning of the cross, the death of Jesus,
and how it is related to ourselves are just satisfied
with dead religious formalities of paying lip service
without any perception or change.
우리는 주님이 우리의 죄로 인해 십자가에서 죽으셨어도 감각이 없고,
그 고마운 은혜를 잊었습니다.
십자가가 무엇인지, 주님의 죽음이 자기와 관계가 있는지 없는지 모르는,
죽어 있는 형태의 신앙을 하는 삶들은 깨달음도 변화도 없고
그저 입에 발린 형식적인 신앙에 만족하고 있습니다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji Open Bible, Bible quotes about cross
The creation of God’s kingdom and priests and the holy people
The purpose that the son of God, righteous Jesus,
bore the cross and shed his blood was to atone the sins of his people,
the creation of God’s kingdom and priests,
and the holy people of the great multitude clothed in white.
Corrupt and rebellious men, old habits and goat-like faith have become old.
We need people who will devote themselves to build heaven
sharing the life and death for the justice of heaven with Jesus.
예수님이 십자가를 지시고 피를 흘리신 목적은 자기 백성의 죄 사함을 위한 것이며,
하나님의 나라와 제사장과 거룩한 백성 흰 무리 창조를 위한 것이었습니다.
부패하고 패역한 자, 낡은 행실, 염소 같은 신앙은 헐어 버리고,
생사고락을 같이 하며 천국을 만들어가면 좋겠습니다.

The city of truth! The most powerful nation!
The sage king of unbiased view and justice, Shincheonji!!!
The Cross and Its Purpose
The Life of Faith of Sheep and Goats
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