
Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅰ, Story behind Lucifer

Shincheonji Bible Story│Hidden things in the Bible Ⅰ, Story behind Lucifer

In my last article, I wrote about the story of Adam and Eve and the Serpent.

Hidden things, The serpent

Today I want to talk about one of the hidden things in the Bible, the 'serpent'.

The real identities of the serpent is Lucifer. In the Hebrew, the name Lucifer is translated from the Hebrew word 'helel,' which means brightness.

What kind of entity is the Lucifer?

Lucifer, one of the creations God made, was originally one of the four guardian cherubs(archangels)

A cherub has many soldiers of heaven under his command and has the authority to mobilize (command) the army of heaven.

Lucifer was put in charge to protect the kingdom of heaven as one with wisdom that received from God. 

하나님이 창조하신 피조물 루시퍼는 본래 네 그룹(천사장) 중 하나였다. 그룹은 많은 천군(天軍)들을 가진 자요, 그 권세는 천군을 움직이는(지휘하는) 권세였다. 루시퍼는 하나님이 천국을 지키라고 세우신 지혜자였다. 

What kind of entity is the guardian cherub?

We can see this cherub in Ezekiel 28. When the cherub was with God, he was a commanding angel in Eden, who walked in the midst of the fiery stones, adorned with every precious stone, full of wisdom, and was the seal of perfection.  

덮는 그룹은 어떤 존재인가? 그가 하나님과 함께였을 때, 덮는 그룹은 에덴에 있었고, 화광석 사이에 다녔고, 각종 보석으로 단장하였으며, 지혜가 충족하였고, 완전한 인이었던 천사장이었다. 

The guardian cherub who betrayed

Though he was blameless in his ways from the day he was created, wickedness was finally found in him. 

What happened in Eden was back in the time of Adam; this king of Tyre came much later. The king of Tyre has received the spirit of the cherub.

The king of Tyre was blessed by God, but because of his pride, he went from being good to evil. 

The king of Tyre has desecrated his sanctuaries with his sins and dishonesty. He  thought that God’s spirit was with him, and mistook himself to be God, and became prideful.

The truth, however, was that God wasn’t with him, and thus, he was lying when he said that he was a 'god', and even 'God' himself.

이와 같이 지음 받은 날로부터 모든 길에 완전하더니, 마침내 불의가 드러났다. 에덴에 있었던 사건은 그 옛날 아담 때의 일이었으나, 이 두로 왕은 먼 훗날의 사람이었다. 두로 왕은 육체요, 덮는 그룹은 영이다. 두로 왕은 하나님으로부터 은혜를 입은 자이나 교만하여 선에서 악으로 된 자이다. 그는 죄악과 불의함으로 성소를 더럽혔다. 두로 왕은 자기가 하나님의 신이 함께하는 하나님으로 알고 교만하였으나 하나님은 그와 함께하시지 않으셨고, 그가 자기를 ‘신이다, 하나님이다.’라고 한 것은 거짓말이었다. 

The morning star ; the son of the dawn

This designation, referring to Lucifer, is the rendering of the "morning star" or "bright star" and "son of the dawn" which is presented in Isaiah chapter 14, verses 12~15.

It says that this morning star opposed God. He called himself God and was removed from the heavens only to become Satan. He was the first to betray God, and he led others to betray as well by deceiving God’s children. 

루시퍼를 가리키는이 명칭은 이사야 14장 12-15절에서 계명성을 표현한 것으로 그는 아침 별과 새벽의 아들로 언급되었습니다. 이 계명성이 참 하나님께 대적하였다고 하였다. 그는 자기를 하나님이라 하다가 쫓겨나 사단이 되었으며, 자기가 먼저 하나님을 배도하고 하나님의 자녀들을 미혹하여 배도하게 하는 자이다. 

The serpent that deceived Eve

Who is the serpent that deceived Adam and Eve? The term serpent is used figuratively

Back in Eden was a cherub that walked among the fiery stones. This cherub, that is, one of four living creatures, is the serpent who betrayed God. So he was thrown out of Eden and was named the wild beast 'serpent'.

According to Revelation 20:2, the serpent is the dragon, the devil, and Satan. 

아담과 하와를 미혹한 뱀은 누구인가? 여기서 뱀은 비유한 것이다. 옛적 에덴 동산에 화광석 사이로 다닌 그룹이 있었다. 이 그룹, 곧 네 생물 중 하나가 하나님을 배도한 뱀이다. 하여 그는 에덴에서 쫓겨났고, 들짐승 뱀이라 불렀던 것이다. 계시록 12:9, 20:2에 본바 이 뱀은 용이요, 사단이며, 마귀였다.

Many people do not clearly understand the difference between salvation, deception, betrayal, and sin. They think that saying, “Lord, Lord,” is having faith and that it will lead them to heaven.

If no one perceives the promises, then even if God were to fulfill them, who would see, believe, and be saved?

Thus, whoever desires heaven must perceive the meaning of the promises in the New Testament—the words of promise in the Bible. 

Also, anyone who perceived the words of God in the Bible should not be deceived by Satan ever again. 

많은 사람들이 어떤 것이 구원인지, 어떤 것이 미혹인지, 어떤 것이 배도인지, 어떤 것이 죄인지 잘 모른다. ‘주여 주여’ 하면 믿는 것이고 천국 가는 줄로 알고 있다. 만일 깨닫지 못하면 약속대로 이룬다 할지라도 어찌 보고 믿고 구원받을 수가 있겠는가? 이러므로 천국에 소망을 둔 성도는 하나님께서 약속하신 신약 성경에 약속하신 말씀의 뜻을 바로 깨달아야 한다. 또한 성경의 하나님의 말씀을 깨달은 사람은 또다시 사단의 미혹으로 시험을 받는 일이 없어야 한다. 

▣ Next post

Hidden things in Bible Ⅱ, The real identities of the tree

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