
Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅱ, The real identities of the tree

Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅱ, The real identities of the tree

In my last article, I wrote about the hidden things in the Bible.

Please read the above article~~ 😊

Hidden things in the Bible

God spoke in Psalms 78 that he would open his mouth in parables and utter hidden things, things from of old. Later God came to Jesus and spoke through him in parables. 

The greatest mysteries among all are the serpent and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (its fruit), which leads people to death, and the tree of life (its fruit), which leads people to eternal life.

하나님께서는 시편 78편에 옛 비밀한 것을 비유를 베풀어 후대에 알릴 것을 말씀하시고, 그 후 예수님에게 오시어 비유로 말씀하셨으니, 이 비밀 중 큰 것은 ‘뱀’과 사망에 이르게 하는 ‘선악나무(과실)’와 영생하는 ‘생명나무(과실)’이다.

The wrong choice of Adam and Eve

God made known to Adam and Eve if they ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they would die; and if they ate the fruit from the tree of life they would live forever (Genesis 2:17, 3:22).

Although Adam and Eve knew this, they did not keep the word they received.  Instead, they believed in the words of the serpent.

하나님은 아담·하와에게 선악나무의 과실을 먹으면 죽고 생명나무의 과실을 먹으면 영생한다고 알려 주셨다. 아담·하와는 이를 알면서도 지키지 않고 뱀의 말을 믿었다. 

Hidden things, Two types of trees

Two types of trees appear in Genesis chapters 2 and 3—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (the tree of good and evil).

창세기 2장과 3장에 두 가지 나무가 있었으니, 하나는 생명나무이고 하나는 선악나무이다. 

1) The tree of good and evil is the serpent, the dragon and Satan's pastor. 

It says in Deuteronomy 32:33, “Their wine is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras.” And the king of Babylon are the wild vines (refer to Isa 5:2), the tree of good and evil that produces the wine of adulteries (Dn 4, Rv 17~18).

선악나무는 뱀 곧 용이며, 사단의 목자이다. 신명기 32장 33절에 그들의 포도주는 뱀의 독이요, 독사의 악독이라 하셨다. 바벨론의 왕은 들포도나무요 음행의 포도주가 나오는 선악나무이다.

The term Babylon, the wine of adulteries and serpent is used figuratively. The serpent symbolizes a pastor who has become one with the spirit of Satan.

It symbolizes a person. If this serpent was a literal serpent, how could he have talked to people? Why would people believe in the serpent’s words instead of believing in God’s word?

The serpent don't mean the Beast, he is Satan’s pastor. And Satan's word are symbolized the wild vines, the venom of serpent.

뱀은 사단의 신과 하나 된 목자 곧 사람이다. 이 뱀이 실제 뱀이라면, 뱀이 어떻게 사람에게 말하며, 사람이 어떻게 하나님을 믿지 않고 뱀의 말을 믿겠는가?

2) The tree of life is God, God's pastor. 

The seed, which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven, is God’s word (Lk 8:11). And the word in the beginnings was God. There is life inside this word (Jn 1:1-4).

The tree of life grew as the seed of life, the seed of the word, was planted. Since it is a tree of life, fruit of life must be born from it.

천국의 비밀인 씨는 하나님의 말씀이며(눅 8:11) 이 말씀 안에는 생명이 있다(요 1:1-4). 생명의 씨, 말씀의 씨를 심어 생명나무가 났다. 생명의 나무이므로 생명이 있는 생명 과실이 맺힌다.

It says in John 15:1, 14:6, Jesus is the true vine, meaning the life. God is the nature of the tree of life. God’s fruit, which is the fruit of the tree of life, was Jesus (1 Cor 15:20). Therefore, The tree of life is Jesus, his pastor. 

요한복음 15:1, 14:6에 예수님은 참 포도나무요 생명이라고 하였다. 하나님은 생명나무의 본체이시고, 하나님이신 생명나무의 열매는 곧 예수님이었다(고전 15:20). 따라서 생명나무는 예수님이며, 그의 목자이다.

What is the fruit of the tree of life?

A person is the tree, and the fruit of this tree is the word of this person. And both the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are spirits and people, and their fruits are people and the words of people(spirit).

사람이 나무요, 이 나무의 실과는 이 사람의 말이다. 그리고 생명나무도 선악나무도 영과 사람이며, 그 열매는 사람과 그의 말이다.

The Truth is God’s Word which is the seed of life, and the word (the Word) is god (Jn 10:35).

Since the firstfruit is someone born of God’s word of truth, God’s child born of God’s seed and God's word are symbolized by the fruit of the tree of life.

진리는 생명의 씨인 하나님의 말씀이요, 말(말씀)은 곧 그 신이다. 처음 익은 열매는 하나님의 진리의 말씀으로 낳은 자라고 하셨으니 하나님의 씨로 난 하나님의 자녀와 하나님의 말씀이 생명나무 과실이다.

What is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?

What is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that the snake gave to Eve? 

The un-truth or lies is Satan’s word which is the weed of death. Someone born with the seed of Satan and Satan's word are symbolized by the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the food given by the serpent (the devil).

뱀이 준 이 선악과는 무엇인가?  비진리인 거짓말은 사악의 씨인 마귀의 말이다. 마귀의 씨로 난 것과 마귀의 말씀이 선악나무 과실이다. 선악과는 뱀(마귀)이 주는 양식이다. 

One should know from whose seed they were born based on the Bible. 

If they are born from the seed of the devil’s un-truth, then they have to be born again with the seed of truth, life and the Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

누구의 씨로 난 자인지 성경 말씀으로 자기를 알아야 한다. 마귀의 비진리의 씨로 났으면, 진리의 생명의 씨와 성령으로 다시 나야 천국에 들어갈 수 있다(요 3:5-6).

Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅰ, Story behind Lucifer

Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅰ, Story behind Lucifer

In my last article, I wrote about the story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent.

Hidden things, The serpent

Today I want to talk about one of the hidden things in the Bible, the 'serpent'.

The real identities of the serpent is Lucifer. In the Hebrew, the name Lucifer is translated from the Hebrew word 'helel,' which means brightness.

What kind of entity is the Lucifer?

Lucifer, one of the creations God made, was originally one of the four guardian cherubs(archangels)

A cherub has many soldiers of heaven under his command and has the authority to mobilize (command) the army of heaven.

Lucifer was put in charge to protect the kingdom of heaven as one with wisdom that received from God. 

하나님이 창조하신 피조물 루시퍼는 본래 네 그룹(천사장) 중 하나였다. 그룹은 많은 천군(天軍)들을 가진 자요, 그 권세는 천군을 움직이는(지휘하는) 권세였다. 루시퍼는 하나님이 천국을 지키라고 세우신 지혜자였다. 

What kind of entity is the guardian cherub?

We can see this cherub in Ezekiel 28. When the cherub was with God, he was a commanding angel in Eden, who walked in the midst of the fiery stones, adorned with every precious stone, full of wisdom, and was the seal of perfection.  

덮는 그룹은 어떤 존재인가? 그가 하나님과 함께였을 때, 덮는 그룹은 에덴에 있었고, 화광석 사이에 다녔고, 각종 보석으로 단장하였으며, 지혜가 충족하였고, 완전한 인이었던 천사장이었다. 

The guardian cherub who betrayed

Though he was blameless in his ways from the day he was created, wickedness was finally found in him. 

What happened in Eden was back in the time of Adam; this king of Tyre came much later. The king of Tyre has received the spirit of the cherub.

The king of Tyre was blessed by God, but because of his pride, he went from being good to evil. 

The king of Tyre has desecrated his sanctuaries with his sins and dishonesty. He  thought that God’s spirit was with him, and mistook himself to be God, and became prideful.

The truth, however, was that God wasn’t with him, and thus, he was lying when he said that he was a 'god', and even 'God' himself.

이와 같이 지음 받은 날로부터 모든 길에 완전하더니, 마침내 불의가 드러났다. 에덴에 있었던 사건은 그 옛날 아담 때의 일이었으나, 이 두로 왕은 먼 훗날의 사람이었다. 두로 왕은 육체요, 덮는 그룹은 영이다. 두로 왕은 하나님으로부터 은혜를 입은 자이나 교만하여 선에서 악으로 된 자이다. 그는 죄악과 불의함으로 성소를 더럽혔다. 두로 왕은 자기가 하나님의 신이 함께하는 하나님으로 알고 교만하였으나 하나님은 그와 함께하시지 않으셨고, 그가 자기를 ‘신이다, 하나님이다.’라고 한 것은 거짓말이었다. 

The morning star ; the son of the dawn

This designation, referring to Lucifer, is the rendering of the "morning star" or "bright star" and "son of the dawn" which is presented in Isaiah chapter 14, verses 12~15.

It says that this morning star opposed God. He called himself God and was removed from the heavens only to become Satan. He was the first to betray God, and he led others to betray as well by deceiving God’s children. 

루시퍼를 가리키는이 명칭은 이사야 14장 12-15절에서 계명성을 표현한 것으로 그는 아침 별과 새벽의 아들로 언급되었습니다. 이 계명성이 참 하나님께 대적하였다고 하였다. 그는 자기를 하나님이라 하다가 쫓겨나 사단이 되었으며, 자기가 먼저 하나님을 배도하고 하나님의 자녀들을 미혹하여 배도하게 하는 자이다. 

The serpent that deceived Eve

Who is the serpent that deceived Adam and Eve? The term serpent is used figuratively

Back in Eden was a cherub that walked among the fiery stones. This cherub, that is, one of four living creatures, is the serpent who betrayed God. So he was thrown out of Eden and was named the wild beast 'serpent'.

According to Revelation 20:2, the serpent is the dragon, the devil, and Satan. 

아담과 하와를 미혹한 뱀은 누구인가? 여기서 뱀은 비유한 것이다. 옛적 에덴 동산에 화광석 사이로 다닌 그룹이 있었다. 이 그룹, 곧 네 생물 중 하나가 하나님을 배도한 뱀이다. 하여 그는 에덴에서 쫓겨났고, 들짐승 뱀이라 불렀던 것이다. 계시록 12:9, 20:2에 본바 이 뱀은 용이요, 사단이며, 마귀였다.

Many people do not clearly understand the difference between salvation, deception, betrayal, and sin. They think that saying, “Lord, Lord,” is having faith and that it will lead them to heaven.

If no one perceives the promises, then even if God were to fulfill them, who would see, believe, and be saved?

Thus, whoever desires heaven must perceive the meaning of the promises in the New Testament—the words of promise in the Bible. 

Also, anyone who perceived the words of God in the Bible should not be deceived by Satan ever again. 

많은 사람들이 어떤 것이 구원인지, 어떤 것이 미혹인지, 어떤 것이 배도인지, 어떤 것이 죄인지 잘 모른다. ‘주여 주여’ 하면 믿는 것이고 천국 가는 줄로 알고 있다. 만일 깨닫지 못하면 약속대로 이룬다 할지라도 어찌 보고 믿고 구원받을 수가 있겠는가? 이러므로 천국에 소망을 둔 성도는 하나님께서 약속하신 신약 성경에 약속하신 말씀의 뜻을 바로 깨달아야 한다. 또한 성경의 하나님의 말씀을 깨달은 사람은 또다시 사단의 미혹으로 시험을 받는 일이 없어야 한다. 

▣ Next post

Hidden things in Bible Ⅱ, The real identities of the tree


Shincheonji Bible Study [4] The reason why Adam and eve were ashamed

Shincheonji Bible Study [4] The reason why Adam and eve were ashamed

In my last article, I wrote about the story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent.

Please read you the above article~~ 😊

The result of eating the serpent’s words

Adam and Eve were not ashamed of their nakedness until they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

As a result of eating the serpent’s words, they realized their nakedness. 

Let us first understand what it means to be naked. We should look to the Bible as we consider expressions like “parables” (Mt 13:34-35).

그러면 벗었다는 것이 무엇인지 알아보자. 먼저 비유로 한 말과 창조의 대략이라는 말(마 13:34-35, 창 2:4)을 전제로 하고 성경으로 들어가 본다.

When Adam and Eve took off what was of the flesh and became living spirits, they were new creations. So it is no shame that they were naked.

아담 하와가 벌거벗은 것은 이전(육체) 것을 벗고 생기로 인해 생령 곧 새로운 피조물이된 것이므로, 그 벗은 것이 부끄러운 것이 아니었다(창 2:25). 

The reason why Adam and eve were ashamed

However, after Adam and eve received and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were so afraid that they hid themselves among the trees of the Garden.

Although they began with the holy spirit, they lost the holy spirit and returned to the flesh when they accepted the serpent’s lies. Because of this, they were ashamed of their nakedness.

그러나 이 두 사람이 선악과를 받아먹은 후, 두려워하여 나무 사이에 숨었다. 그들은 성령으로 시작하였지만, 뱀과 그 뱀의 말을 믿음으로 성령이 떠난 육체가 되었다. 이러한 이유로 부끄러워한 것이다.

Adam and Eve ate the fruit of good and evil the serpent gave them, because they believed the serpent’s words more than God’s words.

They stopped keeping God’s word and became the betrayers. This is how the event at the garden of Eden started.

아담·하와는 하나님의 말씀보다 뱀의 말을 더 믿었기 때문에 뱀이 주는 선악과를 먹은 것이다. 하나님의 말씀을 지키지 못한 배도자가 된 것이다. 이것이 에덴의 사건의 시작이다.

Being naked is to take off their clothes

The word nakedness implies that a person was at one point dressed. The plants and animals God created do not wear clothes, but we do not say they are naked. People, on the other hand, wear clothes.

Clothes represent the word of God (i.e. the holy spirit) and righteous deeds done according to the word of God.

Since people have taken off the holy spirit(living spirit) and clothed themselves with the flesh, they are asked to repent and again clothe themselves with the holy spirit, the armor of light.

옷은 하나님(성령)의 말씀과 그 말씀 안에서의 행실을 의미한다. 성령(생령)을 벗고 육을 입은 것이기에, 성령을 받으라(입으라)고 한 것이다.

One becomes a new creation, a new person, by throwing away their old self (sinner) and being reborn of God’s seed.  By doing so, he can attain the qualification to call the true God “Father” and the qualification to live in God’s house, Heaven, as part of His family.

Therefore, We must be awake and stand firmly on the truth so we will not go naked and be shamefully exposed.

옛 사람(죄인)을 벗어 버리고 하나님의 씨로 다시 남으로 새로운 피조물 곧 새 사람이 되고, 참 하나님을 아버지라고 부를 수 있는 자격이 되며, 하나님의 한 가족으로서 아버지 집 천국에서 함께 살 자격이 되는 것이다. 그러므로 깨어 있어 누구든지 자기의 몸이 벌거벗은 몸이 되지 않도록 진리에 서야 할 것이다.


Shincheonji Bible Study [3] The truth and lies of John 8:44

Shincheonji Bible Study [3] The truth and lies of John 8:44

In my last article, I wrote about the story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent.

Please read the above article~~ 😊

The devil that has been ruling over all the world

Adam and Eve the people in the beginning deceived by the serpent, committed sin and became sinners. Due to this sin, God left the people, and the devil has been reigning over the world. 

아담·하와가 뱀에게 미혹을 받아 범죄함으로 죄인이 되었고, 이 죄로 인해 하나님이 사람에게서 떠나계셨고, 마귀가 세상을 주관하고 다스리게 되었다. 

In order to hide these facts, the serpent has been lying as if he were the owner who created the heavens and the earth. 

The devil speaks lies to make people believe him to be the God, who created the heavens and earth. 

That is why God made known two types of beings, the ones who tell true words and the ones who lies, in John 8:44-47.

뱀은 마치 천지를 자기가 창조한 것같이, 주인인 것 같이, 이러한 사실을 감추기 위해 거짓말을 하는 것이었다. 마귀는 마치 자기가 천지 만물을 창조한 하나님인 것처럼 알리기 위해 거짓말을 한 것이다. 하여 하나님께서는 요한복음 8장 44-47절에 참말과 거짓말을 하는 두 존재를 알게 하셨다.

What do they use to deceive?

To be deceived means to be misled by deceiving words and fall and be trapped in a state of confusion. Satan pretended to be God and deceived many people and made them his own.

무엇으로 미혹하는가? 미혹은 상대에 의해 내 정신이 홀려 혼돈되고 거기로 걸려 들어가는 것을 말하는 것이다. 사단은 자기를 하나님이라 가장하여 많은 사람을 미혹하하여 자기 소유로 삼았다. 

The religious war between denominations

At that time, two nations and kingdoms, meaning two different denominations, will fight and both sides will claim to be the truth. As a result, the people will be deceived. 

이 때 두 개의 나라와 민족, 다시 말하면 두 가지 교단이 서로 자기가 진리라고 싸우며 미혹한다는 말씀이다. 

These words are not given to the non-believers (non-Christians) and the people of the world. 

The war mentioned here is not a physical war that takes place between two countries in the world but a religious war—a war between the spirits (gods). 

이 말은 불신자와 세상 사람들에게 한 말이 아니요, 또 전쟁은 세상 나라와 나라의 전쟁이 아니요 종교적 전쟁 곧 신의 전쟁이다.

The congregation who has the Spirit of Christ 

The love of God and Jesus has left because our life of faith became old and corrupted. Evil and Satan have come. 

If Satan enters, we carry out evil actions like Satan, and come to like evil more than love. Also they will lie like the devil. This is the proof of Satan’s evil spirit being with them, not Christ’s spirit of love. 

신앙이 낡고 부패함으로 위와 같은 하나님과 예수님의 사랑이 떠나가고, 찾아온 것은 악과 사단이다. 사단이 들어가면 사단 같은 악을 행하게 되고, 악을 사랑보다도 좋아하게 되고, 마귀같이 거짓말을 할 것이다. 이것은 그리스도의 사랑의 영이 아닌, 사단의 악의 영이 함께하는 증거이다. 

When people do not know who the true God is, they finally believe in Satan who disguises himself as the true God.

Therefore, God says that He ‘desires acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.’ in Hos 6:6. 

사람이 참 하나님을 알지 못할 때 하나님으로 가장한 사단을 하나님으로 믿게 된다. 이러므로 하나님께서는 ‘제사보다 하나님을 아는 것을 원한다.’고 호세아 6장 6절에 말씀하신 것이다.

Shincheonji Bible Study [2] What can cleanse the sin of the world?

Shincheonji Bible Study [2] What can cleanse the sin of the world?

In my last article, I wrote about about the reason that Adam and Eve and the Serpent would become a traitor.

Please read the above article~~ 😊

The reason God left people

The reason God left people was because they betrayed God, who is the master who created them, and worshipped another godthat is, the god of the serpent. 

As a result, the devil has been reigning over the world. 

하나님이 사람에게서 떠나시게 된 이유는 자기를 창조한 주인이신 하나님을 배도하고 다른 신 곧 뱀의 신을 섬김으로 떠나신 것이다. 그 결과 지구촌은 마귀가 주관하고 다스리게 되었다. 

The God has been fulfilling all of the prophecies that have been promised for the past 6000 years.

Therefore, we can believe God and His promises. If there is no record of fulfilled prophecy, even if another prophecy is made, how can we believe and wait for it?

A religion which has no prophecy and fulfillment is not a religion from God.

하나님은 6천 년 간 약속한 예언을 다 이루어 오셨다. 하여 하나님과 하나님의 약속은 믿을 수 있는 것이다. 이전의 예언이 성취된 것들이 없다면 또 약속한 예언이 있다 할지라도 어찌 믿고 기다리겠는가? 약속한 예언과 그 성취가 없는 종교는 하나님의 종교가 아닌 것이다.

The people within the 6,000 years of history, as shown in the Bible, have been born of Adam’s perishable genes, which are the snake’s perishable genes.  They were sinners like Adam. 

As God, who is life, left these sinners, the spirit of death and of wickedness entered, and death began to reign. As a result of the venom of the serpent inside people, death came. 

이 썩은 아담의 유전자 곧 뱀의 썩은 유전자로 낳은 사람들이 성경 역사 6천 년 간의 사람들이다. 이 사람들은 아담과 같은 죄인들이다. 이 죄인들 안에서 생명이신 하나님이 떠나가시고, 죽음의 신, 사악의 신이 사람에게 들어왔고 사망이 온 것이다.

What can cleanse the sin? 

What can cleanse the sin of death, which is inside of man? God is not the God of such sinners. All men were born by the genes of Adam, who was a sinner; there was no one righteous, not even one. 

사람 속에 있는 죽음의 죄를 무엇으로 어떻게 없게 할 수가 있겠는가? 하나님은 이 같은 죄인들의 하나님이 아니다. 세상 모든 사람들이 죄인 아담의 유전자로 났으므로 다 죄인이니, 의인은 없나니 하나도 없었다. 

The law of sacrifice was given because of sin (Hebrews 10:1-18); but it was impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. This was the law of sacrifice that was given through Moses.

As a result of God's one and only holy Son coming, bearing the cross, and shedding his blood in accordance to the Father's will, the condition for the atonement of sins of all mankind was met.

제사법은 이 죄 때문에 있게 된 것이다(히 10:1-18). 그러나 소와 양의 피로 제사하고 사람에게 뿌렸으나 사람의 죄는 없어지지 않았다. 이것이 모세를 통한 율법의 제사법이었다. 하여 하나님의 아들 독생 성자가 와서 아버지의 뜻에 따라 십자가를 지고 피를 흘림으로 인류의 죄를 사할 수 있는 조건이 된 것이다.

A religion can be called the true religion if it can forgive man’s sin

Jesus bore the cross to atone for people’s sins and so that God, who had left because of people’s sins, could come with Jesus to dwell within his people.

참 종교는 사람의 죄를 사할 수 있는 종교이다. 예수께서 십자가를 지신 이유는 사람의 죄를 없게 하기 위함이요, 또 죄로 인해 떠나가신 하나님과 예수님이 죄 없는 사람 속에 거하시기 위함이었다.

God’s children and God’s family

We can become God’s children by being born again, “not of natural descent, nor a husbands will” (Jn 1:13). 

One becomes a new creation, a new person, by throwing away their old self (sinner) and being reborn of God’s seed.  By doing so, he can attain the qualification to call the true God “Father” and the qualification to live in God’s house, Heaven, as part of His family. 

사람의 육정이나 혈통으로 난 것이 아닌 하나님의 씨로 다시 남으로 하나님의 자녀가 될 수 있다. 그러므로 옛 사람(죄인)을 벗어 버리고 하나님의 씨로 다시 남으로 새로운 피조물 곧 새 사람이 되고, 참 하나님을 아버지라고 부를 수 있는 자격이 되며, 하나님의 한 가족으로서 아버지 집 천국에서 함께 살 자격이 되는 것이다. 

A person born of the genes of a transgressor may seem kind and obedient, but he is not a child of God. 

Those born of God’s seed and are guided by His Spirit are the sons who call God their Father.

범죄자의 유전자로 난 자가 제아무리 착하고 선하고 충성스러운 사람이라 할지라도 하나님의 자녀는 아니다. 오직 하나님의 씨로 나서 하나님의 영으로 인도받는 자가 아들이며, 하나님을 아버지라 부를 수 있다. 

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Shincheonji Bible Study [1] The Story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent

Shincheonji Bible Study [1] The Story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent

God who is the creator of heaven and earth created all creation, and upon creating Adam and Eve, He put them in charge of ruling over all. 

But Adam and Eve sinned. Therefore, all people born of the gene of Adam are all sinners. Because of this, every person should hope for his or her sins to be forgiven and try to be free of sin. 

천지 창조주 하나님께서 만물을 창조하시고 또 아담과 하와를 창조하시어, 만물을 아담 하와에게 다스리라고 맡기셨다. 그러나 아담과 하와가 죄를 지었으므로 그 유전자로 난 모든 사람은 다 죄인이다. 하여 누구나 죄 사함 받기를 원해야 하고, 죄에서 벗어나기를 힘써야 할 것이다. 

Who is the serpent that deceived Adam and Eve?

The term serpent is used figuratively; it is one of the wild animals (Gn 3:1) among God's other created beings.

Revelation 20 makes known that the serpent is the devil, Satan, and the dragon. 

Both God and Satan are spirits. When they work within the human world, they work within a persons flesh.

아담과 하와를 미혹한 뱀은 누구인가? 여기서 뱀은 비유한 것이며, 뱀은 하나님이 창조한 들짐승 중 하나이다(창 3:1). 이 뱀을 마귀, 사단, 용이라고 계시록 20장에 알려 주었다. 하나님도 사단도 신(영)이므로, 인간 세상에서 역사할 때는 사람 속에 들어가 행하게 된다.

Because of that serpent, there are secrets hidden throughout the Bible, the book of God, from Genesis to Revelation. 

We must know the reason why He spoke of these promises using figurative words, why the prophecies are written in parables. It was to prevent Satan and the enemies from hearing and understanding them. 

If one does not understand and perceive the parables told by Jesus, that person will become an outsider, a person that cannot receive atonement for their sin (Mk 4:10-12).

이 뱀 때문에 창세로부터 계시록 때까지 옛 비밀과 비유의 말이 있게 된 것이다(마 13:10-15). 예언서에 빙자한 비유로 약속을 말한 것은 사단과 대적자가 듣고 깨닫지 못하게 한 것이라고 하신 말씀을 알아야 한다. 하나님의 책 성경 안에는 예수께서 하신 비유의 말씀을 깨닫지 못하면 외인(外人)이 되고 죄 사함을 받지 못한다고 하셨다(막 4:10-12).

The reason why the morning star betray God and become Satan

Among the creation of the true God was one who betrayed and became the other god himself desiring to make himself like the Most High. He was the guardian cherub in Ezekiel 28,  and one of the four living creatures (Ez 1, Ez 10:15-20).  

In Isaiah chapter 14, verses 12~15, he was addressed as the morning star, and son of the dawn. It says that this morning star opposed God. 

The reason why the morning star betray God and become Satan is because of his greed. He wanted to be in a higher position of authority.

This is how the other god (the devil) came into being besides the only true God (the Creator).

참 하나님이 창조하신 피조물 중 배도하여 또 하나의 신이 된 자가 있으니 에스겔 28장의 덮는 그룹이다. 이 덮는 그룹은 네 생물 중 하나였다. 이사야 14장 12-15절에서는 이를 아침의 아들 계명성이라 하였고, 이 계명성이 참 하나님께 대적하였다고 하였다. 계명성이 하나님을 배신하고 사단이 된 이유는 자기 지위보다 더 높아지겠다는 욕심 때문이었다. 하여 두 가지의 신이 있게 되었다. 

Why did Adam and Eve believe in the words of the snake?  

Why did Adam and Eve not believe in the words of God, their Creator, and chose to believe in the words of the snake?  

In James 1:14~15 it states, ‘Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.' It also says each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.

The reason that one of God’s creations would become a traitor is due to greed. In Genesis 3, the serpent and Eve betrayed God because they wanted to be like God. 

아담과 하와는 왜 자기를 지으신 하나님의 말씀을 믿지 아니하고 뱀의 말을 믿었는가? 야고보서 1장 14~15절에 “욕심이 잉태한즉 죄를 낳고, 죄가 장성한즉 사망을 낳느니라.”고 하였으며, 또 사람이 시험을 받는 것은 자기 욕심에 끌려 미혹됨이라고 기록되어 있다. 이와 같이 피조물이 역적이 되는 것도 욕심 때문이다. 창세기 3장의 뱀도 하와도 하나님처럼 되고자 한 욕심 때문에 배신자가 된 것이다. 

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Shincheonji Volunteers are working that give life to people, just like the sky gives you light, rain and air.

Shincheonji Volunteers are working that give life to people, just like the sky gives you light, rain and air

Shincheonji Volunteers are doing their best to volunteer according to the Will of Jesus ; To volunteer works that give life to people, just like the sky invariably gives life to the land by providing light, rain and air, without any condition.

With the request from the civil council Pohang volunteers center, Pohang Shincheonji Volunteers performed an emergency restoration aid on Oct. 6, 2016.

The twenty seven Shincheonji Volunteers performed cleaning and restoration volunteering with another five civil groups in the lowland areas located in Jang yang-dong, North Ward where typhoon 'Chaba' had flooded the traditional market and housings.

Shincheonji Volunteers performed an emergency restoration aid

Deteriorated housings were severely damaged ; the rooms were flooded with rain. Because it was a region that do not use city gas, briquettes, furniture, beds, home appliances and clothes were lying on the floor altogether.

With a big, caring heart, the Shincheonji volunteers threw themselves into the volunteer work for the victims of the disaster.

Byeong Han Hwang, the head of North Ward lavished praise to the volunteers by saying “Shincheonji is the best, they are amazing!”

I want to thank Shincheonji Volunteers for participating in helping the locals living in the damaged areas until the very last moment.

Chungju Shincheonji Volunteers which practice ‘love your neighbor’

Chungju Shincheonji Volunteers which practice ‘love your neighbor’

Chungju Shincheonji volunteers had held the event of ‘life sharing blood donation’ on December 7, 2016.

Three buses were provided by The Republic of Korea National Red Cross, Chungbuk Blood bank for approx. 400 people from Shincheonji volunteers to participated.

People from The Republic of Korea National Red Cross, Chungbuk Blood Bank expressed their gratitude for participating blood donation of Shincheonji Volunteers members. 

A person concerned mentioned “Thank you so much on your cooperation. Even megachurch members rarely volunteer on blood donation. We will use it with loving care.”

Lee Jae Yun who was participated in blood donation on that day said “I’m glad to save precious life by this little sacrifice wishing this blood becomes the hope for patients who fight for disease."

A branch manager of Chungju Shincheonji volunteers mentioned the purpose of this event “We wish this donation would solve imbalance between supply and demand in winter. Furthermore, we will perform love of neighbor through consistent love and life sharing events.”

Without any condition, Shincheonji volunteers which practice ‘love your neighbor’ following ‘God’s will’ who gives you light, rain and air to live on.

Chungju Shincheonji volunteers has been contributing their talent to the public in various ways such as wall painting, loving country sharing peace, free medical services to foreigners residing in Korea, cleaning street, teaching Korean to foreigners residing in Korea and making Kim-chi for the winter.