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Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
The light of life
The creator, God, is the light of life according to the scriptures (Jn 1:1-4).
His son, Jesus, is also the light of life (1Jn 1:1-2; Jn 12:46).
경서(經書)에서 본 창조주 하나님도 생명의 빛이었고(요 1:1-4),
그의 아들 예수도 생명의 빛이었다(요일 1:1-2, 요 12:46).
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
The light of true love
The light that came from heaven was the word of life that was granted to all mankind (Jn 1:1-4).
It is the light of true love that provides the everlasting life to all creations
just like the light, rain and air from heaven.
하늘에서 온 빛은 온 인류에게 주는 생명의 말씀이었다(요 1:1-4).
천지 만물에게 변함없이 생명을 주는 하늘의 빛과 비와 공기 같은 참 사랑의 빛이다.
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
The unchangeable culture
The unchangeable culture
The light from heaven is the heavenly culture that gives life to all things.
This is the unchangeable culture of God who created all things in heaven and on earth.
하늘에서 온 빛은 만물에게 생명을 주는 하늘 문화이다.
이 문화는 천지 만물을 창조한 불변의 문화이다.
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
The culture of heaven
The only possible means to renew and heal tainted creatures is the light of true love, the culture of heaven.
Within this culture of heaven, there dwells the divine being of the creator, the Holy Spirit.
때묻은 천하 만물을 새롭게 소성시킬 수 있는 것은 참 사랑의 빛 하늘 문화이다.
이 하늘 문화 안에는 창조주의 신 성령이 함께하신다.
The one who knows the foundation of the creation of heaven and earth is the creator and the Holy Spirit of the creator knows even the deep things (the secret) of heaven and earth (1Cor 2:10).
This is the culture of heaven.
천지 창조의 근본을 아는 것도 창조주이시고, 창조주의 성령은 천지간 깊은 것(비밀)도 아신다(고전 2:10).
이것이 하늘의 문화이다.
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
For whom did they have to die?
For whom did they have to die?
Why, why and why do young men around the world have to die?
For whom do they have to die?
왜, 왜, 왜, 지구촌에 피어나는 수많은 꽃 같은 청년들이 누구를 위해 아무 이유 없이 죽어 가야 하나?
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A world without war and without death
The sacrifice of their lives is greater than the universe.
The wish of the deceased souls is surely world peace and the restoration of light.
Their wishes must have been to live in a world without war and without death.
이 생명의 희생은 우주보다 더 크건마는, 말이 없는 그 영혼들의 바람은 세계 평화와 광복이었으리라.
전쟁 없는 세상, 죽음 없는 세상 말이다.
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
Why do we have to fight against one another?
Why do we have to fight against one another?
Everyone living on this globe belongs to one family that surpasses national borders, races or religions.
Why do we have to fight against one another?
Why do people have to kill others? Our lives are granted by the light, rain and air from heaven?
국경도 인종도 종교도 구별 없이 지구촌은 한 가족이다.
왜 싸워야 하나? 하늘의 빛과 비와 공기로 준 생명을 왜 죽여야 하나?
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
If religions of the world are united...
If religions of the world are united, the world will also be unified.
In order for the religions to be united, all religions must be overcome by the truth.
The truth of the culture of heaven belongs to heaven, and it must be given by heaven.
종교가 통일되면 세상도 통일된다.
종교가 통일되려면 모든 종교들을 진리로 이겨야 한다.
하늘 문화의 진리는 하늘에 있고, 하늘에서 받아야 한다.
World peace and the restoration of light
The new era, the era of Shincheonji (i.e. New Heaven and New Earth), was created through the culture of heaven.
Let’s bring peace and the restoration of light to ourselves and to the world through the culture of heaven.
The one who can accomplish this is a person of the culture of heaven,
who has seen and heard what was in heaven and who has received commands from above.
새 시대인 신천지 시대는 하늘 문화로 창조된다. 하늘 문화로 자기 자신과 세상의 평화와 광복을 이룩하자.
이를 창조할 수 있는 사람은 하늘에서 보고 듣고 지시받아 온 하늘 문화인(文化人)이다.
Beautiful Shincheonji Cult ure, Beautiful South Korean Image
New Heaven and New Earth
The hard soil gets wet by the spring rain.
Plants sprout and burst forth from the melted ground.
The birds of heaven follow the scent of the wind.
The day breaks, a historical song, it is a good time and a good season when
the heaven and the earth are in harmony.
The birds of heaven follow the scent of the wind.
The day breaks, a historical song, it is a good time and a good season when
the heaven and the earth are in harmony.
깊은 밤 엄동설한(嚴冬雪寒) 굳은 땅 봄비에 젖어 녹은 땅 새 싹 꽃 피고,
바람 향기 찾아온 천조(天鳥)들 역사 깊은 노래 소리 동이 튼다.
바람 향기 찾아온 천조(天鳥)들 역사 깊은 노래 소리 동이 튼다.
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My heaven, the everlasting paradise
Out of the heaven, earth, and all things, the eternal youth and immortality,
every creature waits for the fortune of Shincheon (new heaven)
the spiritual man of Cheonji (heaven and earth) is good.
It is the eternal spring with the songs of the birds of heaven by the side of the running stream.
The beautiful flowers are dancing,
the clapping sound of the mountains and streams, overwhelmed,
by the wind, on the cloud, the flying visitors.
It is my heaven, the everlasting paradise.
천지만물지중 불로불사 초락도(不老不死初樂道)
만물고대 신천운(萬物苦待新天運) 천지영인(天地靈人) 좋을시고.
사시장춘(四時長春) 봄일세.
흐르는 시냇가에 천조들의 노랫소리 아름다운 꽃들 둥실둥실 춤 나온다.
산천초목 잎들 손뼉 소리 풍미에 젖고, 바람 타고 구름 타고 날아오는 손들
여기가 나의 천국 영원한 낙원일세.
ⓒ The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
Light of Life, the Culture of Heaven
The Belief, Creation, & Faith of Shincheonji, The Church of Jesus
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