Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
Two kinds of people

There are two kinds of people on earth today...
Not the rich and the poor,
for to rate a man's wealth,
You must first know the state of his conscience and health.
Not the humble and proud,
for in life's little span...
Who puts on vain airs, is not counted a man.
Not the happy and sad,
for the swift flying years...
Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
In which class are you?

No! the two kinds of people on earth I mean,
Are the people who lift, and the people who lean.
In which class are you?
Are you easing the load,
Of overtaxed lifters, who toil down the road?
Or are you a leaner, who lets others share
Your portion of labor, and worry and care?
There are the two different kinds of spirits in the world of religion.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
The two kinds of spirits

The two kinds of spirits are holy spirits and evil spirits.
In the Scripture, there is the one and only God,
the creator who created the heavens and the earth,
and there is Satan who is a creation.
Satan is a deceiver that disguises himself as the true God.
When people do not know who the true God is,
they finally believe in Satan who disguises himself as the true God.
성경에서 볼 때, 천지 창조주 유일신 하나님이 계시고, 피조물인 사단이 있습니다.
사단은 참 하나님으로 가장하여 자기를 하나님이라 속이는 자입니다.
사람이 참 하나님을 알지 못하면, 하나님으로 가장한 사단을 하나님으로 믿게 됩니다.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
By their fruit you will recognize them

1 Corinthians 3:9 says that a person is God’s building and God’s field.
Depending on the spirit that enters inside the house of an individual,
the actions will reflect the actions of the spirit
and that person becomes someone who belongs to that particular spirit.
(refer to Mt 7:15-20)
Also, a person is said to be God’s field,
but the field changes depending on what seed is planted in it.
If a bean is planted it is a bean field, if a red bean is planted
then it is a red bean field.
Likewise, the field’s (person’s) name and ownership changes
depending on which of the two seeds that is planted.
고린도전서 3:9에 사람을 집과 밭이라고 했습니다.
집인 사람에게 어떤 신(영)이 들어가는가에 따라,
그 행동은 그 신의 행동이 되고, 그 사람은 그 신의 사람이 됩니다.(마 7:15-20 참고)
또 사람을 밭이라 하였으니, 어떤 씨를 심는가에 따라 그 밭이 달라집니다.
콩을 심으면 콩밭이요, 팥을 심으면 팥밭이 되듯,
두 가지 신 중 누구의 씨를 심는가에 따라 그 밭(사람)의 소유와 명칭이 달라집니다.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
The actions of both types of spirit

According to Genesis 3, Adam was deceived
by Satan and ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.
He, (exactly his spirit), was dead and returned to flesh, as returning to dust.
Apostle Paul testified that
‘the thoughts of flesh is death, but the thoughts of the spirit is life,
the life of a man is determined based on which spirit is dwelling
within in them.’
Read Romans 8:1-11 to support this reasoning.
We examined the actions of both types of spirit through the Bible.
Also, we can know the spirit inside the person through the actions.
When you see a person who lies, has evil actions, and is prideful,
you can discern which spirit is within them.
우리는 행동으로 그 사람 속에 있는 영을 알 수 있습니다.
거짓말과 악행과 교만을 보면 그 영을 알 수 있지요.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox Which Are You?, The two kinds of spirits
Which Are You?

Since God departed people due to their sin, Satan has governed the world.
In every era, when one generation betrayed and became corrupted,
another era was established.
And evil spirits entered into pastors of previous generation,
they persecuted and hindered the work of God for the establishment of new era.
Today is like that generation.
From the reading above,
you would know which spirit you need to belong to you.
Which Are You?
Are you ‘a person who the holy spirit is with’?
Are you ‘a person who the evil spirit is with’?
시대마다 한 시대가 부패하고 낡아 변질되었을 때 새 시대가 창조되었지요.
이전 시대의 목자들에게 마귀가 들어가
새 시대를 창조하는 하나님의 역사를 핍박하고 방해했습니다.
오늘날도 그 때와 같습니다.
앞에서 살펴본바, 두 가지 영 중 어떤 영의 소유자가 되어야 할지를 알 것입니다.
당신은 어느 쪽인가요?
Two Kinds of Spirits and Three Types of People
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