
Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge │ Why would God create pain, birth, old age, sickness, and death in the world of mankind?

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge

Why would God create pain, birth, old age, sickness, and death in the world of mankind? 

The owner of the world of mankind is God, who created the world and all things in it including all mankind. Why would God create pain, birth, old age, sickness, and death in the world of mankind? God is not the one who created the pain and four phases of life.

인류 세계의 주인은 천지 만물과 인류 세계를 창조하신 신 곧 하나님이시다. 하나님이 어찌하여 인류 세계를 고통과 생로병사가 있게 창조하셨는가? 그러나 하나님이 고통과 생로병사를 있게 창조한 것이 아니다.

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
Then who did that?

Then who did that? It was done by the serpent, also known as the dragon, and by people. The archangel in the spiritual realm betrayed God and became the dragon, in other words, Satan (Is 14:12-15, Ez 28:1-19, Rv 12:9, Rv 20:2). Likewise, people did not keep God’s commands, but listened to the words of the dragon (serpent). Because of their betrayal, pain and death entered into the world (refer to Gn 3, Gn 6).

그러면 누가 그렇게 한 것인가? 이는 뱀 곧 용과 사람이 스스로 한 것이다. 영계에서 천사장이 배도하여 용 곧 사단이 되었고, 사람도 하나님의 계명을 지키지 아니하고 용(뱀)의 말을 듣고 하나님께 배도한 연고로 고통과 사망이 온 것이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
What kind of entity is Satan?

God, who is the owner of creation, is life and the tree of life. Satan the dragon, as the one who has the authority of death, has killed all creation, that is, everything. What kind of entity is the dragon—Satan, the snake, the devil (Rv 12:9, 20:2)? Why was he created and by whom? 

The four living creatures, that is, the cherubim created by God, are archangels who rule over the heavenly host. One of the four cherubim (archangels) betrayed because of his greed: he sought equality with God. Ezekiel chapter 28 proves this.
Originally, the snake was one of the creations God created (Gn 3:1). And the figurative snake is Satan.

창조의 주인이신 하나님은 생명이시며 생명나무이고, 사단 용은 사망의 권세자로서 만물 곧 모든 것을 죽게 한 것이다. 용 곧 사단, 뱀, 마귀는(계 12:9, 20:2) 어떤 존재이며, 누가 왜 창조한 것인가? 하나님이 창조하신 네 생물 곧 그룹은 많은 천군(天軍)을 거느리고 있는 천사장이다. 이 네 그룹(천사장) 중 하나가 하나님같이 되려는 욕심으로 배도하여 사단이 된 것이다. 에스겔 28장이 이를 증명한다. 본래 뱀은 하나님이 창조하신 피조물 중 하나이다. 그리고 비유한 뱀은 사단이다.

How can we believe this? It cannot be understood with any level of knowledge of the world, but only through revelation from the Creator, that is, the true religion. True religion is learning and teaching the things of heaven.

이를 어찌 믿을 수 있는가? 이는 세상의 어떤 차원 높은 지식으로도 알 수 없고, 오직 창조주의 계시 곧 참 종교로만 알 수 있다. 참 종교는 하늘의 것을 배우고 가르치는 것이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
To restore the original state...

The true God left the world He had created due to men’s betrayal. As the spiritual dragon, who betrayed, has reigned over the world, people and all creation have degenerated for many years. In other words, people and all creation, which were originally created in God’s image and likeness, have become corrupt as the dragon has reigned over the world.

To restore the original state, we have to fight and defeat the dragon first, and then capture and kill it. We must also have the methods and materials necessary to restore the corrupted creation of heaven and earth. To accomplish His plan for the restoration of all things, God has prepared everything, sent His messengers, and spread His plan throughout the world. This is prophecy.

참 하나님께서 사람의 배도로 인하여 자신이 창조하신 세계에서 떠나셨고, 배도한 역적 용이 세계를 주관함으로 오랜 세월 속에서 사람과 만물이 변질되었다. 곧, 하나님의 모양과 형상대로 창조된 사람과 만물이 용이 주관함으로 다 변질된 것이다. 이를 다시 회복하려면 먼저 용과 싸워 이겨야 하고, 용을 잡아 처치해야 하며, 변질된 천지 만물을 다시 소성시킬 자료가 있어야 하고, 소성시킬 방법이 있어야 한다. 이를 위해 하나님은 모든 것을 준비하시고 사자들을 보내시어 이를 세상에 전해 온 것이 곧 예언이다. 

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
Proof that world has become the world of Satan

However, the dragon, who seizes power on earth, knows all this. That is why he has falsely accused and killed every messenger God has sent. He killed not only the prophets of the Old Testament, but also Jesus—the Son of God—and his disciples (Acts 7:51-53, Mt 5:10-12). This is proof that this world has become the world of the dragon, Satan.

그러나 지상권을 잡은 용이 이를 모를 리가 없다. 그리하여 하나님이 보내신 사자들을 누명을 씌워 다 죽였다. 구약 시대의 선지자들뿐 아니라 하나님의 아들 예수님과 그 제자들까지도 죽였다(행 7:51-53, 마 5:10-12). 이것이 곧 이 세상이 사단인 용의 세계가 된 증거이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
God restores them back into His image and likeness

Jesus at the First Coming overcame the world (Jn 16:33) and he overpowered the evil spirits that had ruled the spiritual world.

Also at the time of Revelation, the time of the Second Coming, Jesus overcomes (refer to Rv 6:2, 17:14) again on the earth. As the group of God fights and overcomes the group of the dragon like Jesus did, the dragon and its group are driven out of heaven and the earth (Rv 12). 

Therefore, heaven and the earth return to God at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, and God reigns and heals all things (Rv 19:6, 21:1-5, 22:1-2). For 6,000 years after Adam’s fall, the devil has corrupted things that belong to God according to Satan’s will, and has blamed the innocent even though he is in the wrong. That is why God restores them back into His image and likeness.

초림 예수님은 세상을 이기셨고(요 16:33), 이기신 예수님은 영(靈)으로 공중 권세 잡은 악령을 제압하게 되었고, 재림 때인 계시록 때에도 예수님이 이기시고(계 6:2, 17:14 참고) 또 지상에서도 하나님 소속이 예수님같이 용의 무리와 싸워 이김으로 천지에서 용과 그 무리가 쫓겨나므로(계 12장), 이 계시록 성취 때 천지는 다시 하나님께로 돌아오게 되고 하나님이 통치하시며 만물을 소성케 하신다(계 19:6, 21:1-5, 22:1-2). 이는 아담 범죄 이후 6천 년 간 마귀가 적반하장(賊反荷杖)격으로 하나님의 것을 자기의 뜻대로 변질시켰기 때문에, 다시 하나님의 모양과 형상으로 소성시키는 것이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
Blocked the passage of revelation between God and man

The penalty for the betrayal of the one who is not the owner of the world of mankind was death and suffering. Satan, who betrayed and ruled over the world, blocked the passage of revelation between God and man. Because of that, men did not understand the Word and grew far from it, to the point where they did not understand God, the Creator and the deep meaning of His creation (the secrets of the kingdom of heaven).

This is ignorance, and God’s people came to be destroyed because they lacked the knowledge of knowing God (Hosea 4:6).

인류 세계의 주인이 아닌 자의 배도에 의한 형벌의 대가는 죽음이었고 고통이었다. 배도하고 세계를 주관해 온 사단이 하나님과 사람이 통하는 계시 통로를 막아 깨달음이 없게 함으로 거리가 멀어졌고, 창조주 하나님과 창조의 깊은 것(천국 비밀)을 알지 못하게 된 것이었다. 이것이 무지이며, 하나님의 백성이 하나님을 아는 지식이 없어 망하게 된 것이다(호 4:6).

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
God’s kingdom is established

Hence, God sent His messengers each era in advance and made this known to people. But Satan also knew this and killed every messenger. When Cain, the evil one (1Jn 3:12), killed Abel, God listened to the appeal of the blood of the righteous Abel, and God punished Cain. Likewise, it was the wrong judgment and a mistake when Satan the dragon killed the sinless and righteous man, Jesus. 

God’s kingdom is established (Rv 12:10-11) as those who belong to God overcome Satan the dragon by the blood of the righteous man (Jesus). The priests and the great multitude in white (people) are created by the blood of the righteous man (Rv 5:9-10, 7:9-14). And by fighting and overcoming Satan the dragon, the dragon ends up being captured and bound (Rv 20:1-3).

그리하여 하나님은 시대 시대마다 먼저 사자를 보내어 이를 알게 하셨으나, 사단이 이를 알고, 오는 자마다 다 죽인 것이다. 악한 가인(요일 3:12)이 아벨을 죽였고, 하나님은 의로운 아벨의 피의 호소를 들으시고 가인에게 벌을 내리셨다. 이와 같이 사단 용이 죄 없는 의인(義人) 예수님을 죽인 것은 잘못된 판단이며 실수였다. 하나님 소속이 의인(예수님)의 피로 사단 용과 싸워 이김으로 하나님의 나라를 창설하게 되며(계 12:10-11), 의인의 피로 제사장과 흰 무리(백성)가 창조되고(계 5:9-10, 7:9-14), 사단 용과 싸워 이김으로 용을 잡아 가두게 되는 것이다(계 20:1-3).

Shincheonji's Bible Knowledge
The re-creation in the book of Revelation

It is prophesized that when Jesus is lifted up from the earth, he will draw all men to himself (Jn 12:32-33). The fulfillment of this is found in the book of Revelation (Rv 15:4). 

When the promised book of Revelation is fulfilled, the purpose and hope are achieved, and God, the true owner of the world, comes to rule over all nations. Therefore, anyone who does not know Genesis and Revelation cannot be called a believer, and thus cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, where God is.

The re-creation in the book of Revelation is not the creation of the previous world, but the creation of God’s new world created at the time of Revelation. This new world is the kingdom of heaven—where God, the Creator, reigns—and the world of the people of heaven.

예수께서 십자가를 지심으로 모든 사람이 예수님께로 오게 된다(요 12:32-33)고 하신 그 말씀대로 이루어지는 것을 계시록에서 본 바이다(계 15:4). 약속한 계시록이 성취됨으로 목적과 소망이 이루어지고 참 주인이신 하나님이 오시어 통치하신다. 그러므로 창세기와 계시록을 알지 못하면 신앙인이라 할 수 없고, 하나님이 계시는 천국에 들어갈 수 없다. 계시록의 재창조는 이전 세계의 창조가 아니요, 계시록 때에 창조된 하나님의 새로운 세계이며, 이 하나님의 세계는 창조주이신 하나님이 통치하시는 천국이며 천민(天民) 세계이다. 


Shincheonji Quote, We should not change our faith to believe in God!

Shincheonji Quote,

We should not change our faith to believe in God!

Shincheonji Quote
If the pastor truly believes in God and the word of God...

The apostle asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus answered, ‘Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to’ (Lk 13:23-24). 

The text and reference verse above is the content related with the event of the First Coming and Second Coming of Jesus, that is, persecution. At the end of the world, if the pastor truly believes in God and the word of God, he must ask himself who this verse applies to.

위의 본문 및 참고 성구는 초림 때 일과 재림 때 있을 일 곧 핍박에 관련되는 내용이다. 말세의 목자는 참으로 하나님과 그 말씀을 믿는다면 위의 성구가 누구에게 해당하는지 자신에게 물어야 한다. “주여 구원을 얻는 자가 적으니이까?”라는 제자의 물음에 예수님께서 답하시기를 ‘좁은 문으로 들어가기를 힘쓰라. 들어가기를 구하여도 못하는 자가 많으리라.’고 하셨다(눅 13:23-24).

Shincheonji Quote
The Second Coming of Jesus will be like that time.

The narrow and confined path is the path to heaven which is persecuted. The path that many people go on is the path to hell which persecutes. People who killed the prophets of God in the Old Testament were the pastors who called themselves true believers. Also, people who killed Jesus and his apostles were the priests, that is, the pastors at that time. And, Jesus said the Second Coming of Jesus will be like that time.

좁고 협착한 길은 핍박받는 천국 길이요, 많은 사람이 가는 넓은 길은 핍박하는 지옥 길이다. 하나님께서 보내신 구약의 선지자들을 죽인 자들은 하나님을 잘 믿는다고 자칭하는 목자들이었고, 예수님과 그 제자들을 죽인 자들도 당시 제사장들 곧 목자들이었다. 그리고 주 재림 때도 그때와 같다고 하셨다.

Shincheonji Quote
The narrow, being persecuted, path is the way to heaven.

Look at the organizations of today which boast about their tradition. They do not have the word of God but only the words of the world. Aren't money and power the only things they know? 

In this world, the path of true believers who keep the faith and go on the right path is narrow and confined. This is because of the persecution from the wicked people. 

They don’t call the traditional organizations which cheat and steal as heresy. They’re all in the same group. They accuse true believers of a sin they've committed and  are frantic to make them into a heresy. Also, they condemn other people as heresy and cover up the sins of their organization. This is the wide path to hell. The narrow, being persecuted, path is the way to heaven. People who walk on this narrow path are hard to keep their true faith because of the pressure and sorrow that comes along. 

오늘날 전통을 자랑하는 교단들을 보라. 그들에게 하나님의 말씀은 없고 세상 말뿐이며, 아는 것은 돈과 권세뿐이 아닌가? 이 같은 세계에서 신앙을 지켜 바른 길을 걷는 신앙인의 길은 좁고 협착하다. 이는 악인들의 핍박 때문이다. 이들은 사기 치고 도둑질하는 전통 교단들에게는 이단이라 하지 않는다. 한 패니까 말이다. 이들은 자기들의 죄를 참 신앙인에게 뒤집어씌워 이단 만드는 데 혈안이 되어있고, 남을 ‘이단’으로 정죄하며 자기 교단의 죄를 감추고 있지 않은가? 이것이 넓은 지옥 길이다. 핍박받는 좁은 길은 천국 길이요, 이 좁은 길을 걷는 이는 압박과 설움 속에서 참 신앙을 지키기가 힘들다. 

Shincheonji Quote
We should not change our faith to believe in God. 

In this situation, how can people overcome the evil people without the belief, the word and God? Many disciples kept their faith even in front of death. 

We should not change our faith to believe in God. 

이 때 믿음과 말씀과 하나님이 그 안에 없으면 악한 자들에게서 어찌 이겨 나가겠는가? 선지 사도들은 목이 떨어져도 믿음을 지켰다. 우리는 하나님을 믿는 믿음이 변치 말아야 한다.

Shincheonji Quote
Don't we become holy when we have God's words?

We don't have to judge whether "I am sinful" or "I am righteous". According to the
Bible verse Jn17:17, it states "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." 

Don't we become holy when we have God's words? God said that the Word is God. A person who becomes one with God will truly be part of the holy nation. 

 '죄인이다, 의인이다' 따질 것 없다. 말씀으로 거룩해진다고 하셨으니(요17:17) 말씀을 가지면 거룩해지지 않겠는가? 말씀이 하나님이라 하셨으니, 하나님과 하나 된 사람은 참으로 거룩한 민족이 될 것이다.


Shincheonji volunteer, Communications with Buddhism Linked to Mural Painting Volunteer Work.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe

Communications with Buddhism Linked to Mural Painting Volunteer Work.

Hello! This is the prestigious Seoul James Tribe. ^_______^

The mural painting volunteer organization of the Seoul James Tribe visited 
the Samwon Temple of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order.

The first time the volunteers went to Samwon Temple was in April to plant 
Ericaceae trees and on the second visit, the volunteers painted murals.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe
Mural painting story of the prestigious
Seoul James Tribe: Samwon Temple

The wall of the Samwon Temple seemed lonely and miserable.
Would you like to take a look at the changes made after one week?

First of all, they started by getting rid of the dirt and stains on
the old and shabby wall, one by one
This work was personally very fun for me.

When you take off the dirty stuff, does it feel cool and fresh?

The contents of the Samwon Temple mural paintings are composed of
symbolic elephants that are considered auspicious to Buddhists and
"Shipjangsaeng" symbols which signify man’s yearning for longevity
to the citizens visiting the Bukhansan hiking trail.

We have been checking the beautiful mural design and getting ready 
to draw sketches.
We should beautifully color in the sketch after drawing it so it will
become a work of art.

Just like a lovely view makes bread more appetizing, we need volunteer
workers who have deft talents for handicrafts in this process.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe
Before and After

The volunteer work of mural painting started on April 24th and over
ten volunteers joined every day until the work finally finished on May 2nd.

The wall paintings look lively in the static temple due to the vibrant
colors that match well with the temple environment.

One of the citizens who looked at the mural paintings at the temple
made a positive comment that it feels great to see the murals whenever
they go for a walk.

I will tell you about the precious visits to Samwon Temple for awhile.

The first visit to Samwon Temple, which is located on a hiking trail
on Bukhan Mountain in the Jungreung 4-dong, Sungbukgu area of Seoul,
occurred in conjunction with the planting of 200 Ericaceae trees
around the back area of the temple on April 18th.

Volunteers of the Seoul James Tribe of Shincheonji suggested, during a
meeting at the temple, that they could create murals after they saw
the old, peeling and discolored paintings around the temple.

The chief Buddhist monk of Samwon temple delightfully accepted the
offer and purpose of the Shincheonji mural painting volunteer work.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe
What is the story of the wall?

The story of the temple wall can be a lesson to show that members of
different religions as well as foreigners can engage in the volunteer
work of mural painting which can show the hearts of people while they
are cleaning the environment and overcoming their differences. 

This work can help to create harmony in society.
Furthermore, the activity is designed to show the true spirit of Jesus
and love for our neighbors.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe
Place of communication beyond religion and race

The volunteer work on the wall was joined by a lot of foreigners
proving that the work in this place transcended religion and race.

How wonderful it was to hear what our Bangladeshi friend, Pappy, said
about what we drew, saw, and the delicious food that we ate at this happy moment.

In fact, I do not have foreign friends, am not Buddhist, and could
hardly have had the chance to meet foreigners as well as a Buddhist
monk if it were not for the volunteer work of mural painting.

It was fabulous to communicate with the Buddhist monk and talk with
foreign friends through body gestures during the course of the work on this mural painting.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization of the Seoul Church, Seoul James Tribe
I was more pleased with the volunteers' warm hearts than the paintings. 

Above all, we felt touched that the chief Buddhist monk would allow a
mural painting to be drawn on Samwon Temple.

I am more pleased by the volunteers' warm hearts than the mural
painting art work they created.
I can appreciate that certain actions come from the heart that we can
collectively share even if it’s only for a little moment.

- Buddhist monk -

A Buddhist monk thanked the volunteer workers of Shincheonji and the
Shincheonji church. The head monk, representing the Samwon Temple and
Korea’s Jogye Order of Buddhist monks, spoke more highly of the hearts
of the volunteers than the art work they created.

 I felt sincerely thankful that the volunteer work was the medium
through which we had an experience that allowed us to break down the
walls around our hearts, even though we belong to different races,
different nationalities and different religions.

I think that this is what God wants us to do and through the volunteer
work, we can become one and overcome our differences rather than
arguing and claiming the superiority of our beliefs and faith.

I hope you can join the volunteer work and paint murals if you want a challenge.


Shincheonji's Bible Teachings│ Have you kept the New covenant(New Testament)?

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings│  Have you kept the New covenant(New Testament)?

Approximately 2,600 years ago, God prophesied through Jeremiah regarding the new work (thing), the two types of seeds, and the establishment of a new covenant (Jer 31:22, 27, 31).


And Jesus established a new covenant with his own blood (Lk 22:20). 
This was the fulfillment of the promise made in Jeremiah 31:31. 

지금으로부터 약 2,600년 전에 하나님께서 예레미야에게 새 일과 두 가지 씨 뿌릴 것과 새 언약을 세울 것을 예언하셨다(렘 31:22, 27, 31). 그리고 예수님은 자기 피로 새 언약을 하셨다(눅 22:20). 이는 예레미야 31장 31절의 약속을 이루신 것이다. 

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ When and through whom did these promises fulfill? 

When and through whom did these promises (the new work, the two types of seeds, the new covenant) fulfill? These prophecies must first be made known to the whole world before they are fulfilled. The prophecies were spread for approximately 600 years to be a testimony for all the people.

After about 600 years, God fulfilled what was promised through Jeremiah.  The promises fulfilled through the promised pastor, which God promised would be born for this very purpose.

약속한 것(새 일, 두 가지 씨, 새 언약)은 언제, 누구를 통해 이루는가?
이 예언은 모든 민족에게 증거되기 위해 약 600년 간 전파하였고, 온 세상에 전파하기 위해 이 같은 기간이 필요했다. 약 600년 후 하나님은 예레미야에게 약속하신 것을 이루기 위해 약속한 목자를 탄생시켰고, 이 약속한 목자를 통해 이루셨다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ Who is the promised pastor and where does he come from? 

Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:1-4, Hosea 11:1, Zechariah 9:9—these were the promises regarding him. The one who came according to these words of promise was Jesus.

God came to Jesus as promised (Jn 1:29-34). In Matthew 13 Jesus sowed two types of seeds- fulfilling what was promised to Jeremiah (Jer 31:27). The good seed was sown through Jesus and the seed of the devil was sown through the Pharisee pastors who were the snakes (Lk 8:11, Mt 13:24-30, 36-43).

God fulfilled all the prophecies He promised since the time of Adam.  There was never an occasion where He did not fulfill a promise exactly according to what He had promised. If God did not keep His promise, how could anyone believe in Him?

약속한 목자는 언제, 어디의 누구냐? 이사야 7:14, 미가 5:1-4, 호세아 11:1, 스가랴 9:9. 이것이 약속이다. 이 말씀대로 오신 분이 예수님이다. 하나님께서는 약속하신 예수님에게 오셨다(요 1:29-34). 그리고 마태복음 13장에서 예레미야에게 약속하신(렘 31:27) 두 가지 씨를 뿌리셨다. 좋은 씨는 예수님을 통해서, 마귀 씨는 뱀 바리새인 목자를 통해(눅 8:11, 마 13:24-30, 36-43). 하나님께서 아담 이후 약속하신 예언은 그대로 다 이루셨고, 약속을 그대로 이루지 아니한 것은 단 한 번도 없다. 만일 하나님이 약속을 지키지 아니하신다면 어떻게 하나님을 믿을 수 있겠는가?

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ New Work and New Seed

The “new work” does not refer to the laws of Moses, but something else entirely. The “two seeds” do not refer to the physical seeds of men (Jn 1:13) but the spiritual seeds, meaning God’s seed and the devil’s seed.

After Jesus, the people of religion are born with two types of seeds: God’s seed and the devil’s seed.  Those born with God’s seed are harvested at the time of harvest, and those born with the seed of the devil are not harvested but remain in their fields (their own churches). This is the evidence of the two types of seeds.

새 일이란 모세 율법이 아닌 다른 일을 말씀하신 것이요, 두 가지 씨는 사람의 육적 씨를 말함이 아니요(요 1:13), 영의 씨 곧 하나님의 씨와 마귀의 씨를 말하심이다. 예수님 이후 종교인은 두 가지 씨로 나게 된다. 하나님의 씨로 난 자는 추수 때 추수되어 가고, 마귀 씨로 난 자는 추수되어 가지 못하고 자기 밭 곧 자기 교회에 남은 자이다. 이것이 두 가지 씨의 증거이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The New Covenant made with Jesus’ blood

And the “new covenant” means that God will make a new covenant once again, not the covenant at the time of Moses (Heb 8). Although a covenant was made with the Physical Israelites who came out of Egypt (Ex 19:5-8), a new covenant was to be made once again because they broke the 1st covenant. The new covenant was made with Jesus’ blood (Lk 22:20, 1 Cor 11:25). The New Covenant made with Jesus’ blood is the New Testament, and the Book of Revelation is a comprehensive summary of the New Testament. It was promised with blood that this Revelation will be fulfilled.

There are people who will keep this new covenant and those who will not. The ones who are born with the seed of the promise and are harvested at the Second Coming are those who become a part of the new kingdom of the twelve tribes—they become the people who carry out the new covenant.

그리고 새 언약이라 하심은 모세 때의 언약이 아닌 새 언약을 다시 하시겠다는 말씀이다(히 8장). 애굽에서 나온 육적 이스라엘과 언약을 하셨으나(출 19:5-8), 이들이 그 언약을 파하였으므로 새 언약을 하시는 것이었다. 새 언약은 예수님의 피로 세우셨다(눅 22:20, 고전 11:25). 예수님의 피로 세운 새 언약이 곧 신약이며, 신약을 종합한 것이 계시록이다. 이 계시록을 이루겠다는 것을 피로 언약한 것이다. 이 새 언약을 지키는 자와 지키지 못하는 자가 있다. 약속의 씨로 나서 재림의 추수 때 추수되어 새 나라 12지파에 소속되면 새 언약을 이행한 자가 된다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ Have you kept the New covenant (New Testament)?

Paul explained about the new covenant in Hebrews 8 and after Jesus took the cross and shed his blood in chapter 10, he spoke about putting his laws in his people’s hearts and minds in verses 15-16. 

Allow me to ask you.  
Did everyone record the very revelation in your hearts and minds? Did you add to it or take away from it—meaning from the revelation and the whole vision?

그대들에게 묻노니, 새 언약(신약)을 지켰는가? 바울은 히브리서 8장에 새 언약에 대해 설명하였고, 10장에 예수께서 십자가를 지시고 피를 흘리신 후 15-16절에 주님의 법을 마음과 생각에 기록한다고 하셨다. 그대들은 마음과 생각에 기록하였는가, 가감하였는가? 계시록 곧 묵시를….

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The revelation will certainly come

Habakkuk 2:2-3 states, “Then the LORD replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.’” The revelation that Prophet Habakkuk spoke about was the sealed scroll in Isaiah 29:9-13 which fulfilled during Jesus’ first coming.

기록된바 하박국 2장 2-3절에 “여호와께서 내게 대답하여 가라사대, 너는 이 묵시를 기록하여 판에 명백히 새기되 달려가면서도 읽을 수 있게 하라. 이 묵시는 정한 때가 있나니, 그 종말이 속히 이르겠고, 결코 거짓되지 아니하리라. 비록 더딜지라도 기다리라. 지체되지 않고 정녕 응하리라.”고 하셨다. 하박국 선지가 말한 묵시는 이사야 29장 9-13절에서 말한 묵시로, 초림 예수님 때 이루어졌다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The book that summarizes the New Testament 

The book that summarizes the New Testament is the book of Revelation. At the Second Coming, the revelation that Prophet Habakkuk spoke about is this book of Revelation. He said to write this revelation in one’s heart so that he may read it as he runs with it. 

Why? So that when the revelation fulfills, he may recognize it, believe it, and receive salvation. If one does not know this revelation, how will he recognize it when the Lord fulfills it according to his promises? 
Will he break the new covenant the same way the Physical Israelites broke the covenant when the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled (refer to Jer 31:31-32)? 
Does anyone who adds and takes away from the words of Revelation have the right to persecute others?

그리고 신약을 종합적으로 잘 말하고 있는 것이 계시록이다. 재림 때인 오늘날에는 이 계시록이 하박국 선지가 말한 묵시이다. 이 묵시를 달려가면서도 읽을 수 있도록 마음에 새기라고 하셨다. 왜? 이루어질 때 보고 믿어 구원받기 위해서이다. 만일 약속한 이 묵시를 알지 못하면, 주께서 약속대로 이루셨다 할지라도 어찌 알겠는가? 또 육적 이스라엘이 구약의예언이 이루어져도 지키지 않은 것같이(렘 31:31-32 참조) 오늘날 새 언약이 이루어져도 이를 지키지 않을 것인가? 계시록 곧 묵시를 가감한 자가 누구를 핍박할 자격이 있는가?

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings│ The Heaven which Jesus Taught

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings│ The Heaven which Jesus Taught

What kind of place is the heaven which Jesus taught? 

예수께서 알려 주신 천국은 어떤 곳인가? 
예수님은 천국 비밀을 비유로 말씀하셨다(마 13:34-35).

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The Heaven which Jesus Taught

There are six parables of the kingdom of heaven (Mt 13:24-30, 31-32, 33, 44, 45-46, 47-50). 
One must wonder why these things are like the kingdom of heaven. We must know why these things are heaven and where it is. Believers have been carrying out a life of faith to go to this very heaven.

비유로 말씀하신 6가지 천국을 보았다(마 13:24-30, 31-32, 33, 44, 45-46, 47-50). 왜 이것들이 천국인지 생각해야 한다. 왜 이것이 천국인지, 이곳이 어디인지 알아야 한다. 신앙인들은 이 천국에 가기 위해 신앙을 해 왔다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ What is the difference between the heaven Jesus spoke about and the heaven people imagine and desire to go?

There is a heaven in the spiritual realm and an identical heaven here on earth, because the heaven here on earth is made according to what is in the spiritual realm. For example, heaven was the tabernacle Moses made according to what he saw in the spiritual realm. 

Also the heaven mentioned in Matthew 6:10, “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” is the heaven Jesus mentioned in Matthew 13. 

Therefore, we must know the Bible.

There is a heaven in the spiritual realm and a heaven in the physical realm.  

The heaven that comes down to this earth is the heaven in the spiritual realm, whereas the heaven on earth is the heaven in the physical realm that has been made as it is in the spiritual realm. 

The heaven in the spiritual realm descends upon the heaven that is created on earth—like the heaven in Matthew 13. 

This is the promise of the New Testament and the heaven that the Bible describes.

사람들이 가고자 한 천국, 사람들이 사모하고 바라는 천국, 사람들이 생각한 천국과 예수께서 말씀하신 천국의 다른 점은 무엇인가?
천국은 하늘 영계의 천국이 있고, 이 땅에도 그와 같은 천국이 있다. 이 땅의 천국은 하늘에서 이룬 것과 같은 것을 만들었으니, 예를 들면 모세가 하늘의 것을 보고 만든 장막이며, 마태복음 6장 10절의 “하늘에서 이룬 것같이 이 땅에서 이루어지이다.” 한 그 천국이 예수께서 마태복음 13장에 말씀하신 천국이다. 그러므로 성경을 알아야 한다.

천국은 영계의 천국과 육계의 천국이 있으니, 하늘에서 이 땅에 내려오는 천국은 영계의 천국이며, 이 땅의 천국은 하늘에서 본 것같이 이 땅에서 창조한 육계의 천국이다. 하늘에서 내려오는 영계의 천국은 이 땅에서 창조된 마태복음 13장과 같은 천국에 임해 오신다. 이것이 신약의 약속이고, 성경이 말한 천국이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ New Jerusalem(A heaven in the spiritual realm)

Apostle Paul said in Gal 4:26 “The Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother”. This means that we are born from this Jerusalem. Jesus ascended into heaven and created new Jerusalem with his disciples (Rv 21). 

New Jerusalem, as its name suggest, is a new creation and not of the old. This new thing is the creation of the holy city, where Jesus becomes our mother and the 12 disciples become the foundation stones. 

This is the place Jesus spoke of when he said, ‘I will come back when I prepare a place for you’ (Jn 14:2-3) 

사도 바울이 갈라디아서 4:26에 ‘위에 있는 예루살렘은 우리의 어머니라.’고 하심은 우리를 낳았다는 뜻이다. 하늘의 예수님은 그 제자들로 새 예루살렘을 창조하셨다(계 21장). 새 예루살렘이라 함은 옛것이 아닌 새것이라는 말이다. 이 새것은 예수님이 어머니가 되고 열두 제자(사도)들을 기초로 하여 만든 거룩한 성이다. 이는 예수님이 요한복음 14:2-3에서 ‘우리의 처소를 예비하여 다시 오겠다.’고 하신 그 처소이다. 

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The new heaven and new earth(A heaven in the physical realm)

‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ (Mt 6:10). These scriptures are speaking of the place where the new heaven and new earth are created, after the first heaven and first earth have passed away. 

When this new thing is created, the heavenly tabernacle (spiritual world), the new Jerusalem and God, are coming to and becoming one with the New Heaven and New Earth (Shincheonji). This is when God has fulfilled all his hopes, desires and purpose (Rv 21:1-7).

뜻이 하늘에서 이룬 것같이 이 땅에서도 그와 같이 이룬 것이(마 6:10), 계시록 21장의 처음 하늘과 처음 땅(옛것)이 없어진 후 창조된 새 하늘 새 땅(새것)이다. 이 새것이 창조되어 하늘(영계)의 장막(새 예루살렘)과 하나님이 이 땅의 새 하늘 새 땅(신천지)에 임해 오심으로 하나님의 소원하신 뜻이 다 이루어진 것이다(계 21:1-7).

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The foundation stones of new Jerusalem

The foundation stones of new Jerusalem are Jesus’ disciples (apostles). The 12 apostles are also called 12 stones, which mean they are used to build a new creation. 

In the times of Moses, the leaders of the 12 tribes where represented by 12 stones (Ex 28). Since God has ended the old former things, this foundation of the holy city is the 12 tribe leaders of New Spiritual Israel.

새로 창조된 새 예루살렘의 기초석이 예수님의 제자(사도)들이며, 이 열두 사도들을 열두 보석이라 하심은 새 창조를 의미한다. 모세 때 육적 이스라엘 족장들 곧 열두 지파장을 열두 보석이라 하심(출 28장)과 같이, 이 옛것을 끝내시고 영적 새 이스라엘 열두 지파장이 성(城)의 기초석이요 열두 보석이 되는 것이다.

Shincheonji's Bible Teachings
▣ The newly created heaven and earth

The newly created heaven and earth, and all that is in them, is made from that which is new, not the old, past, worn-out things. Moses created the things here on earth by looking at the pattern of heaven (Ex 25) and Jesus did only the things on earth, which he saw his Father in heaven had done (Jn 5). This is the true meaning of ‘your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ (Mt 6:10)

하늘에서도 이 땅에서도 옛것이 아닌 새것으로 창조된 것이다. 이는 모세가 하늘의 것을 보고 그와 같이 창조하였고(출 25장), 예수님이 하늘의 아버지께서 하신 것을 보고 그와 같이 하셨던 것(요 5장)과 같다. 뜻이 하늘에서 이룬 것같이 이 땅에서도 그와 같이 이룬 것이다(마 6:10).


Shincheonji Volunteer Organization is sharing love for everyone in the world to be happy!

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization is sharing love for everyone in the world to be happy!


Shincheonji Volunteer Organization is sharing love for everyone 
in the world to be happy.

Beyond difference in thoughts, race, nation and religion.

Peaceful world without the pain from wars.

Light of love lighten up the world.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization through small steps 
in their lives completes the peace.

If our help is needed, we go anywhere in the nation.

Look around, and you are not alone.

One's sacrifice results happiness of many.

This is the education of life from the heaven.

Like a shining light in the sky...

Like rain that supplies water to all living things on earth...

Who live under the same heaven.

You and I are one, without discrimination.

We all to be be happy without pain without sorrow until the day od peace.

Shincheonji Volunteer Organization will continue to be practice love.