What kind of era is the era that disappears because of its corruption,
as promised in the New Testament?
To know this, one must first believe in the words that are recorded in the Scriptures.
신약에 약속된, 부패로 인해 없어지는 한 시대는 어떤 것일까요?
이를 알려면 먼저 기록된 말씀을 믿어야 합니다.
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
Which of the two has done according to the will of God?

Catholicism was established in Jesus’ name.
When it became corrupt, divisions occurred, and the Christian churches emerged thereafter.
The Christian churches also became corrupt and split into hundreds of denominations.
The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) established seminary schools that receive funds, but Shincheonji established seminary (mission) centers that teach at no cost,
as written in the Bible.(Mt 10:8, Rv 22:17)
However, CCK labels the seminary centers as cults.
Which of the two has done according to the will of God?
Look into the Bible!
CCK purchases and sells its chairman’s position, and pastors easily obtain the pastoral certificates with money.
Would there be a righteous believer under pastors as these?
예수님의 이름으로 세워진 카톨릭교가 부패로 인해 거기서 개신교가 갈라져 나왔고,
개신교도 부패로 인해 갈래갈래 수백 개의 교단으로 갈라졌습니다.
개신교인 한기총은 돈 받는(유료) 신학교를 세웠고,
신천지는 성경대로 무료 신학(선교)센터를 세웠습니다.
한기총이 무료 신학센터를 이단이라 하였는데 어느 것이 하나님의 뜻대로 한 것일까요?
성경을 보십시오.
한기총은 회장 자리를 돈으로 사고팔고, 목사도 돈만 주면 목사 자격을 얻습니다.
이러한 목자 밑에 올바른 성도가 있겠습니까?
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
Corruption and Immorality

They value money and authority more than a walk in faith.
This is corruption.
There is no Word in the hearts of the corrupted, neither is the holy spirit of God.
What is in them?
They are filled with immorality.
They consider those who do not belong to them as cults.
They consider those who leave them after seeing this immorality as cults too.
How can God remain still as He looks upon this?
신앙보다 돈과 권세가 우선이었습니다.
이것이 부패입니다.
부패한 자들 안에는 말씀이 없고, 하나님의 성령도 없습니다.
그들 안에는 무엇이 있겠습니까?
불의(不義)가 가득합니다.
이들은 자기들에게 속하지 아니하는 자를 이단이라 하고,
또 이 불의를 보고 떠나는 자들을 이단이라 정죄합니다.
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
Those who ordered the false report and those who reported falsely alike, are they believers?
Are they pastors?
Today, the pastors and the congregation members of the worldly churches are tormenting Shincheonji(Shinchonji),
which is opening up a new era and carrying on the true life of faith according to the orders and the commandments of the Bible.
Like the days of Lot, they are even making up lies trying to discredit Shincheonji.

A certain Christian TV station falsely reported about Shincheonji(Shinchonji),
with the intention of harming it.
When asked,
“Why did you make false claims and report them
when Shincheonji did not commit any of those things”,
they only said,
“We are sorry, we were wrong.”
When demanded to broadcast a correction report, they said they couldn't.
When asked why, they said,
“We are only employees who are paid a salary
by those who are in higher positions in the denomination.
The correction report can only be produced
when those who are powerful in the denomination order it.”
거짓 보도를 하라고 시킨 자들이나 거짓 보도를 한 자들이 신앙인이고 목자인가요?
오늘날 세상 교회의 목자들과 교인들이 하나님의 뜻대로,
성경의 지시대로 참된 신앙을 하는 신천지를 괴롭히고 있습니다.
기독교의 한 방송국에서 신천지를 음해할 목적으로 거짓 보도를 해서
정정 보도를 하라고 했더니 본인들은 월급쟁이이고,
위 교단에서 시켜서 한 것이기 때문에,
정정 보도는 위 교단에서 정정 보도를 하라고 해야 그렇게 할 수 있다고 했습니다.
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
The corrupted last days, The last days of religion
At one point, MBC PD Notes broadcasted a program filled with bias and distorted reports not only once, but twice.
(The first program was about 50 minutes long, and the second one was about 15 minutes long)
This was an act of deceiving not only Shincheonji,
but all of the people of the nation.
Is this a life of faith?
Is this how one should keep Jesus’ commandments?
These certainly are the corrupted last days, the last days of religion.

Today, the pastors are making the congregation members and young adults of their churches make up insulting lies about Shincheonji through Internet blogs.
How is this any different than the pastors at the First Coming of Jesus,
who made their congregation members lie?
(refer to Mt 28:11-15)
Isn’t today a hundred times worse than the time of the First Coming?
It is widely known that it isn’t just one or two places
that are making a living off of lies they made up
about Shincheonji and the Chairman of Shinchonji.
They are selling these lies as special reports.
It is as if they are excited about it,
and conversion pastors are receiving hundreds of dollars each time
they perform a conversion education session.
Sunday and Wednesday services are filled with persecuting sermons about Shincheonji and the Chairman of Shinchonji.
If this isn’t a sign of the last days of religion, what is?
What will God do to those who are corrupt like in the times of Noah and Lot?
한때 MBC PD수첩은 제보자들에 의해 신천지에 대해
편파·왜곡 보도를 두 번이나 했습니다.
이는 신천지뿐 아니라 온 국민을 속이는 처사였습니다.
이러한 행위가 과연 신앙이고, 예수님의 계명을 지키는 것일까요?
이것이 부패한 말세요, 종교 말세입니다.
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
In order for one to be saved and to go to heaven

The testimonies of Shincheonji are :
In order for one to be saved and to go to heaven,
he or she must be born with the seed of God, must be harvested,
must be sealed (with the Word of God),
must not add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation,
must be a part of the twelve tribes,
and must have his or her name recorded in the book of life.
These were the promises of God.
However, the pastors belonging to the CCK and their congregation members did not keep any of these six requirements.
How can they even feel qualified to persecute others?
What gives them the right to call others “heretics?”
If such corrupted people are not heretics themselves, the Bible must be false.
How can anyone call such people “believers?”
They sell books they wrote that are filled with abusive words and cursing words,
as they fight to be the first to condemn Shinchonji.
They are making profits off of conversion education; it truly is the last days.
우리 신천지가 증거한 내용은, 구원받고 천국에 가려면 하나님의 씨로 나야 하고, 추수되어야 하고, (하나님의 말씀으로) 인 맞아야 하며, 계시록을 가감하면 안 되고, 12지파에 소속되어야 하고, 생명책에 녹명되어야 한다는 것입니다.
이것이 하나님의 약속입니다.
그러나 한기총의 목자들과 교인들은 이 6가지 중 하나도 지키지 못한 자들입니다.
이런 사람들이 누구를 핍박할 자격이 있을까요?
누구를 이단이라 할 자격이 있을까요?
이같이 부패한 자들이 이단이 아니라면 성경이 잘못되었을 것입니다.
서로가 앞 다투어 신천지를 저주하는 내용으로 저술한 책을 팔아먹고,
개종 교육으로 돈벌이를 하고, 정말 정말 말세입니다.
Shinchonji church of jesus / Shinchonji Truth and Lies
Shincheonji is fulfilling according the Bible
The rapid growth of Shincheonji in the midst of persecution
and sorrow indicates that a new era has arrived.It is also showing that Shincheonji is fulfilling according the Bible.
신천지가 핍박과 설움 속에서도 급성장 하는 것은
새 시대가 도래하였음을 알게 하는 것입니다.
이는 또한 신천지가 성경대로 이루어지고 있음을 보여 주고 알게 하는 것이지요.
새 시대가 도래하였음을 알게 하는 것입니다.
이는 또한 신천지가 성경대로 이루어지고 있음을 보여 주고 알게 하는 것이지요.

The one who passes over from the obsolete, aging,
and “disappearing world” into the new kingdom of the Twelve Tribesthat is being created according to the promise,
is the one who takes refuge from the corrupted world.
He has obtained the qualifications to receive salvation.
Also, to receive salvation, one must keep the commands
and prophecies in the New Testament.
When everything in the New Testament fulfills and comes to an end,
God will come to the new era of the world of peace and reign.(Rv 19:6)
낡고 쇠하여 없어지는 ‘가는 세상’에서 유월하여 약속대로 창조되는
새 나라 열두 지파에 소속되는 자가 부패한 세상에서 피난한 자요,
구원받을 자격을 가진 자가 됩니다.
그리고 구원을 받으려면 신약의 예언과 계명을 지켜야 합니다.
신약의 모든 것이 이루어지고 끝나면,
새 시대인 평화의 세계에 하나님이 오시어 통치하십니다.
Those Who Sell Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee
The People of Religion Who Became Corrupt & the New Era