The Story of the people in the shincheonji, Who is the people that speak the truth?
I am 'Good Seed' and I'm living in South Korea. I attended the Presbyterian Church from a very early age because my mother was a Christian. The majority of Korean churches belong to Presbyterianism.
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I always wondered about the above question. And I found the correct answer in the shincheonji church of jesus(also known as ‘Shincheonji’). Now I'm attending for 10 years at the shincheonji church.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
Shincheonji Church of Jesus on a Dramatic Growth
Shincheonji continues to grow, and more notably, 90% of its congregation members come from other established churches.
The reason that the pastors, elders, evangelists, and congregation members under the established churches are gathering to Shincheonji is because God’s truth is with Shincheonji.
The Christian Council of Korea (CCK), mainly comprised of the Presbyterian Church that stemmed from Calvin (the murderer), has become corrupt. They do not have God, the Word, or the truth. — This is why their congregation members fled from there, following the truth.
기성교회의 목사들, 장로들, 전도사들, 각 부서의 성도들이 새천지에 모여온 주된 이유는 신천지에는 하나님과 진리가 있기 때문이다. 한기총은 부패했고, 하나님도 말씀도 진리도 없어 거기서 도망을 나온 것이다. 진리 따라 말이다.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
What kind of Organization is CCK?
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The Story of the people in the shincheonji
Korean Christian Churches on a Dramatic Decrease
The CCK once had 12 million followers, but that number has now decreased to 6 million. The remaining 6 million has been further divided into two, with each side cursing another by labeling it as heretical. The reason for the CCK’s dramatic decrease in numbers is due to its corruption and false testimonies.
한때 한기총의 교인 수는 1,200만이라고 했다. 한데 지금은 약 600만이고, 이 600만도 둘로 갈라져 서로 이단이라며 저주하고 있다. 이같이 급감된 이유는 그들의 부패와 거짓 증거 때문이다.
The pastors of the denominations that belong to the CCK consider the number of their congregation their power, and feed lies to their congregation using their titles of being presidents and pastors. CBS, a religious broadcasting station with its main board members consisting of the CCK’s pastors, is also making up lies and airing them.
사람의 수효로 권력을 삼고, ‘회장이다, 목사다’라는 명분으로 거짓을 먹이고, 한기총 소속 교단의 목사들이 주요 이사로 구성된 CBS 종교 방송 또한 거짓을 지어 방송하고 있다.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
Labels anyone who does not belong to Its own as a heretic
Alerted by the dramatic growth of Shincheonji, Korean Christian churches are arbitrarily labeling Shincheonji as ‘heresy’ in order to stop their own congregation members from going to Shincheonji.
신천지예수교회의 급성장으로 인해 위기감을 느낀 한국 기독교계는 자기 교단(교회) 소속 교인들이 신천지로 가지 못하게 하려고 자의적으로 신천지를 ‘이단’이라 정죄하였다.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
Intentional Broadcast of False and Distorted Report
Christian Media Network of Korea such as CBS, KMIB, etc. aired things that are not true as if they are true. Some people is still spreading the falsely broadcasted content of MBC PD Note as if it is the truth.
We must know the truth about the wrong doctrines of the CCK and the false and distorted coverage of CBS. Also, CBS must stop broadcasting twisted testimonies.
Recently some people are spreading dangerous and false information that distort the political issues in relation to the domestic confused situation.
Shincheonji is entirely unrelated to the current political situation.
우리 나라 헌법에는 종교는 자유이며, 정치와 종교는 분리된다 하였다(제20조 제1, 2항). 최근 어떤 사람들은 국내의 혼란스러운 상황을 연관지어서 정치적 이슈를 왜곡한 위험하고 잘못된 정보들을 퍼트리고 있다. 종교는 하나님으로부터 있게 되는 것이다. 신천지는 지금 일어나고 있는 정치적 상황과 전혀 무관하다.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
Who is the people that speak the truth?
Those who belong to the CCK do not know much about the meaning of the Bible, yet they distorted the meaning of the Bible with something else, and teach their doctrines to the congregation.
Through these following words of comparing the theologies and faiths of Shincheonji and the CCK, let us discern that who is the truth and who is the heretic.
이들은 성경의 뜻을 너무 모르며 성경의 뜻을 다른 것으로 바꾸어 가르친다. 이 글을 통해 신천지와 한기총의 신학과 신앙을 비교하여, 누가 정통이고 누가 이단인지 알아보고자 한다.
The Story of the people in the shincheonji
The Doctrine Comparison ; CCK VS Shincheonji
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