I will introduce about Shinchonji's words 'Creation of the Heaven and Earth'
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
Why do old eras and new eras exist?

When an era that was once created becomes old and corrupt,
it is destroyed, and a new era is created.
This is called in Korean, “Song-gu-yung-shin(송구영신)”
which also holds the meaning,
“ringing out the old and ringing in the new.”
“Song-gu-yung-shin” does not simply refer to the passing of yesterday and the coming of today.
Let us take a look at the process of creation and recreation of the heaven and earth in the 6,000 years of God’s work as shown in the Bible.
구시대와 새 시대가 있게 되는 것은 왜 그러한가?
창조된 한 시대가 낡아지고 부패했을 때 허물고 새것으로 창조하게 된다.
이를 송구영신(送舊迎新)이라 한다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
The steps of creation and re-creation are

The creation of the heaven and earth that began at the time of Adam turns
into recreation in Revelation chapter 21. (refer to Rv 21:6)
For the first time in 6,000 years, the favorable season of ringing out
the old and ringing in the new finally comes.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
At the old eras and the new eras in the past 6,000 years

1) Adam’s world betrayed and became corrupt.
Because this earth was filled with corruption, in Genesis 6, God appointed Noah, Adam’s 9th descendant, and destroyed Adam’s world with a flood.
2) Like the snake at the time of Adam, Ham, Noah’s second son, revealed Noah’s nakedness.
Thus, Noah’s world was also cursed down to Ham’s son, Canaan.
3) God went to Moses, a descendant of Israel in Egypt.
Through him, He led the descendants of Israel out of Egypt to the land of Canaan.
4) After this, Israel received destruction,
because King Solomon broke the covenant that God established
with the Israelites at the time of Moses. (Ex 19:5-6; 1 Kgs 11)
God prophesied again through the Old Testament prophets,
making known what will be fulfilled in the future.
This promise was the Old Testament.
After this, God came to Jesus as promised and fulfilled the Old Testament.
5) God promised future events through Jesus—the New Testament.
It is written that the New Testament is fulfilled at the appointed time,
the Lord’s Second Coming.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
The Open Scroll

After his ascension, Jesus made known through his disciple, John,
the revelation that will be fulfilled(the Book of Revelation).
Most of the content of Revelation is written in parables;
it is a sealed scroll that no one in heaven or under heaven can open or look inside.
(Rv 5:1-4)
If someone claims to know it, that very statement is a lie,
because the only one who truly knows is the one
who saw the fulfillment of all the events of Revelation.
Jesus takes the sealed scroll and opens the seals;
he fulfills the prophecies recorded in the scroll. (refer to Rv 5, 6, 8)
He sends his messenger to speak on his behalf and testify to
what has been fulfilled. (Rv 22:16)
The one who believes in this testimony receives the resurrection of life.
계시록은 봉한 책을 예수님이 취하시고, 인을 떼어 기록된 대로 이루시고,
교회들을 위해 자기의 대언의 사자를 보내어 이룬 것들을 증거하게 하신다.
이 때 믿는 자가 생명의 부활이 된다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
The new era of the fulfillment of promise

Such era is the “favorable season of ringing out the old and ringing in the new year” (송구영신 호시절: Song-gu-yeong-shin Ho-shi-jul),
and “the destiny of the new heaven.” (신천운세: Shin-chun-oon-seh)
The new era of the fulfillment of promise has come as the era of prophecy
comes to its end.
It can be said that those who do not know this are darkness
and non-believers born with the seed of Satan.
Blessed are those who perceive and believe this
and become the people of heaven in the new era.
이러한 때가 송구영신 호시절이요, 신천운세(新天運勢)이다.
예언의 한 시대가 끝나고, 약속이 이루어지는 새 시대가 도래한 것이다.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
The world of peace where God reigns

Since the time of Adam, the eras that became corrupt in every generation met their ends, and new eras with new pastors always came after.
However, the era of the Lord’s Second Coming when Revelation is fulfilled is different than the previous eras, because it marks a start and an end at a universal scale.
It is the grand beginning of a completely new creation.
It is the time when the deceiving devil is finally captured and thrown into the Abyss.
This new era comes for the first time in 6,000 years,
and it is the world of eternal heaven made of the family born with God’s seed.
This heaven is the world of peace where God reigns.
Shincheonji / Shinchonji's words, Creation of the Heaven and Earth
This is change, a change into a new creation

Just as one puts off old clothes and puts on the new,
the sons born with God’s seed will live in God’s image and likeness.
They will put off their old selves that were like old clothes for their flesh.
Their inner-persons will put on new clothes.
The new set of clothes is the holy spirit.
This is change, a change into a new creation.
This is the family of God.
The era of the new heaven,
the favorable season of ringing out the old and ringing in the new year!
Ringing Out the Old and Ringing In the New: the Old Era and the New Era
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