
Why do “Cult Researchers” constantly appear in attacking Shincheonji?

Why do “Cult Researchers” constantly appear
in attacking Shincheonji?

Major Christian media Relying Solely on Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin, Failing to Diversify Reporters 

Many are curious as to why major Christian media outlets such as Kukmin Ilbo and CBS No-Cut News are overly relying on two “cult researchers” and their assertions against the new religious denomination, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji). 

Both Kukmin Ilbo and CBS have been heavily basing their critical reports against Shincheonji on claims made by, Mr. Shin, the Head Counselor of Korean Christian Cult Counseling Center in Guri, and Mr. Jin, the chairperson of Korean Christian Cult Counseling Committee. Especially in Kukmin Ilbo, interviews with Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin appeared in every critical report against Shincheonji that was published in the past several months, attracting the public’s attention. 

One justification may be that both men are knowledgeable of Shincheonji, but many are becoming wary of the one-sided assertions of few individuals who oppose that very denomination that they are reporting on through major Christian media outlets.

The 13th Christian Media Forum held last March noted that “the debates on the heretical Korean churches focus on irrelevant topics that do not touch upon the essence of Christianity, further causing divisions and confusions within the church. The so-called cult researchers’ arbitrary methods of determining a heresy are responsible for the majority of this confusion.” 

In regards to Mr. Jin and Mr. Shin, a former member of Shincheonji, the forum claimed that “many of the self-proclaimed cult researchers are attacking their former denominations, acting as experts in the matters of determining heresies.”

In addition to such charges, it was also revealed that Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin failed to respond to the summons of the Committee on Countermeasures of Cults of the Christian Council of Korea (CCK), which had previously determined Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin were heretics. The committee also concluded Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin had started many conflicts and disagreements in the Christian community. 

Moreover, Kukmin Ilbo and CBS have been protective of Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin since the CCK has been making charges against them. In the past, the two media companies have been supportive of the CCK’s dealings on heretical matters, until the CCK began to make charges against Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin. The two media companies are now criticizing the CCK instead.

Many are also skeptical of Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin’s past, raising doubts on the accuracy of the reports from the major Christian media outlets. While serving as a high-level official in Shincheonji, Mr. Shin once claimed that one must “eat the flesh and blood of Chairman Lee instead of the flesh and blood of Jesus” to be saved, a statement that led him to be expelled from the denomination. Depositing the church offering into his personal bank account and spending for own gain was another factor that led to his expulsion.

The Supreme Court found Yong Shik Jin guilty for abetting coercive kidnappings while conducting coercive conversion education in 2008. The Supreme Court also acknowledged that Mr. Jin received monetary funds for the coercive conversion sessions from the victims’ families. An investigation of his bank account revealed that Mr. Jin amassed over a billion Korean Won through various conversion education business, heightening public awareness of the conversion education’s motives for business and profit.

In the  midst of such reality, the public skepticism are growing against the major Christian media outlets, such as Kukmin Ilbo and CBS, for solely relying on Mr. Jin and Mr. Shin’s claims as their only source. Their consistent and repeated use of the same source are raising many questions of the neutrality and fairness of their reports, and whether they are protecting the benefit of  other established churches that are attempting to thwart the rapid growth of Shincheonji. 


Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"

Shincheonji Bible teaching,

 "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"

The teaching of the Church of Jesus is the education, which God is with. It is the education of heaven that brings the dead to life, grants the forgiveness of sin, resurrects people, makes people born again, and leads people from death to life. 

예수교의 가르침은 하나님께서 함께하신 교육으로서, 죽은 자를 살리며 죄 사함을 주시고 부활시키며 다시 나게 하시고 사망에서 생명으로 인도하시는 하늘의 교육이다. 

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"
The names and the doctrines of those denominations were created by people’s personal judgments.

It has been said that Protestantism emerged from Catholicism due to its sin and untruth. This Protestantism, however, has also been divided into hundreds of denominations due to the same reasons. If one closely investigates such divided denominations, he will be unable to see any biblical basis. The names and the doctrines of those denominations were created by people’s personal judgments. Even the pastors and church workers were appointed by men’s will. 

Moses built the tabernacle according to what he had seen and heard in heaven. The Law with which he educated people was also granted by heaven. Likewise, Jesus went up to heaven, and he saw, heard, and received the command to teach the revelation (refer to Jn 3:13; Mt 11:27). 

The denominations that have been created since Jesus’ ascension are not like Moses and Jesus. They have been created merely based on men’s own will.

가톨릭 교단에서 갈라져 나온 개신교는 죄와 비진리 때문에 갈라져 나왔다고 한다. 이 개신교도 같은 이유로 갈라졌으며 수백 개의 교단이 생겼다. 이 교단들을 살펴본바 성경적 명분은 하나도 찾아볼 수 없다. 교명도 교법도 자의적 판단으로 세웠고, 목자 임명도 각 사명자 임명도 사람의 뜻으로 세웠다. 모세는 하늘의 것을 보고 듣고 그와 같이 장막을 창설하였으며, 율법도 하늘에서 받은 것으로 교육하였다. 예수님도 하늘에 올라가 보고 듣고 받은 계시로 가르쳤다. 예수님 승천 이후의 교단들은 모세와 예수님 같지 않고 자의적인 것이었다.

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"
The promised pastor 

God and Jesus promised one pastor while they were still here on earth. Jesus also made promises regarding this one pastor even after his ascension. This pastor promised by Jesus is the pastor at the time of the Lord’s second coming. He is someone who overcomes just like Jesus (Jn 16:33; Rv 2, Rv 3, 12:11). 

It was promised in the Bible that the spirit of truth, the counselor, who comes in the name of Jesus, will be working in the promised pastor (Jn 14:16-17, 26) just as God was working in Jesus at the first coming (Jn 14:10-11). It was promised in Revelation 2 and 3, what God had granted Jesus will also be given to the promised pastor. 

하나님과 예수님은 이 땅에 계실 때와 예수님 승천 후에도 한 목자를 약속하셨다. 예수께서 약속하신 이 목자는 주 재림 때의 목자였고, 예수님같이 이긴 자였으며, 예수님의 이름으로 오시는 진리의 성령 보혜사는 약속의 목자 안에서 역사하실 것을 성경에 약속하셨다(요 14:16-17, 26). 초림 때 하나님께서 예수님 안에서 역사하셨듯이(요 14:10-11). 하나님께서 예수님에게 주신 그것을 약속의 목자에게 주신다고 계시록 2-3장에 약속하셨다. 

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"
The purpose of the Lord’s second coming

The purpose of the Lord’s second coming is to harvest and seal good crops from Jesus’ field (the church), which he sowed good seeds, to create God’s new kingdom (the twelve tribes of Shincheonji) and the priests (the 144000). It is also to make the great multitude who streams after the 144000 to be God’s people. 

주 재림의 목적은, 예수님이 씨 뿌린 자기 밭(교회)에 가서 알곡을 추수하여 인치고 하나님의 새 나라(신천지 열두 지파)와 제사장(144,000명)을 창조하시며, 그 이후 몰려오는 흰 무리들로 백성을 삼으시는 것이다.

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"
Who are the sealed 144000?

In Revelation 6 God judges and brings to an end the corrupt Spiritual Israel and creates a new nation, the New Spiritual Israel in Revelation 7. During this time, God seals the 144,000 of the twelve tribes with His seal as promised. Each tribe consists of 12,000 people. “

인 맞은 144,000명은 누구인가? 이는 하나님께서 부패한 영적 이스라엘을 계시록 6장에서 심판하여 끝내시고 7장에서 새 나라(영적 새 이스라엘) 창조 때 하나님의 인으로 인치시며, 이 때 인 맞은 자 12지파 144,000명을 말씀하신 약속이다. 이는 한 지파에 12,000명씩 12지파 144,000명을 말한 것이다. 

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144000 in Revelation 7:4?"
Who are the great multitude in white represent?

Who are the great multitude that appear after this—the multitude that no one can count and that come out from every nation and tribe?
After the former heaven and earth come to an end due to corruption in Revelation 6, and the work of sealing the twelve tribes happen in Revelation 7, a great multitude that no one can count come out from every nation and tribe. They have received the atonement of sin by Jesus’ blood.  

Today, at the time of Revelation, this blood can be eaten at the twelve tribes of God’s kingdom.  In Revelation 5:9-10, Jesus purchased men and made them to be God’s kingdom and priest with his own blood, and in Revelation 12:10-11 they fought and overcame the dragon with the blood of the Lamb.  In Revelation 7:14, Jesus allowed the people to become the great multitude by washing their robes with the blood of the Lamb.  Thus, the great multitudes are those who come out from all nations and receive the atonement of sin and salvation after the 144000 are sealed. They believe in the word of the testimony of the 144000, those who testify to the blood of the lamb.

이 일 후에 각 나라와 방언 등에서 나오는 헤아릴 수 없는 수많은 흰 무리는 어떤 자인가?
계시록 6장의 부패한 선천지가 끝나고 계시록 7장에서 12지파 인치는 일이 끝난 후 수많은 흰 무리가 각 나라와 방언 등에서 나온다. 이들은 예수님의 피로 죄 사함 받은 자들이다. 예수께서 2천 년 전에 흘리신 그 피는 재림 때 아버지의 나라에서 먹는다고 하신 말씀대로 오늘날 계시록의 하나님의 나라 12지파 때 먹게 된다. 계시록 5:9-10에서 예수님의 피로 사서 하나님의 나라와 제사장을 삼았고, 계시록 12:10-11에서 예수님의 피로 용과 싸워 이겼으며, 계시록 7:14에 그 피로 씻어 흰 무리가 되게 하셨다. 하여 흰 무리는 144,000명 인 맞은 후 각 나라에서 죄 사함 받고 구원받은 자들이다. 이는 예수님의 피를 증거하는 144,000명의 증거 말씀을 듣고 믿은 자들이다.

Shincheonji Bible teaching, "Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7:4?"
The difference between a person who is sealed and one who is not sealed

Revelation is regarding the events of heaven (Rv 12, 13, 15).  One is sealed with the revealed word which is the testimony of what was seen and heard in heaven.  As written in John 3, the difference between a person who is sealed and one who is not sealed is the difference between a person of heaven and a person of the world. How can we tell? One can tell by whether he has the word of the heaven or not.  

The sealed twelve tribes in Revelation is a promise of God concerning the new era, the new people, and the new nation.  This new nation begins with a person who is sealed, which means a person with the word. Anyone who believes this promise will search for the place with the revealed word so that he can be sealed, and he will sincerely desire to be sealed.

계시록은 하늘의 사건이며(계 12, 13, 15장), 이 하늘에서 보고 들은 것과 계시의 말씀으로 인침을 받는 것이다. 요한복음 3장에서 본 바와 같이, 인 맞은 자와 인 맞지 못한 자의 차이는 천민과 세상 사람의 차이가 된다.
이를 무엇으로 알 수 있는가? 이는 하늘의 말씀이 있는 것과 없는 것으로 알 수 있다. 하나님의 약속 계시록의 인 맞은 12지파는 하나님의 약속이며, 새 시대, 새 민족과 하나님의 새 나라이다. 이 새 나라는 인 맞은 자 곧 말씀이 있는 자로 시작된다. 이를 믿는 자는 인 맞은 자가 되기 위해 계시 말씀이 있는 곳을 찾을 것이요, 인 맞기를 소원할 것이다.