
Shincheonji church belief, The Appointed Task of a True Religious Leader

Shincheonji church belief, The Appointed Task of a True Religious Leader

Shincheonji church belief,
What is the appointed task of a true religious leader?

It is said in Malachi 2:7, For the lips of a priest (pastor) ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction--because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty.” 

In Malachi 2:6 it says, “True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin.” 

And in Malachi 2:10, it is said, “Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we deal treacherously (make up words by deceiving craftily) every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?

This Word, as stated above, is from Malachi chapter 2 in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This is the duty of a priest appointed by God.

참 종교 지도자의 사명은 어떤 것인가? 기록된바 말라기 2장 7절에는 “대저 제사장(목자)의 입술은 지식을 지켜야 하겠고, 사람들이 그 입에서 율법을 구하게 되어야 할 것이니, 제사장은 만군의 여호와의 사자가 됨이어늘”이라 하셨고, 말라기 2장 6절에는 “그 입에는 진리의 법이 있었고 그 입술에는 불의함이 없었으며, 그가 화평과 정직한 중에서 나와 동행하며 많은 사람을 돌이켜 죄악에서 떠나게 하였느니라.”고 하셨다. 또한 말라기 2장 10절에는 “우리는 한 아버지를 가지지 아니하였느냐? 한 하나님의 지으신 바가 아니냐? 어찌하여 우리 각 사람이 자기 형제에게 궤사(詭辭 : 간사하게 속여 꾸미는 말)를 행하여 우리 열조의 언약을 욕되게 하느냐” 하셨다. 이 말씀은 위에서 본 바와 같이 기독교 성경 구약의 말라기 2장의 말씀이다. 이것이 하나님이 세운 제사장의 사명이다.

Shincheonji church belief,
The qualification to become a leader of God

A priest should walk with God, be the messenger who speaks on behalf of God, and be a “walking Bible” that has the Word inscribed within his heart like God. 

If a priest is ignorant, then he is dishonoring God, and the congregation members following him will also be ignorant. If a priest is ignorant of the Bible and God is not within him, then how can he act according to the will of God? If one does not know the will of God, then only self-imposed acts and law from one’s own thinking and judgment remain. 

제사장은 하나님과 동행하는 자가 되어야 하고, 대언하는 사자가 되어야 하며, 하나님같이 말씀이 마음에 새겨져 걸어다니는 성경책이 되어야 한다. 제사장이 무식하면 하나님을 욕되게 하는 것이며, 따르는 성도들도 무식하게 되는 것이다. 만일 제사장에게 하나님이 계시지 않고 성경에 무식하면 어찌 하나님의 뜻대로 할 수 있겠는가? 하나님의 뜻을 알지 못하므로 자기의 생각과 판단으로 하는 자의적 행동과 법칙일 뿐이다. 

The qualification to become a priest or a leader of God is that one’s lips should keep the truth, and become the one who is with God like Jesus. Today, would the one who added to or took away from the book of Revelation become a messenger of God? Or would the one who did not add to or take away from it but rather mastered [the book of Revelation] become a messenger of God (refer to Rv 22:18-19)? 

God’s covenant is a covenant of life and peace. [A priest] should have the law of truth in his mouth, walk with God in peace and uprightness, and turn many people from sin. Also, a priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth for a priest is the messenger of the Lord Almighty.

하나님의 지도자 곧 제사장이 될 수 있는 자격은 그 입술에 진리가 있어야 하고 예수님같이 하나님과 함께하는 자라야 한다. 오늘날 계시록을 가감한 자가 하나님의 사자가 되겠는가, 가감하지 아니하고 통달한 자가 하나님의 사자가 되겠는가?하나님의 언약은 생명과 평강의 언약이다. 그 입에는 진리의 법이 있어야 하고, 화평과 정직함이 있어야 하며, 하나님과 함께 동행하는 자가 되어야 하고, 사람들을 죄악에서 떠나게 해야 한다. 또 제사장의 입술은 지식을 지켜야 하며, 사람들이 그 입술에서 말씀을 구하게 해야 하며, 제사장은 만군의 하나님의 사자가 되어야 한다.

Shincheonji church belief,
A necessary condition for  a leader of God

But, God will not tolerate a priest who turns from the way and causes many people to violate the covenant of God. 

Therefore first, a priest (pastor) should do according to the will of God as His messenger and always walk with God. 

Second, he should have the knowledge of the Word of God. 

Since a priest is the messenger who speaks on behalf of God, he should let the congregation members know what they seek. Like in Hosea 4:6, if both priest and congregation members do not have knowledge about God, then they are destroyed together. So, if a priest does not have knowledge about God and turns from the way, then he should leave and give his position to others. Without having this kind of conscience, if he keeps the position with greed, covets power and fame, and acts according to his own thinking, then these acts will be no different to those of the serpent. 
한데 제사장이 이 같은 정도(正道)에서 떠나 많은 사람들로 하여금 하나님의 언약을 파하게 하는 행동은 하나님이 용납하시지 않을 것이다. 하여 첫째, 제사장(목자)은 하나님의 사자로서 하나님의 뜻을 그대로 행해야 할 것이며, 항시 하나님과 동행하는 자가 되어야 한다. 둘째, 하나님의 말씀 지식이 있어야 한다. 제사장은 하나님의 대언의 사자이므로, 성도들이 구하는 것을 알려 주어야 한다. 호세아 4장 6절같이 제사장도 성도들도 하나님을 아는 지식이 없으면 함께 망하는 것이다. 만일 제사장이 하나님도 하나님에 대한 지식도 모르고 정도를 행치 못한다면, 그 자리를 내어놓고 떠나야 할 것이다. 이 같은 양심도 없이 욕심으로 그 자리를 지켜 권세와 명예를 탐하며 자의적 행세를 한다면, 뱀의 행동과 다를 바가 없을 것이다. 

Shincheonji church belief,
Jesus was a true pastor and true religion.

God will not tolerate the one who breaks His covenant and commits acts of betrayal due to these things, and He will appoint a new pastor and do new work. 
So, God promised one pastor, and when the time was right, He came to the promised pastor and worked with him, who was Jesus. Since Jesus worked with God, he was a true pastor and true religion. Likewise, a true pastor should have knowledge like God who is the Word, and act in the right way.

이 일로 하나님의 언약을 저버리고 역적 행동을 하는 자는 하나님이 용납하지 않을 것이며, 새 목자를 세워 새 일을 할 것이다. 하여 하나님은 한 목자를 약속하시고, 때가 되어 그 약속의 목자에게 오시어 함께 역사하셨으니 곧 예수님이었다. 예수님은 하나님과 함께 역사하셨으니 참 종교요 참 목자였다. 이와 같이 참 목자는 말씀이신 하나님같이 지식이 있어야 하고 정도를 행해야 한다.

Shincheonji church belief,
The appointed task of religious leaders

A true religion and true leader should teach the events that will occur in the last days to his congregation members so that they do not get destroyed. 

Also, he should make those who broke the covenant to repent so that there won’t be any acts of betrayal, and should let them know about the savior when the savior comes. This is the appointed task of religious leaders.

참 종교, 참 지도자라면 말세에 있게 될 일들을 성도들에게 가르쳐 멸망받지 않게 해야 하고, 언약을 어긴 자에게는 회개하여 배도하는 일이 없게 해야 할 것이며, 이후 구원자가 올 때 구원자를 알려 주어야 한다. 이것이 종교 지도자들의 사명이다. 

If he only loves power, fame, and money and does not feed his flock of sheep, then how can the congregation members realize and earn salvation when the promised tribulation comes? If a pastor does not know and realize the betrayal, destruction, and salvation and cannot teach this to his congregation members, then this pastor cannot be called a true pastor. 

권세와 명예와 돈만 사랑하고 양떼를 먹이지 못하면, 약속한 환난이 이를 때 성도들이 어찌 깨달아 구원받을 수 있겠는가? 만일 목자가 배도, 멸망, 구원에 대해 알지도 깨닫지도 못하고, 이를 성도들에게 가르치지 못한다면, 이 목자는 참 목자라 할 수 없다. 


Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer, 'Love the Nation, Share the Peace'

Event Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Liberation Day and
Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
'Love the Nation, Share the Peace'

Hello! Nobel Seoul James Tribe! 

Today, I would like to introduce an event celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Liberation Day that the Shincheonji Seoul James Tribe, including the Seoul Church and Hansung Church, together prepared.

The event was held in a park in Dangogae, Nowon-gu, Seoul. Although there was a rain shower for a while that made things a little cooler, the day was still hot and steamy.

70th Anniversary of Liberation Day...
Whenever our nation has a national crisis, we have overcome the difficulties.

Without our martyred patriots who sacrificed themselves for the independence of our country, and without the trials of our nation in the ruins of war, we couldn't have accomplished our current independence, economical growth and cultural development.

The event celebrating the 70th anniversary of Liberation Day was held on 8/7. 
The event will commemorate those who sacrificed themselves for their nation and praise the martyred patriots who yearned for peace and unification of the Korean Peninsula.

This event was primarily relating to the families of 20 Korean veterans of merit as well as foreigners currently living in Korea and the head Buddhist monk from Samwansa temple. The individuals participated in this event to break down the walls between religions, nations and classes.

Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
I will work hard for world peace!

I was fighting on the front line as a combat soldier during the war and witnessed the tragedy of war between the same ethnic group..
He saw the many brothers-in-arms who were dying in pain. I ate gunpowder from live ammunition and dirt due to hunger in the middle of a situation in which I could not go forward or backward.

I struggled to survive. Heaven, earth and our chests were throbbing and the sky was filled with smoke and the sounds of gunshots, cannon fire, jet noises, and exploding bombs did not let up for even one second.

When can we change our blood stained military uniforms? 
It is a tragedy when the members of the same ethnic group are dying from bullets and hunger. Our country is still in danger, as it is still a divided country.

- In the correct understanding of 'the Bible and Shincheonji' -

The testimony of one warrior who fought in the Korean War can be a painful guide for the generation who hasn’t had any experience with war.

Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
In the seventy years since Liberation Day...

In the seventy years since Liberation Day, we have accomplished many brilliant results in a range of different areas, but we still have to resolve the problem that split Korea.

We have to work together to unify the Korean peninsula in peace during this current time period as it is in our nation’s best interest.

During the event, we completed a group fingerprint painting that signified the making of a heart-felt promise for the realization of a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the achievement of global peace without war.

A lot of regional people who participated in the fingerprint painting commented that this is really meaningful work.

In addition, there were booths covering many different themes.

Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
The principle of loving your nation is to understand it first!

There are a number of things, such as the Rose of Sharon flower and the Korean flag, which symbolize Korea so we prepared some booths during the event to introduce people to them. One booth allowed visitors to make Rose of Sharon flowers and another booth had a pinwheel which helped make Korean flags.

The program of another booth relating to the March 1 Movement Day allowed participants to draw a Korean flag with a rice bowl. (The March 1 Movement Day pertains to an event in 1919 that relates to Korea’s efforts to gain independence from Japan.) This booth was very popular with both little children as well as adults.

We cannot express all the complements the volunteers running the booths on the Rose of Sharon and the Korean flag received from visitors. ^__________^

Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
To inform the public about the tragedy of war and the importance of peace

In addition, there were also exhibits covering peace figures, making a boat of peace, children’s paintings, and the Korean War. Furthermore, one of the most important exhibits displayed war pictures from Yeonpyungdo that were designed to inform the public about the tragedy of war and the importance of peace.

The people who participated in the program making peace boats with Korean flag sails (태극기) and putting messages on a world map said that they hadn’t recognized the terror of war, the importance of peace and the gratitude they should feel for the liberation of Korea before this date. This event turned out to be as meaningful to the adults as it was to the children.

Shincheonji Seoul Church volunteer
For a peace that transcends race, religion, and class

A Buddhist monk from Samkak who participated in this event told us that we prepared the program with warm hearts, displaying love for our nation as well as showing our desire for world peace. In addition, he said that his hope is when all who yearn for peace become one then a peaceful world will follow.

Besides this, many participants said that we will receive increasingly better responses from people as we hold more of these kinds of events. The monk also said that it would be good if people could join together and try to work for a peace that transcends race, religion, and class.

We, Shincheonji Church of Jesus Christ, Seoul James Tribe Volunteer group, are based on having the mind and heart for volunteer work all the time like light, rain and air.

We are helping to bring love to our nation and achieve a peaceful reunification so there will be no repeat of the heart breaking war on the Korean peninsula where our ancestors sacrificed so much.

I'll ask for your support and encouragement in the future. ^^


Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers, "What is the new covenant?"

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers, 
"What is the new covenant?"

In each era, God made a covenant with the people of His nation. 

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
What is a covenant? 

A covenant is a promise spoken in words (a promise to do or not do a certain action). 

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
What is the new covenant? 

The new covenant is a new promise that is made after a previous one.

What is the meaning of “fulfillment?”

“Fulfillment” happens when the covenant is kept.

시대마다 하나님께서 하신 언약은 하나님의 나라 백성들과 하신 언약이었다.
언약과 새 언약과 성취는 어떤 것을 말한 것인가?
언약(言約)은 말로 약속한 것을 말씀하신 것이며, 새 언약은 이전에 언약한 후 새로 언약한 것을 말씀하신 것이며, 성취는 약속한 언약을 이룬 것을 말씀하신 것이다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
The covenant between God and Adam


According to Genesis 1, when God created the first man and woman, He said, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that move on the ground" (Gn 1:26-28). 

In Genesis 2, God said, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." 

This was the covenant between God and Adam. When he did not keep this covenant, Adam died and returned to dust (Gn 3).

창세기 1장에 하나님은 남자와 여자를 창조하실 때 “생육하고 번성하여 땅에 충만하며 땅을 정복하고, 바다의 고기와 공중의 새와 땅에 움직이는 모든 생물을 다스리라.”고 하셨다(창 1:26-28).
2장에서는 “동산 각종 나무의 실과를 네가 임의로 먹되, 선악을 알게하는 나무의 실과는 먹지 말라. 네가 먹는 날에는 정녕 죽으리라.” 하셨다. 이것이 하나님과 아담과의 언약이었다. 이 언약을 지키지 못함으로 아담은 죽어 흙으로 돌아갔다(창 3장).

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
The sign of the covenant

God chose Noah and after destroying the sinful world of Adam with a flood, He set the rainbow in the clouds as a sign of a covenant (Gn 6, Gn 9:11-17). 

However, in order to punish the world of Canaan (Ham’s son) for the sin Ham committed, God called Abraham, Noah's tenth descendant, and made a promise with him about events in the future. 

When the appointed time came, He fulfilled the promise through Moses, and the promised land of Canaan was conquered and ruled over.

하나님께서 노아를 세우시고 범죄한 아담의 세계를 홍수로 멸망시킨 후, 구름 속에 언약의 무지개를 두셨다(창 6장, 창 9:11-17). 그러나 노아의 자손 함의 범죄로 그 아들 가나안의 세계를 벌하기 위해, 노아의 10대 손 아브라함을 찾아가 장래에 이룰 일을 언약하셨고, 때가 되어 모세를 통해 이루시고, 약속한 가나안의 땅을 정복하고 다스리게 되었다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
Like Adam, they have broken the covenant!

God made a covenant through Moses with the Israelites who came out of Egypt. He said, “‘Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites" (Ex 19:5-6). 

However, the Israelites who came out of Egypt broke the covenant they had made with God in Ex 19:5-6 by worshiping gentile gods at the time of Solomon. 

하나님께서는 모세를 통해 출애굽한 이스라엘 백성에게 언약하시기를 “세계가 다 내게 속하였나니, 너희가 내 말을 잘 듣고 내 언약을 지키면 너희는 열국 중에서 내 소유가 되겠고, 너희가 내게 대하여 제사장 나라가 되며 거룩한 백성이 되리라. 너는 이 말을 이스라엘 자손에게 고할지니라.”고 하셨다(출 19:5-6). 그러나 애굽에서 나온 이스라엘은 솔로몬 때 이방 신을 섬김으로 해서(왕상 11장) 하나님과 맺은 출애굽기 19장 5-6절의 언약이 파(破)해지고 말았다. 

God said in Hos 6:7, "Like Adam, they have broken the covenant," and in Jer 31:31-34 He said, “They broke my covenant though I was a husband to them when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt.” 

이를 호세아 6:7에는 “아담과 같이 언약을 어겼다.” 하셨고, 예레미야 31:31-34에는 하나님께서 “내(하나님)가 이스라엘에게 남편이 되어 애굽에서 인도하였으나, 그들은 내 언약 안에 있지 않았다.”고 하셨다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
A reason they broke the covenant

The world of Adam, the world of Noah, the world of Moses, and the Israelites broke the covenant they had made with God all alike. 

We can see from this that there was a reason they broke the covenant and a reason a new covenant was made. The reason they broke the covenant is that a spirit (cherub) that betrayed, also known as the dragon, the devil, or Satan, pretended to be God and deceived the people (Is 14:12-15).

아담의 세계도, 노아의 세계도, 모세의 세계 이스라엘도 하나같이 하나님과의 언약을 어겼다. 이를 보건대, 언약을 어긴 이유가 있고, 새로 언약을 한 이유가 있다. 언약을 지키지 못한 이유는 배도한 영(천사장, 그룹)으로서 하나님의 행세를 하는 용 곧 사단 마귀의 미혹이 있기 때문이다(사 14:12-15, 겔 28:12-19).

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
A reason they broke the new covenant

The new covenant was made because Satan deceived the chosen people to follow his will and betray God by breaking the covenant they had made with Him.  If there were no Satan to deceive, then God's people would be fruitful, increase in number, and rule over the world and its creations.

Let’s look at the abilities and skills of the one who proclaims to be God. Ezekiel 28 testifies about this.

As shown above, the dragon, the devil, or Satan was once a cherub, the commanding leader of the army. He opposes and interferes with the work of the true God, because he wants to become like God.

That is why God has kept His work a secret from Satan, but with the family of God, He made a promise, a covenant, through the promised pastor.

새로 언약을 한 이유는 이 사단의 미혹으로 인해 선민이 하나님과의 언약을 배도하고 사단의 뜻에 따르기 때문이다. 만일 미혹하는 사단이 없다면, 하나님의 백성이 생육 번성하고 정복하고 천하 만물을 다스릴 것이다. 자기를 하나님이라고 하는 자의 실력을 보면, 에스겔 28장에 다음과 같이 말하고 있다. 위에서 본 바와 같이, 많은 군사를 거느리고 있는 그룹인 군대장으로서 자기가 하나님이 되고자 참 하나님의 일을 방해하고 압박을 가하는 자가 용(龍)인 사단 마귀였다. 하여 하나님은 사단에게는 비밀로 하고, 약속한 목자를 통해 하나님의 가족에게는 약속 곧 언약을 한 것이다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
A future event, A prophecy

The covenant that God made through the prophets in the Old Testament was about a future event.  It was a prophecy. God prophesied beforehand about a promised pastor, a pastor who will fulfill the prophecy.  He was Jesus.  Jesus said, "It is finished" (Jn 19:30) to testify that he fulfilled all of the Old Testament.

하나님께서 구약 선지자들을 통해 약속하신 언약은 이룰 장래사였고 예언이었다. 이뿐만 아니라 이 예언을 이룰 약속의 목자도 미리 예언하신 것이니, 곧 예수였다. 예수께서 “다 이루었다(요 19:30).”고 하신 것은 구약을 다 이루신 것이다. 

Not only was Jesus born as promised in the Bible, but he also fulfilled the promises in the Old Testament, including that in Jeremiah 31 about creating a new thing, the planting of two types of seeds, and making a new covenant.  Therefore, what believers had to believe at that time was the prophecy of the Old Testament and its physical fulfillment.

The new thing was not the Law of Moses but the gospel of heaven.  The planting of two types of seeds, the making of the new covenant, in other words, prophesying about future events, were also the new thing.

예수님이 성경의 약속대로 태어나심은 물론이며, 약속한 구약을 이루신 것이니 예레미야 31장의 새 일도 두 가지 씨 뿌림도 새 언약을 세울 것도 이루셨으니, 성도가 믿어야 할 것은 당시의 구약의 예언과 그 이룬 실상들이다. 새 일은 모세의 율법이 아닌 하늘의 복음이며 새 목자 예수였고, 두 가지 씨를 뿌린 것도, 또 새 언약 곧 장래의 일을 예언한 것도 결국 새 일이었다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
The new covenant, Revelation

Though the Old Testament has fulfilled, the New Testament, which is the new covenant, or Revelation, will fulfill completely. The new covenant is to believe when God fulfills what He promised before. The New Testament, the new covenant, which is also Revelation, is not the old thing.

If you look in the Bible, all previous generations since the time of Adam have broken the covenant they had made with God although they said they believed in God. 

The only covenant that remains is the new covenant, Revelation, which was promised through Jesus. 

구약은 이루었으나, 새 언약인 신약 곧 계시록은 장래에 이룰 것이며, 이를 이룰 때 믿으라고 약속한 것이 새 언약이다. 새 언약인 신약 곧 계시록은 옛것이 아니다. 성경을 통해 아담 때로부터 지금까지 본 바로는 이전 시대의 사람들이 하나님을 믿는다고 하면서도 하나님과의 언약을 지키지 못하고 하나같이 어겼다. 하나 남은 것은 예수님을 통한 새 언약 곧 계시록이다.

Shincheonji, Bible Quiz with Answers
We must know new covenant and understand it.

We have already seen in the Bible those who said they believed in God but betrayed God's covenant. If a person claims to believe in Jesus but does not believe in his new covenant or keep it, then he is not a believer. Jesus said that he told you (the new covenant) before it happens so that when it does happen, you will believe (Jn 14:29).

This new covenant is the events of Revelation. God said that if anyone adds anything to it or takes words away from it, he will not be able to enter heaven but will receive curses (plagues) (Rv 22:18-19).

Anyone who does not know this new covenant, Revelation, or understand it, yet says that he truly believes in Jesus is speaking lies. Such person is a traitor like Adam and Solomon who does not keep the covenant. It is as if he is stealing and using the name of Jesus in vain.

하나님을 믿는다고 하면서도 하나님의 언약을 어겼던 자들을 성경에서 보아 우리가 아는 바이다. 예수님을 믿는다고 하면서 예수님의 새 언약을 믿지 않고 지키지 않으면 예수님을 믿는 것이 아니다. 새 언약 곧 일이(일을) 이루기 전에 미리 말씀하신 것은 일이(일을) 이룰 때 믿게 함이라고 하셨다(요 14:29).

이 새 언약이 곧 계시록의 사건이며, 이를 가감하면 천국에 들어가지 못하고 저주를(재앙들을) 받는다고 하셨다(계 22:18-19). 이 새 언약 계시록을 알지도 깨닫지도 못하고 가감한 자가 참으로 예수님을 믿는다는 말은 거짓말이요, 이런 자는 아담과 솔로몬같이 언약을 지키지 아니한 배신자이다. 예수님의 이름을 도용(盜用)한 것에 불과한 자이다. 

Whoever keeps the new covenant will receive salvation.
The new covenant is the Book of Revelation. Revelation is the summary of the new covenant. The person who believes in the fulfillment of Revelation is the one who believes and keeps the new covenant.

누구든지 새 언약을 지킨 자가 구원을 받게 된다. 이 새 언약은(새 언약을 종합한 것은) 계시록이며, 계시록의 성취를 믿는 자가 새 언약을 믿고 지킨 자가 된다. 


Shincheoji Graduation : 1,549 New John Tribe Members and 701 New Simon Tribe Members

Shincheoji Graduation

1,549 New John Tribe Members and 701 New Simon Tribe Members

July 12. John Tribe of the Shincheoji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, had a graduation ceremony of about 1,549 students. The graduation ceremony included both domestic and overseas students that are based in Seoul and Kyunggi province and was also broadcast live in Germany. 

In addition, on July 19. Simon Tribe produced 701 of the graduating students, accounting for an amazing rate of growth. 

7월 12일 신천지예수교 증거장막성전 요한 지파가 수료식을 갖고 1549명의 수료생들을 배출했다. 수료식은 서울•경기를 비롯한 국내외 외국인 수료생도 함께 했으며, 독일 지역에 생중계 됐다. 뿐만 아니라 19일에는 시몬지파가 701명의 수료생을 배출하며 놀라운 성장세를 재입증했다. 수료식은 국내외 시온기독교선교센터 6개월 과정을 이수하고, 수료종합시험에 통과한 수료생들이 신천지 교회에 정식 입교하는 과정이다.

The graduation ceremony requires the completion of a six month course for all domestic and overseas students at a Zion Christian Missionary Center. At the end of the course, students must pass an exam to complete the final stage of the formal process to join Shincheonji Church.

Graduations are not taken lightly as many people go through a process of learning and gaining much wisdom and knowledge through what is taught. With graduations taking place at Shincheonji, many people come to learn and have a heart to diligently study in order to receive a certification that is not only recognized by the earth, but also of the heavens.

As in college and universities, people have the hope of finishing their degrees so that they may one day be able to wear their gap and gown and walk to show that they are now on a new journey. Many go out into their jobs and find what they love to do.

However at Shincheonji, it is not just knowledge and wisdom that is gained, but faith is also what is granted and following that faith comes the actions of Shincheonji graduates. Some actions include volunteer work that has been recognized by society to express a culture of love and sacrifice. There is much love to spread and that love can be spread by Shincheonji graduates who gained a heart of faith and sacrifice by knowing and perceiving the heart of God.

The graduation ceremony sermon of senior pastor covered a number of prophesies made in the Bible such as how, at the first coming, Jesus Christ sowed the seed of God as the Old Testament prophesized as well as God promising that there would be a harvest time at the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

Furthermore, Senior pastor discussed about the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation that has been happening nowadays as promised. The fulfillment includes being born again through the seed of God, being harvested and sealed with the word of truth and how believers belong to the 12 tribes as the reality of the Bible shows.

신천지 총회장은 설교에서 “초림 예수님은 구약 예언대로 하나님의 씨를 뿌렸고, 주재림에 추수 때가 있을 것을 약속하셨다”며 “이 약속대로 계시록이 이뤄지는 오늘날, 하나님의 씨로 나서 진리의 말씀으로 추수돼 인을 맞고 12지파에 소속된 여러분이 성경의 실체”라고 격려했다. 

Shincheonji was named after the Chinese characters which mean New Heaven and New Earth, just as the Bible in Revelation 21:1 promised. The church of Jesus means the owner is Jesus Christ. The Temple of the Tabernacle is the promised temple discussed in Revelation 15:5. The Temple of the Tabernacle means that the temple is evidence that testifies to the prophecy and the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation.

The Shincheonji church consists of a total of 12 tribes. It has about 250 temples and about 300 Zion Christian missionary centers all over the world.

Also, Zion Christian Missionary Centers of Shincheonji are missionary institutes which teach the Bible free of charge to all believers. The 300 different missionary institutes have resulted in the graduation of about 20,000 domestic and foreign students annually.

‘신천지예수교’라는 명칭은 성경의 요한계시록 21장 1절에 약속한 명칭으로 새 하늘과 새 땅을 의미하는 한자어인 신천신지의 줄임말이며, 예수교는 신천지 교회의 주인이 예수님이라는 뜻이다. ‘증거장막성전’은 요한계시록 15장 5절에 하나님께서 약속한 성전이라는 의미다. ‘증거장막’이란 요한계시록의 예언과 그 예언이 성취된 것을 증거하는 장막이라는 뜻이며, 하나님이 함께하는 곳이기에 ‘성전’이라는 명칭을 쓴다. 신천지 교회는 총 12개의 지파로 구성돼 있으며, 전 세계에 약 250개 성전과 약 300개의 시온기독교선교센터를 운영하고 있다. 또한 신천지 시온기독교선교센터는 모든 신앙인들에게 무료로 성경 말씀을 가르치는 선교기관으로, 현재 국내•외 300여곳에서 연간 2만여명의 수료생을 배출하고 있다.


Bible Promises of God - The Process of How God Fulfills His Purpose

Bible Promises of God

The Process of How God Fulfills His Purpose

Bible Promises of God
What is the process of how God fulfills His purpose?

God chose Noah to destroy the world of Adam with a flood after Adam and Eve had sinned by listening to the words of the snake. However, Noah’s second son, Ham, sinned again, so God raised Moses, a descendant of Abraham, and gave the law. This law did not atone a person’s sin (Heb 10), but it was put in charge to lead the people to Christ (Gal 3:23-24). It was only an elementary teaching about Christ (Hebrews 6:1-2).

하나님이 목적하신 성사 노정은 언제부터 계획한 어떤 것인가? 하나님은 아담과 하와가 뱀의 말을 믿고 범죄한 후 노아를 택하시어 아담 세계를 홍수로 멸하시고 노아 세계를 세웠으나, 노아의 둘째 아들 ‘함’이 또 범죄함으로 아브라함의 자손 모세를 세워 율법을 주셨다. 이 율법은 사실상 사람의 죄를 없게 할 수 없었고(히 10장), 그리스도에게로 인도하는 몽학선생(갈 3:23-24) 곧 그리스도 도의 초보일 뿐이었다(히 6:1-2).

Bible Promises of God
God promised to send a promised pastor

After this, God prophesied of future events through the Old Testament prophets and promised to send a specific pastor. When it was time to keep His promise, God came to the physical Israelites with the promised pastor (Jesus) and fulfilled the Old Testament (Jn 19:30). Jesus took up the cross and shed his blood for the sins of all people. Jesus shed his blood to atone for the sins of a promised group of people
He also proclaimed that he was going to return (second coming) to harvest and seal his people and create a new kingdom.

이후 하나님은 구약 선지자들을 통해, 장래에 이룰 일과 약속의 목자를 보낼 것을 약속하셨고, 때가 되매 하나님은 약속의 목자(예수님)와 함께 육적 이스라엘에게 오시어 구약을 이루셨다(요 19:30). 예수님은 만민의 죄 사함을 인해 십자가를 대신 지시고 피를 흘리셨다. 예수님이 피를 흘리심은 약속한 백성의 죄를 사해 주시기 위함이었다. 또한 다시 오실(재림) 때 있을 일을 알리셨으니 곧 추수와 인침과 새 나라 창조였다.

Bible Promises of God
What is harvest? 

Jesus fulfilled the promises God made through the prophet Jeremiah about a new thing, the planting of the seeds, and a new covenant (Jer 31:22, 27, 31, Mt 1:18-23, 13:24-25, Lk 22:14-20). 

추수는 어떤 것인가? 하나님께서 예레미야 선지자를 통해 새 일과 씨 뿌림과 새 언약을 세울 것을 약속하신 것을 예수님이 이루셨다. 

The harvest is a gathering of the firstfruits that bore from the seed Jesus planted 2,000 years ago at the First Coming (Mt 13:30, Rv 14:14-16).

The new thing is the planting of the seed of heaven’s gospel instead of the law.

The new covenant, or the New Testament, is the promise of the events that will fulfill in the Second Coming (Rv 21:6).

This is the New Testament and the book of Revelation. When everything is fulfilled in this way, God says in Revelation 21:6, “It is finished."

추수는 초림 이후 2,000년 간 뿌려 온 씨의 익은 열매를 거두는 일이다(마 13:30, 계 14:14-16). 새 일은 율법이 아닌 하늘의 복음의 씨를 뿌림을 말씀하신 것이다. 그리고 새 언약 곧 신약은 재림 때 이룰 것(계 21:6)을 약속하심을 말씀하신 것이다. 이것이 신약이며 계시록이다. 이같이 다 이루어졌을 때 “(다) 이루었도다.”라고 계시록 21:6같이 말씀하신 것이다.

Bible Promises of God
Let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ

After Adam sinned, God fulfilled these events first with the law, which is an elementary teaching about Christ. He then prophesied of the Old Testament through the prophets, had Jesus plant the seed at the time of his first coming, and brought about a new creation during his second coming. 

So God started to fulfill His purpose with the elementary teachings of Moses’ law, continued with the prophecies of the Old Testament and their fulfillment, and completed it with the prophecies of the New Testament and their fulfillment. Therefore, a believer must leave the elementary teachings and move on to the place of perfection. (Hebrews 6:1-2)

하나님은 이 일을 이루시기 위해, 아담 범죄 이후 모세 율법 곧 도의 초보로 시작하여 선지자들을 통한 구약의 예언과 예수님 초림의 씨 뿌리는 일과 재림의 새 창조가 있게 하시는 것이다. 하여 하나님은 목적을 이루시기 위해 도의 초보인 모세 율법으로 시작하여 구약의 예언과 성취, 그리고 신약의 예언과 성취로 그 약속하신 것을 다 이루신 것이다. 그러므로 성도는 도의 초보를 버리고, 완전한 곳으로로 나와야 한다.

Senior pastor of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Has a Sincere Meeting with Journalists

Senior pastor of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Has a Sincere Meeting with Journalists

Fifty major journalists hold a meeting... and have a broad talk based on the reality of the religious world and the roles of journalists.

Senior pastor of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony that has been expanding its congregation as of late, held a meeting inviting about 50 journalists in leadership positions at major domestic daily newspapers, news agencies, broadcasters and weekly news magazines at the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel Seoul Jungu on July 14.

Senior pastor has been receiving a lot of public attention and has truly expressed his opinions about the roles of journalists relating to the future direction of the religious world and his analysis of religion in South Korea.

This meeting related to explaining the religious viewpoints of Shincheonji to the journalists as expressed by Senior pastor. He also explained about the current misunderstandings and misperceptions about the Shincheonji church in Korea. Furthermore, he asked the journalists to objectively report information about the church.

In addition, Senior pastor explained about the various activities, roles and missions that he, as a man of religion, has had to carry out in promoting world peace and the unification of Korea. In this regard, Senior pastor also asked the journalists to actively support his efforts.

"The reality of the religious world and the roles of journalists" was the title of the presentation and the chairman also conveyed his opinion on the following topics: Domestic Reality vs. World Reality; Persecution and Shincheonji is Achieving the Will of Heaven; World Religion, World Reality; True Meaning of Religion and the Role for a Man of Religion; and The Mission (Role) to Follow as a Journalist in the Only Divided Country in the World.

After presenting on the topic during a luncheon meeting, Senior pastor had a lively discussion with journalists regarding the reality of journalism, religion, and the direction of peace that was linked with a question and answer period for the discussion.

Furthermore, Senior pastor of the General Assembly of the Headquarters of Shincheonji spoke to the journalists about the current status of the Shincheonji church and objectively explained more about the peace movement based on a promotion video .

Shincheonji was established in 1984 and is organized into 12 tribes on the Korean peninsula and overseas. It has grown steadily as 20~30 thousand new members join the church every year. Currently, there are approximately 160,000 Shincheonji members in Korea and abroad.

In particular, the primary difference between mainstream churches and the Shincheonji church is that Shincheonji members usually take a systematic 6 month Bible course that does not include any annotations or commentaries at a Shincheonji center before they are able to join Shincheonji as a member. 

The Shincheonji church tries to convey the true meaning of the righteous faith and hope contained in the Bible to its believers.


Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, A true life of faith must be based on the word!

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, A true life of faith must be based on the word!

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Two types of spirits and Two types of pastors 

There are two types of spirits. There are also two types of pastors because of the two types of spirits. They each have different hearts and hopes.

If the pastor leads them by having the spirit of the devil, then the congregation members who follow will also receive the spirit of the devil and live according to the devil’s will.
If the pastor leads them by having the holy Spirit, then the congregation members who follow will also receive the holy Spirit and live according to God’s will.

Even if a pastor may have been chosen by God, God will leave him if the pastor becomes corrupt. The devil will enter that pastor and he will become the devil’s pastor.

The congregation members who do not realize this will continue to be with their pastor and become the devil’s possession.

신도 두 가지가 있고, 목자도 두 가지 신에 의해 두 가지가 있으며, 이들은 마음과 소망도 서로 다르다. 목자가 마귀의 신을 받아 치리를 하면 따르는 성도들도 그 목자에 의해 마귀의 신을 받아 마귀의 뜻대로 할 것이고, 목자가 하나님의 성신을 받아 치리를 하면 따르는 성도들도 그 목자에 의해 하나님의 성신을 받아 하나님의 뜻대로 할 것이다. 하나님이 택해 세우신 목자라 할지라도 부패하게 되면 하나님은 그 목자에게서 떠나가시게 되고, 대신 마귀가 들어가 마귀의 목자가 된다. 이를 깨닫지 못한 성도들도 자기 목자에게 속하여 마귀의 사람이 된다.

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Can he really secure his place in heaven by doing so? 

A pastor is someone who governs, leads, feeds, and guides his sheep. Therefore, the sheep follows its shepherd.  The sheep—that is, the congregation members—must leave the shepherd who leads them away from God’s true will.

In order to obey this word, we must first have the knowledge within us, and then we must discern righteousness from lawlessness and truth from false teaching. A sheep-like believer trusts his shepherd, gives all of his heart, serves wholeheartedly, gives offerings, and remains faithful to the end. He does all of this because he believes in the pastor who has come on behalf of God and the hope this pastor brings. 

What does this sheep-like believer gain from trusting his pastor? Can he really secure his place in heaven and eternal life by doing so? If a congregation member fully understands the revelation from heaven, the word, he will be able to know whether his pastor is governing correctly—whether he is teaching the truth or lies. He will be able to know whether his pastor is a true pastor or a false pastor.

목자는 양떼를 다스리고, 인도하고, 먹이며, 치리하는 자이다. 하여 양은 치리하는 목자를 따른다. 하나 하나님의 참뜻이 아닌 다른 길로 인도하는 목자에게서 떠나는 것이 양떼 곧 성도들이 살 길이 될 것이다.

이렇게 하기 위해서는 먼저 자신이 지식이 있어야 하며, 의와 불의, 진리와 비진리를 먼저 확인해야 한다. 양 같은 성도는 목자를 믿고, 마음과 뜻을 다하고, 봉사와 헌금을 하며 충성을 다한다. 소망을 위해서 하나님을 대신해서 목자를 믿기 때문이다. 한데 이 양 같은 성도가 자기 목자를 통해 믿은 것이 무엇이며, 그것은 천국과 영생을 보장할 수 있는가? 성도가 하늘의 계시와 말씀을 통달한다면, 자기 목자가 바른 지도를 하는지, 정도(正道)를 가르치는지, 거짓말을 하는지, 참 목자인지 가짜 목자인지 알 것이다.

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
A true life of faith must be based on the word!

Living apart from the word cannot be a true life of faith. 
One must discern whether the pastor who is leading him is the advocate mentioned in Malachi 2, who walks with God in the word of the covenant. 

One must also discern if they can find truth from his pastor’s mouth or discern if he is a pastor who is not with God, the truth, and faith but is only consumed by his own thinking.
One must discern whether he is God’s pastor who truly works for His sheep or whether he is a false pastor who is like a white-washed tomb.
One must discern these things to believe and follow correctly. 

참 신앙은 말씀을 기준한 신앙이어야 한다. 말씀을 떠나서는 신앙이라 할 수 없다. 자기를 인도하는 목자가 말라기 2장같이 언약의 말씀 안에서 하나님과 동행하는 대언의 사자인지, 그 입에서 진리를 구할 수 있는지, 그 안에 하나님도 없고 진리도 없고 믿음도 없고 자의적 사상과 하나 된 목자가 아닌지, 또 참으로 양떼를 위하는 하나님의 목자인지, 회칠한 거짓 목자인지 확인을 하고 나서 믿고 따라야 할 것이다. 

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
How can someone who does not even know the Bible be considered as God’s pastor?

If he is a false pastor who disregards the sheep and cares more about living his own life of flesh than the sheep’s hope, if he is a false pastor who does not know the words of the promise and their fulfillment, should the sheep still follow him?

The reason for mentioning this is that Matthew 24 says that there are many false pastors in the world, and that there have been countless false pastors within the past six thousand years since the days of Adam. 

성경 말씀도 모르는 자가 어찌 하나님의 목자이겠는가? 만일 양떼의 소망을 저버리고 자기 육신의 생활을 위한 거짓 목자라면, 또 가르쳐야 할 약속의 말씀과 성취된 것을 알지 못하는 거짓 목자라면, 그래도 양떼가 그 목자를 따라야 하겠는가? 이같이 말하는 것은 마태복음 24장에서 말한 바와 같이 거짓 목자가 세상에 많기 때문이며, 아담 이후 오늘날까지 6천 년 동안에 수많은 거짓 목자들이 있었기 때문이다. 

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The end for the churches

The end for the churches, which also happened at the time of Jesus’ first coming, and Satan’s work of destruction, are recorded in the New Testament (2 Thes 2, Rv 6, Rv 13).

If a pastor disregards these facts but only cries out, “We are saved, the spirit of God is upon us, we are blessed, those who are judged are the non-believers,” then is he a true pastor?

Is a pastor who demands service and loyalty from his congregation members a true pastor? Or is the pastor who makes known the end of the churches, like how Jesus did, the true pastor?

신약 성경 안에는 초림 때와 같이 교회의 종말이 있고, 사단의 역사인 멸망의 일이 기록되어 있다(살후 2장, 계 6, 13장). 이 같은 사실에 대해서는 아랑곳도 없이 ‘구원받았다, 성령 받았다, 복 받았다, 말세에 멸망받는 자는 불신자들이다.’ 하면서 성도들에게 봉사와 충성만 요구하는 목자가 참이겠는가, 예수님같이 교회의 종말에 대한 것을 소상히 알리는 자가 참이겠는가? 

Both Jesus and the Bible say that the churches and congregation members are destroyed (destruction) at the time of the end. The pastors and the congregation members do not take heed of these warnings, so how can they be saved?

God left them, the spirit left them, and they do not understand the true meaning of the promise, but they do not care. How can they be called believers?

말세에는 교회들도 성도들도 파괴(파멸)되고, 만국이 하늘에서 땅으로 떨어지고 무너지는 멸망이 있음을 예수님도 성경도 말하고 있다. 이 같은 경고에도 목자도 성도들도 아랑곳없다. 이 어찌 구원받을 수 있겠는가? 하나님이 자기에게서 떠나가셔도, 성령이 떠나가도, 약속의 말씀의 뜻을 알지 못해도 그만이다. 이 어찌 신앙인이라 하랴?

Faith of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
What kind of perspective must we have when we look at the Bible and the promised pastor? 

Why would someone trust the words of his pastor more than God’s words? The discernment of good and evil must be based on the words of the Bible. Arbitrary discernment without the words of the Bible is incorrect. 

어떤 눈으로 성경과 약속의 목자를 볼 것인가? 왜 하나님의 말씀보다 자기 목자의 말을 믿는가? 악과 선에 대한 판단은 성경 말씀이 기준이 되어야 한다. 말씀 없는 자의적 판단은 잘못된 것이다. 

What is to fulfill in the New Testament is Revelation (Revelation is a comprehensive book of the New Testament). Will there be salvation for those who do not keep this Revelation (Rv 22:18-19)? Can anyone who does not believe in Revelation even after it has fulfilled be saved? The promise of Revelation states that the former world will end and that the promised new nation, new pastor, and new people will be created. In this time, those who belong to the dragon, Satan, will be thrown into hell with him, while those who belong to God will enter heaven and be with God. 

신약에서 이룰 것은 요한계시록이다(* 요한계시록은 신약을 종합하여 말한 것이므로). 이 계시록을 가감하고도 구원이 있겠는가?(계 22:18-19) 계시록이 이루어졌는데도 이를 믿지 않는 자가 구원받겠는가? 약속한 이 계시록에는 이전 세계가 끝나고, 약속의 새 나라와 새 목자와 새 민족이 창조될 것이 기록되어 있다. 이 때 용 곧 사단에게 속한 자들은 사단과 함께 지옥으로 가고, 하나님께 속한 자들은 하나님과 함께 천국으로 간다.