
Copying Beethoven 9th Symphony Choral, People often reject about things they have never seen.

Copying Beethoven 9th Symphony Choral, 

People often reject about things they have never seen.

The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 (the Choral) is Ludwig van Beethoven's final complete symphony.

Completed in 1824, the symphony was the first example of a major composer using voices in a symphony. The words are sung during the final movement by four vocal soloists and a chorus.

They were taken from the "Ode to Joy", a poem written by Friedrich Schiller in 1785 and revised in 1803, with text additions made by the composer.

At the time, Critics attacked the symphony for its exorbitant length and what they heard as eccentricity, crudeness and arbitrariness. 

People are frightened or reject about things they don’t understand or have never seen(new thing).

But now, It is considered to be one of Beethoven's greatest works and in the 2010s, it stands as one of the most performed symphonies in the world.

At the first coming of Jesus, the pastors of the temple in Jerusalem called Jesus a heretic and the devil even though he was serving God. 

Jesus called the pastors of Jerusalem snakes and liars and told them to be born again (Mt 23, Jn 3:1-7). 

예수님 초림 때 예루살렘 성전 목자들이 하나님을 모신 예수님께 이단 마귀라고 했고, 예수님은 예루살렘의 목자들에게 거짓말쟁이 뱀이라고 하셨고 다시 나라고 하셨다. 

However, they could not find fault with Jesus’ word of testimony. (refer to Jn 8:44-47)

하나 그들이 예수님의 증거의 말씀에 대해 책잡지 못했다.

Those who persecuted and killed were always the pastors of the previous generation. (Acts 7:51-53, Mt 23:29-36) Today is the same.

핍박하고 죽이는 자들은 하나같이 이전 시대의 목자들이었고, 지금도 그러하다.

Orthodoxy, Heresy and Tradition

Each denominations (churches) has a different interpretation of the Bible. 

The fact tells us the tradition that has been passed down from past generations was corrupted. The tradition becomes a heresy because of corruption and lies.

A heresy is those who distort the Word of God and fabricate and teach lies.

The pastor who testifies to what he has seen and heard as commanded by God and Jesus--like Jesus, Moses, Paul, and John--is orthodoxy.

God and Jesus reveal the meaning of the prophecies and their respective events of fulfillment through the promised pastor. Thus, there is evidence for the testimony.

각 교단마다 성경을 풀이한 뜻이 다르다. 이는 전통이 변질됐다는 것을 말해준다. 이 전통이 부패하고 거짓을 말함으로 이단이 된다. 이단은 하나님의 약속한 말씀의 뜻을 왜곡하고 다른 뜻으로 거짓 증거 하는 자이다. 정통은 예수님같이, 모세같이, 요한같이, 바울같이 하늘의 하나님으로부터, 예수님으로부터 듣고 본 것을 지시에 의해 증거하는 목자이다. 하나님과 예수님은 약속한 목자를 통해 약속하신 예언과 그 이룬 것을 보여 주고 증거하게 하시므로 그 증거물이 있다.

Acts of the True God and the Devil

The true God is holy, the truth and life. Thus, people sent by God have testified the truth.

On the other hand, the devil is evil, a liar and death. Thus, the pastors of the devil have told lies just like the devil.

참 하나님은 거룩하시고 진리이시며 생명이시다. 하여 하나님이 보내신 자는 참말 곧 진리를 증거해 왔다. 반대로 마귀는 악하며 거짓말쟁이이며 사망이다. 하여 마귀 목자는 마귀같이 거짓말을 해온 것이다.

God spoke what He would fulfill in the future in parables to hide it from the devil and his pastors.

So the devil and his pastors distorted the promised prophecies of God from their true meaning as if they were the ones who made the promises (prophecies), and taught lies making people believe every word the pastors say.

하나님은 장래에 이루실 것을 마귀와 그 목자에게 감추기 위해 비유로 말씀하셨고, 마귀와 그 목자는 마치 자기가 약속(예언)한 것같이 하나님의 약속한 예언을 왜곡하고 거짓으로 변경시켜 ‘이거다, 저거다.’라고 믿게 한 것이다. 

Today's believers living in the era of the New Testament must not act like the Jews at the first coming, who opposed Jesus’ testimony and called him “the devil” and a heretic.

God made known His promised pastor in each era, and also made known the location of betrayal and destruction beforehand.

The words of promise in Revelation may be unfamiliar, but I hope that believers hear, confirm and understand the evidence of the fulfillment of Revelation, with its physical entities in order to be saved. 

오늘날의 신앙인들은 2천 년 전 유대인들이 예수님의 증거를 반대하고 도리어 이단 마귀라고 한 것같이 하지 말아야 한다. 하나님은 시대마다 하나님의 약속의 목자를 알리셨고, 배도하는 곳, 멸망시키는 곳도 미리 성경으로 알려주셨다. 계시록의 약속의 말씀이  낯설 수도 있지만, 나는 신앙인들이 구원받기 위해 계시록의 성취된 실상 증거를 들어 확인하고 깨닫기를 바란다.

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