
Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7 - A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,

A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges

Each person considers himself to have great faith and thinks that he is saved.
Such a person, however, does not know himself well.
No one has had a life of faith acknowledged by God.

사람들은 제각기 자신이 잘 믿는다고 생각한다. 또 자기는 구원받을 줄로 생각한다.
그러나 그들은 자기 자신을 알지 못한다.
하나님께 인정받을 수 있는 신앙은 없었다.

In every era, God first prophesied and made a covenant.
God also made known the outcome of keeping and breaking the covenant.
In spite of this, not once have people been able to keep the covenant.
The consequence for not obeying the covenant is destruction.

하나님께서는 시대마다 먼저 예언하셨고, 언약으로 약속하셨다.
그리고 언약을 지켰을 때와 지키지 못했을 때의 결과를 알리셨다.
그러나 지금까지 단 한 번도 사람은 언약을 지킨 적이 없다.
언약을 지키지 못한 결과는 멸망이었다.

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
The world is caught in its own thinking and judgment

Throughout the 6,000 years of Biblical history, 
rather than knowing God’s will,
the world is caught in its own thinking and judgment.

They receive encouragement from the words of their own pastors, 
and go on to think that salvation comes from their denomination alone.

Pastors today do not carry out their lives of faith for God, but for themselves.

They also make judgments based on whether they are benefited.

Their knowledge of the Bible has fallen to the ground.

They have no interest in heaven or hell.

성경 6천 년 역사를 보면, 세상은 하나님의 뜻 외에 자기 생각, 자기 판단 속에 빠져 있다.
자기 목자의 말이 힘이 되어 자기 교단만이 구원받을 수 있다고 생각한다.
목자들은 하나님을 위한 믿음이 아니고 자기를 위한 믿음이요, 또 자기를 위한 판단이며, 
그들의 성경 지식은 땅에 떨어졌고, 천국과 지옥에는 관심이 없다. 

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
The difference between those born of God’s seed and those born of man’s seed

The people before Jesus were sinners born in the hereditary line of Adam the transgressor by the seed of flesh,
but it is certain that after Jesus, people become the children of God by being reborn of God’s seed.

The difference between those born of the seed of man (born of natural descent) and those born of God’s seed is great.

Beginning from the New Testament era, a person must be born solely by God’s seed to be qualified to call Him, “Father.”  

When Abraham’s descendants (Jews) called God their father in John 8, Jesus replied that their father was the devil, not God (Jn 8:37-44).

This is the difference between those born of God’s seed and those born of man’s seed: they can or cannot call God, “Father.”

예수님 이전에는 범죄자 아담의 유전자로 난 죄인이며 육의 씨로 났으나,
예수님 때로부터는 하나님의 씨로 거듭나므로 하나님의 자녀가 분명하다.
사람의 씨(육정과 혈통)로 난 자와 하나님의 씨로 난 자의 차이는 크다.
신약 때로부터 하나님을 아버지라고 부를 수 있는 자격은
오직 하나님의 씨로 나야 하는 것이다.
요한복음 8장에 아브라함의 자손들(유대인들)이 하나님을 자기들의 아버지라고 했을 때,
예수님은 그들에게 ‘너희 아비는 하나님이 아니요 마귀’라고 하셨다.
사람의 씨로 난 자와 하나님의 씨로 난 자의 차이가
이것 곧 하나님을 아버지로 부를 수 있느냐 없느냐 하는 것이다.

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
Bible Matthew 7:21~23

Jesus said, “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord,’ ‘Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven.” 

Jesus said, “Many will say to me on that day,
Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, 
and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’
Then I will tell them plainly,
‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” 

예수께서 “나더러 주여 주여 하는 자마다 천국에 다 들어갈 것이 아니요, 
다만 하늘에 계신 내 아버지의 뜻대로 행하는 자라야 들어가리라.”고 하셨다.
예수께서 “그 날에 나더러 주여 주여 하는 많은 사람들이 이르되, 
‘우리가 주의 이름으로 선지자 노릇 하며, 주의 이름으로 귀신을 좇아내며, 
주의 이름으로 많은 권능을 행치 아니하였나이까?’ 하리니,
그 때 내가 저희에게 밝히 말하되 ‘내가 너희를 도무지 알지 못하니, 
불법을 행하는 자들아, 내게서 떠나가라.’ 하리라.” 하셨다.

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
Their actions were not done according to God’s will

As seen previously, the false prophets(pastors) drove out demons in the Lord’s name and exercised their powers as prophets in the Lord’s name,
but Jesus saw them as people acting in lawlessness and told them to leave.

It is because their actions were not done according to God’s will.  

Sadly the church members who follow these pastors regard them as very remarkable people.

Where will these pastors and the church members go?

It would certainly be hell, because they acted in lawlessness.
(refer to Matthew 7:23, Jn 12:48, Rv 20:12-15)

앞에서 본 바와 같이, 거짓 선지자들이 주님의 이름으로 권능을 행하고 
귀신을 쫓아내었고, 주의 이름으로 선지자 노릇까지 하였으나, 
예수님은 이들에게 불법을 행한 자라며 떠나가게 하신다고 하셨다. 
그 이유는 이들이 한 행위는 하나님의 뜻이 아니기 때문이다. 
그러나 이들을 따르는 교인들은 자기 목자를 대단한 존재로 알 것이다. 
이들 곧 목자와 교인들은 어디로 가겠는가? 
물론 지옥이다. 불법을 행했으니까...

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
God’s true will

Rather than wanting to perceive God’s will and live a life of faith according to His will, people believe in their own thoughts, own judgment, and in their pastors’ words and their authority because they do not know the will in the Bible. 

This cannot be a true life of faith.

God’s true will is that we are born of God’s seed 
and unite with God’s spirit, get harvested, get sealed (with God’s word), 
be part of the 12 tribes of the promised nation, 
not add anything or take away from Revelation, 
and be recorded in the book of life.  

Anyone must have these words fulfilled in their lives and be created in this way.

사람들이 하나님의 뜻을 깨달아 그 뜻대로 신앙을 해야 한다는 생각보다, 
성경의 뜻을 알지 못하므로 자기 생각, 자기 판단 또는 목사라는 권위와 그 말을 믿는다. 
이는 참 신앙이라 할 수 없다.

하나님의 참뜻은 하나님의 씨로 나야 하고 하나님의 영으로 하나 되어야 하며, 
추수되어 와야 하고, (하나님의 말씀으로) 인 맞아야 하며, 
약속의 나라 열두 지파에 속해야 하고, 계시록을 가감하지 않아야 하며, 
생명책에 녹명되어야 하는 것이다. 
이 말씀대로 자기에게 이루어져 창조되어야 한다.

Faith Quotes, Bible Matthew 7,A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges
Who am I according to the New Testament Bible? 

The Bible makes known of the life of faith acknowledged by God and the life of faith that is not acknowledged by God.  

Every congregation member must not add to or subtract from the Bible and must believe in the words of promise and keep them.

Therefore, I must ask myself,
“Who am I according to the New Testament Bible? Have I been born again according to the promise? Have I been recreated according to the promise?”  

Each person must stand before the Bible and ask himself these questions.

성경은 인정받을 신앙과 인정받지 못할 신앙에 대해 알려 주셨다. 
성도는 누구나 성경대로 믿고 성경 말씀을 가감하지 말아야 하며 
약속의 말씀을 믿고 지켜야 한다.
그러므로 “나는 신약 성경이 말한 누구인가? 약속대로 거듭났는가? 
약속대로 창조되었는가?” 성경 앞에서 자기에게 물어 보아야 한다. 


A Life of Faith That God Acknowledges and the Life of Faith that God Does Not Acknowledge


Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images

I will introduce about 'Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images'.

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 1.

We can only learn to love by loving.
- Iris Murdoch -

우리는 오로지 사랑을 함으로써 사랑을 배울 수 있다. 
- 아이리스 머독 -

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 2.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. 
- William Shakespeare -

사랑은 눈으로 보지 않고 마음으로 보는 거지. 
- 윌리엄 셰익스피어 -

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 3.

Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved. 
- Victor Hugo -

인생에 있어서 최고의 행복은 우리가 사랑 받고 있음을 확신하는 것이다. 
- 빅터 위고 -

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 4.

The important thing was to love rather than to be loved. 
- W. Somerset Maugham -

중요한 것은 사랑을 받는 것이 아니라 사랑을 하는 것이었다. 
- 서머셋 모옴 -

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 5.

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. 
- Michael Masser -

자신을 사랑하는 법을 아는 것이 가장 위대한 사랑입니다. 
- 마이클 매서 -

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 6.

Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive. 
- John Sheffield -

서로를 용서하는 것이야말로 가장 아름다운 사랑의 모습이다. 
- 존 셰필드- 

Love Quotes Collection, Loving Quotes with Images 7.

To the family of heaven, 
the world of paradise and the new heaven and earth, 
let us love one another. 

Is it not the love of God, who created all things?
Since we love all things and all things love us,
it is heaven. Let us become the new creation
that burst the flowers of love together.

- 熙 -

새 천지 낙원의 세계 천국의 가족들이여, 서로 사랑하자.
만물까지 창조하신 하나님의 사랑이 아닌가?
우리도 만물을 사랑하고 만물들도 우리를 사랑하니, 이것이 천국이다.
서로 사랑의 꽃 피우는 새로운 피조물이 되자.


Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion

Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion

Today, I will talk about 'The meaning of religion'.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion
Highest Teaching!

The Chinese characters that make up the word for religion mean highest teaching.

This religion was created by the creator—he wrote his will into the scriptures.

If this idea of religion is the will of the one and only creator,
religious people should all be united under one religion.

Religious people, however, cannot seem to unite as one.

Why do religious people fight with one another?

They fight because they have spirits that prevent unification.

God is aware of this and created the scriptures to help his creation see and understand the truth.

If we do not know what is recorded in the scriptures, 
we cannot discern the spirits working within us. 

People who are ignorant of the will of God’s holy spirit persist in their own way of thinking, which leads to disputes.

종교는 으뜸가는 교훈이라는 뜻이다.
이 종교는 창조주께서 만드셨으므로, 경서(經書)의 저자도 창조주이시며, 
거기에 담긴 뜻도 창조주의 것이다.
이 종교가 유일신 한 분의 뜻이라면, 종교인은 그 안에서 하나가 되어야 한다. 
그러함에도 하나가 되지 못하고 종교인들이 서로 싸우는 이유는 무엇인가? 
이는 그들이 하나가 됨을 방해하는 신이 있기 때문이다. 
이를 아시는 창조주께서는 이 사실을 피조물들에게 알리기
위해 경서를 만들어서 보고 그것을 깨닫게 하셨다. 
경서 안에 기록된 것을 알지 못하면
두 신을 구분할 수 없고, 참 신의 뜻을 알지 못함으로 자기 생각으로만 고집하게 되고 다투게 된다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion
The thoughts and will of God VS The thoughts and will of people

The thoughts and will of God are truth, 
but the thoughts and will of people born of mere human seed are far from God. 

People killed every messenger God sent into the world.

This is not the will of God—they murdered out of their own thoughts (Mt 23:34-35; Jn 16:2-3).

Can we say their decisions were righteous?

Just because a person is kind-hearted or knowledgeable does not make them one of God’s people.

Even people who are commendable from a human perspective can be enemies of God.

People belong to God or to Satan depending on the type of seed they have received. 

사람의 생각은 어디까지나 사람의 생각이며 판단일 뿐, 참 하나님의 뜻과는 거리가 멀다.
하나님이 자기 사자를 이 땅에 보낼 때마다 그 시대 사람들이 다 죽였으며, 
이는 하나님의 뜻도 판단도 아닌, 사람의 판단으로 죽인 것이니
어찌 사람의 판단이 옳다 할 수가 있겠는가?
사람이 선하고 착하고 지식이 많고 공로가 많다 하여 하나님의 사람이나 가족이 되는 것이 아니요, 
또 하나님의 원수가 되지 않는 것도 아니다. 
하나님의 가족이 되거나 원수가 되는 것은 누구의 씨로 났느냐에 달려 있다. 
자기 씨로 난 자만이 자기 가족이 되는 것이며, 그 사상과 그 형상은 그 씨에 달려 있다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion
God’s seed VS Devil’s seed

God and the devil are very real.

Each of them work through people born of their respective seed (Jn 8:41-45).

The seed of a spirit represents that spirit’s words (Lk 8:11; Jn 6:63).

God’s seed represents God’s word and teachings, 
and the devil’s seed represents the devil’s word and teachings. 

We must test people using the Bible as a standard to determine whether they contain the seed of God or the seed of the devil—truth or lies.

The seed you have received determines who your father is.

You are God’s son if you are born of God’s seed and the devil’s son
if you are born of his seed (Mt 13:36-39).

People also go to the place they belong depending on this seed.

지구촌에 하나님과 마귀가 있고, 각각 그 씨로 난 사람들이 있다.
이 영의 씨는 영의 말이다.
하나님의 씨는 하나님의 말씀이요 교훈이며,마귀의 씨는 마귀의 말이요 교훈이다.
사람에게 진리 하나님의 씨와 비진리 마귀의 씨 중 누구의 씨가 있는지, 
성경 기준으로 시험을 쳐 보면 안다. 
어떤 아비의 씨로 났느냐에 따라 하나님의 아들이 되기도 하고 마귀의 아들이 되기도 한다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji open bible, The meaning of religion
Those who are born again with God’s seed and spirit

Those who are born again with God’s seed and spirit go to the kingdom of heaven (Jn 3:5~6; 1 Pt 1:23), but those who are born of the devil’s seed and spirit go to hell.

God, life, and light are present in the place where God’s seed can be found (Jn 1:1~4). 

God and the word are in Shinchonji Church of Jesus.

하나님의 씨와 영으로 다시 난 자는 천국으로 가고,마귀의 씨와 영으로 난 자는 지옥으로 간다.

하나님의 씨 곧 말씀이 있는 곳에는 하나님도 계시고, 생명과 빛도 있다.

신천지예수교에는 참 하나님과 그 말씀이 있다.

The meaning of religion


Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word

Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word

God’s world was a world of love, a world of peace, and a world of freedom. 

This world was God’s kingdom, the kingdom of heaven.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word
The one who broke apart this world of love was the devil, the betrayer. 

The one who broke apart this world of love was the devil, the betrayer. 

He made the earth confused (formless) and empty,
and made the heavens become dark.

This is like mixing water into wine, or two different ideologies fighting one another in one’s heart; these two ideologies were good and evil. 

This world of confusion continued on for the next 6,000 years, and God even sprinkled the blood of sheep to rid the evil within men (Lv 16:14-16; Heb 9:13).

Jesus prophesied that this era (the Second Coming), to which the confused world continued on for 6,000 years, would be like the times of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30).

사랑의 세계, 평화의 세계, 자유의 세계는 하나님의 세계였다. 
이 세계가 하나님의 나라 천국이었다. 이 사랑의 세계를 깨트린 것이 배도자 마귀였다. 
땅을 혼돈하고 공허하게 하고, 하늘을 흑암하게 한 것이었다. 
이는 마치 포도주에 물을 섞은 것과 같다. 
두 가지 사상이 한 마음 안에서 서로 싸우는 것이 되었으니, 곧 선과 악이다.
이 혼돈한 세상이 6천 년 간 이어져 왔고, 
하나님은 사람 속에 있는 악을 제거하기 위해 양의 피를 뿌리기도 하셨다. 
예수님은 혼돈한 세상이 6천 년 간 이어져 온 이 때(재림 때)를 가리켜 
노아 때, 롯 때와 같다고 예언하셨다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word
Peace comes by being saved through the truth.

In every era, God appointed a prophet.

He then gave the revelation to that prophet and had him make known all things.

Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32).

The truth is God’s Word (Jn 17:17).

One can avoid destruction by perceiving and knowing the promised words of the New Testament.

Without the word of truth, which is the light, it is only a dark night.

The night refers to the darkness that people cannot see, the time people sleep.

Peace comes by being saved through the truth.

As it says that “the Word in the beginning” is life and the light,
when one is born again through the Word in the beginning,
he also becomes the Word, like God and Jesus.

One must first have the Word for God to be with him and to be guided by God. 

하나님은 시대마다 한 선지자를 세웠고, 그 선지자에게 계시를 주어 
그로 하여금 모든 것을 알리게 하셨다. 
예수께서 “진리를 알지니 진리가 너희를 자유케 하리라.”고 하셨다. 
진리는 하나님의 말씀이다. 진리로 구원받음으로 평화가 된다.
말씀이 먼저 있어야 하나님이 함께하시고, 하나님의 인도를 받게 된다. 

Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word
What should one have in order to have God and love return to his heart? 

As the God of love left men’s hearts, how could God’s love remain within men? 

What should one have in order to have God and love return to his heart? 

God’s Word must be within the person’s heart.

As can be seen in John 1:1-5, God was with the Word since the beginning.

God is where the Word is; God’s Word can be found in the place where God is.

The Word is God. It is life, light, love, truth, and peace.

사랑의 하나님이 사람의 마음에서 떠났으니, 
어찌 사람 안에 하나님의 사랑이 있겠는가? 
떠나가신 하나님과 사랑을 마음에 다시 모시려면 무엇이 있어야 하는가? 
하나님의 말씀이 마음에 있어야 한다.
이 말씀이 곧 하나님이요, 생명이며, 빛이고, 사랑이며, 진리이고, 평화이다.

Shincheonji / Shinchonji testify, God’s Word
Believers must know the true God

Believers who believe in God in today’s era must know the true God (Jn 17:3), must know God’s lineage and the history of the past 6,000 years, and must know what happened in the past in order to acknowledge and take it as evidence.

This is how one can believe and love.

Although God and the people became like enemies because of evil and sin that took place for a long time, 
we have now become God’s sons (children) and family as we are atoned for our sins through Jesus’ blood, and are born again with God’s seed that is truth. 

Loving, visiting, and seeing each other face to face, all within faith, is according to the principle of nature as one family, the Father and the son.

오늘날 하나님을 믿는 성도는 참 하나님을(요 17:3) 알아야 
인증(認證)이 되고, 믿어지며, 사랑하게 된다. 
하나님이 우리를 사랑하셨으니, 우리도 하나님을 사랑하는 것이 마땅하다.


Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love

What is the meaning of God’s Love? 

Love means life and peace.

Through whom and with what will peace be achieved?

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
God, the Creator of all things, is love. 

All creation of heaven and earth are preserved through love;
even the evil animals, thornbushes,
and poisonous grass produce offspring because of love.
They live by being preserved with love.

God, the Creator of all things, is love. 
And those who are born of God love one another 
because they have been created by God, who is love.

만물을 창조하신 하나님은 사랑이시고, 사랑이신 하나님이 창조하셨기 때문에 
하나님께로서 난 자는 다 서로 사랑한다.

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
Let us love one another!

God dwells only within a person who knows God’s love; 
this is because God is love.

하나님은 하나님의 사랑을 아는 자 안에 거하신다. 
이는 하나님이 사랑이시기 때문이다.

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
Love each other as I have loved you!

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
Faith, Hope and Love, The greatest of these is Love.

God, Jesus, John, and Paul spoke in the same manner regarding love.

Even though many people say they love their country and want love and world peace, there has not been peace on this earth. 

Wars have continued due to religion, and young people continue to die in war.

수많은 사람들이 세계 평화를 원하고 
나라와 백성을 사랑한다 하였으나, 아직 이 땅에는 평화가 없었다. 
종교로 인한 전쟁은 계속되었고, 젊은 청년들이 전쟁으로 계속 죽어 가고 있다.

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
Through whom and with what will world peace be achieved?

After the disobedience and sin of Adam, God, the creator of heaven and earth, gave His word (the Bible) to the people so they could come out of the world of wickedness and be restored to their originally created state.

The Bible contains God’s will. 

World peace will come if the work is done in accordance to the Bible. 

This is the promised restoration that is recorded in the Bible, 
and thus religious unification and world peace will be achieved.

세계 평화는 누가 무엇으로 할 것인가?
하나님은 죄악 세상을 본래대로 다시 회복하시기 위해 
성경책을 사람에게 주어 믿게 하셨다.
성경책 안에는 하나님의 뜻이 담겨 있다. 
이 뜻대로 하면 세계 평화가 오게 된다.
이것이 성경에 약속한 회복이며, 이로써 세계 평화가 있게 되는 것이다.

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
All religions must become one through one truth

There are also many different religions.

Although religious people all say they believe in the one true God,
they all have different ways of believing, and it is mainly due to these religious differences that conflicts occur around the world.

Conflicts also occur due to power struggles.

Regardless of who you are, in order for this world to attain peace you must be born again through the seed and spirit of God

For this, all religions must become one through one truth.

종교인들은 하나같이 유일신 창조주를 믿는다고 하면서도 길은 각각 다르다. 
그리고 세계의 분쟁은 주로 종교로 인해 일어난다. 
이 같은 세계를 평화롭게 할 수 있는 조건은 
누구를 막론하고 하나님의 씨와 영으로 다시 나야 하는 것이며, 
이를 위해 종교는 한 진리로 하나가 되어야 한다.

Shinchonji Open Bible, The True Meaning of God’s Love
God’s will and the promise

Who will do this work? God. 

God proclaims to the whole world what He will fulfill (prophecy),
and once it has been preached throughout the whole world (refer to Mt 24:14),
God appoints the promised messenger, the one who speaks on behalf.

Then, at the time of Jesus’ second coming, which is today,
God fulfills the promises of the New Testament.

God shows the fulfillment to the chosen messenger who speaks on behalf, 
and it is made known to the churches (Rv 22:16).

The churches that hear this message must verify the New Testament fulfillment and believe it in order to be the family of God, and through this all religions will be unified.

The word of promise and the revealed word of fulfillment, contain the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, the seed, and spirit of God.

Those who receive the faith that is revealed (faith that has been revealed) will become one.

They become one because they are born again of the same seed and spirit, thus all religions will be unified by becoming one. 

This is God’s will and the promise that is to be fulfilled.

하나님은 이 일을 위해 먼저 이룰 것을 온 세상에 미리 선포하시고, 
그것이 온 세상에 전파되었을 때, 약속한 대언의 사자를 택해 세우신다. 
그리고 재림 때인 오늘날 신약의 약속한 것을 이루신다. 
그 이룬 것을, 택한 대언의 사자에게 먼저 보이시고, 교회들에게 알리게 하신다. 
교회들은 신약 성취를 확인하고 믿음으로 하나님의 한 가족이 되고, 종교가 통일된다.
성취된 계시 말씀 안에는 천국 비밀인 하나님의 씨와 성령이 들어 있어, 
계시될(계시된) 믿음을 받은 자들은 하나가 된다. 
같은 씨와 같은 영으로 거듭났으므로 하나가 되고, 
하나 됨으로써 종교가 통일된다. 이것이 하나님의 뜻이고 이룰 약속이다.



Shinchonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅱ.

Shinchonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅱ.

What is the true meaning of the Lord’s prayer,
and what are his kingdom and his righteousness referring to?

☞ The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅰ.

Today, I will talk about 'The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅱ'

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3) Verse 11: Give us today our daily bread

In the time of Moses, until they entered into Canaan, produced their own crop, and settled in the land, God gave the people of Israel manna from heaven every morning (Ex 16:14-36).

Jesus said, however, that although the forefathers ate the manna that Moses gave, they died;
but that he gives the food that does not spoil, that endures to eternal life. 
He said that this food was the living bread from heaven, his flesh and blood (Jn 6). Jesus himself is also the ‘Word’ as seen in 1 John 1.

The true daily bread that Jesus gives is the revealed word of the New Testament

This revelation was sealed in God’s right hand in Revelation 5,
but Jesus opened it starting in Revelation 6, and thus,
gave it as ‘the manna from heaven’, as the real food that endures to eternal life.

The one who overcomes (i.e. the New John) in Revelation 10 is the only one through whom we can receive this (revelation).

모세 때는 이스라엘 백성에게 만나를 내려주셨다.
그 당시의 만나는 먹어도 죽었으나, 예수님이 주시는 ‘썩지 않는 양식’은 
먹고 영원히 사는 양식이고, 그 양식은 하늘에서 내려온 산 떡 
곧 ‘예수님의 피와 살’이었다. 그리고 예수님은 ‘말씀’이시다.
예수님께서 주실 일용할 참 양식은 신약의 계시(啓示) 말씀이다.
이 계시는 봉한 책을 예수님께서 계시록 6장에서부터 열어서 주신 
‘하늘에서 온 만나’로서 영생하는 참 양식이다.
참 양식인 이 계시는 계시록 10장의 이긴 자 곧 새요한을 통해서만 받을 수 있다.

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4) Verse 12: Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors

⇒ Refer to the explanations of verses 14-15

5) Verse 13: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. 
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

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① Lead us not into temptation

Jesus told us to pray this because he knew what would take place at his Second Coming.
As seen in Matthew 24, nations will rise against nations and kingdom against kingdom.

At that time, many fall into deception and temptation so as to betray each other;
and as there is an increase of evil, the destroyer stands on the pulpit.

He is telling us to pray to not fall into these temptations and trials.

마태복음 24장에 본바, 나라와 나라, 민족과 민족이 대적하여 싸우겠고, 
이 때 많은 사람이 미혹과 시험에 빠져 성도를 죽는 데로 잡아 주므로, 
이 같은 시험에 빠지지 않게 해 달라고 기도하라는 말씀이다.

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② But deliver us from the evil one

He is telling us to pray for deliverance from the destroyer during when he strikes and overtakes the chosen people.

멸망자가 선민을 치고 삼키는 때에 이 멸망자로부터 구원해 달라고 기도하라는 말씀이다.

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③ For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

It is only proper for the power and the glory to be God’s because he is the creator of everything, the Lord of all, and the Lord of lords (1 Cor 15:28; Ep 4:6; 1 Tm 6:15).

All created things must befittingly give glory to the maker (creator) of all beings.

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● Verse 14-15: For if you forgive men when they sin against you, 
your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Jesus spoke about forgiveness as follows.

In Matthew 18:21-35, the one whose master canceled his debt of ten thousand talents did not forgive his servant who owed him a hundred denarii, but had him thrown into prison until he could pay back the debt.

The master, having heard this, called in the one whose debt he canceled, and asked why he threw his servant in prison instead of canceling his debt of a hundred denarii, when the master has canceled his own debt entirely.

He then said that he too shall be thrown into jail, until he should pay back all that he owed.

This is a moral teaching regarding forgiveness.

One who does not forgive others will not be forgiven.

남을 용서하지 않으면 자기도 용서받지 못한다.

신천지 / Shincheonji / Shinchonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
● Verse 33: Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.

What kingdom is this referring to?

It is indeed referring to heaven.

God’s kingdom (heaven) fulfills here on earth as it is in heaven,
and it is to this place that heaven (above) comes down.

This heaven is the kingdom that he told us to seek.

This kingdom is the sealed twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel (Rv 7, 14).

We must seek and find this kingdom which God and the angels are with.

Furthermore, ‘his righteousness’ that we must seek is the revealed word and faith, both of which can be found at this kingdom. (Rv 10; 14:1-5)

God’s will, as well as the objective of our faith that the 66 books of the Bible points to, is the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel, the kingdom that is created here on earth as it is heaven.

This is the place we as believers must go to.


The Lord’s Prayer & His Kingdom And His Righteousness

Heaven and Hell


Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅰ.

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics Ⅰ.

After the choosing of the disciples, starting in Matthew 5,
Jesus gave us commands to keep as believers.
One of them is the Lord’s prayer. (Mt 6:9-13)
He also said to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.
(Mt 6:33)
These are the two main points of Matthew 6.

This prayer is the Lord’s prayer that many believers recite at the end of worship services.
They do so with their mouths without knowing its meaning. 
If one does not follow through with their prayer in action, one is a liar to God. 
He listens to our prayers only if we act as well.

예수님은 제자들을 택하신 후 성도가 지켜야 할 계명을 알려 주셨다. 
이 계명 중에 주님께서 가르쳐 주신 기도문이 있고,
먼저 구해야 할 것 곧 그의 나라와 그의 의를 구하라고 하셨다. 
마태복음 6장 중에서 핵심적 내용은 이 두 가지를 꼽을 수 있다.

주기도문은 현재 많은 교회의 성도들이 예배를 마칠 때 암송하고 있다. 
입으로는 기도문을 말하지만 기도문의 뜻도 알지 못한다. 
그리고 기도한 대로 행하지 않으면 하나님께 거짓말하는 자가 된다. 
기도를 했으면 그 뜻대로 행해야만 하나님께서 들어 주실 것이다.

What is the true meaning of the Lord’s prayer, 
and what are his kingdom and his righteousness referring to?

1)Verse 9: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
① In heaven

Where is the ‘heaven’ at which God resides? 

The place in Revelation 4 where God’s throne is located is
the spiritual heaven.

God coming to Jesus at the First Coming was the spiritual heaven coming down to earth. (Mt 3:16-17; 4:17)

Also, the ‘tabernacle’ on earth on which heaven came down was
called ‘heaven’ as well.

The reason is that just as the sun, moon, and the stars are in the sky,
Israel, who are God’s chosen people,
were figuratively referred to as the sun, moon, and the stars,
and thus, God’s tabernacle was heaven, the spiritual sky.
(Gn 37:9-11; Rv 13:6; 12:1; 15:1, 5; Mt 13:24)

하나님께서 계신 ‘하늘’은 어디인가?
계시록 4장의 하나님의 보좌가 있는 곳은 영계 하늘이다. 
또 천국이 온 이 땅의 ‘장막’을 ‘하늘’이라고 하였다. 
그 이유는 해·달·별이 있는 곳이 하늘인 것같이 
하나님의 선민 이스라엘을 하늘의 해·달·별이라 하였으니, 
하나님의 장막이 하늘 곧 영적 하늘인 것이다

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
② Our Father

In John 8, when the Jews claimed that God was their father,
Jesus said to them that their father is not the true God, but the lying devil.
(Jn 8:41-44).
This was because they were born of the seed of the devil(liar).

Only by being born of God’s seed, which is his word (Lk 8:11), 
can one call God ‘father’. 
Furthermore, God will only acknowledge those born of his seed as his sons (children). 

God doesn’t just automatically become the father of someone born of the devil’s seed just because he calls (the true) God his father. 
Neither can he just automatically become God’s son.

예수님은 요한복음 8장에 하나님을 ‘아버지’라고 하는 유대인들에게 
‘너희 아버지는 참 하나님이 아니고, 거짓말하는 마귀’라고 하셨다.
그 이유는 그들이 거짓말하는 마귀의 씨로 났기 때문이다.
하나님을 아버지라 부를 수 있는 자격은 하나님의 ‘씨’ 곧 하나님의 말씀으로 나야 하며, 
하나님의 씨로 난 자만이 하나님을 아버지라 부를 수 있고, 
아버지 하나님께서도 하나님의 씨로 난 자들을 아들(자녀)이라고 인정하신다. 
마귀의 씨로 난 자가 참 하나님께 아버지라 한다 하여 하나님이 아버지가 되는 것이 아니고, 또 그가 하나님의 아들이 되는 것이 아니다.

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
③ Hallowed be your name

God is the creator of the heavens and the earth.
He has no sin; he is the light of righteousness and life.
He is the Lord who judges between righteousness and wickedness.
He is also the owner of all nations and all creation.
God is truly a holy and flawless being.
It is only logical that his creation reveres and praises God’s holiness as he deserves.

하나님은 참으로 거룩하시고 흠이 없는 분이시다. 
지음 받은 천지 만물의 피조물들은 마땅히 하나님의 거룩하심에 찬양을 드리고 
하나님을 받드는 것이 이치이다.

2) Verse 10: Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
① Your kingdom come

This is praying for the spiritual heaven to come down to 
and unite with the tabernacle of heaven on earth.

It is also praying for God, who left the world, to come down to 
the recreated kingdom (tabernacle) on earth.

Shincheonji Bible images, The lord’s prayer lyrics
② Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Moses (Ex 25) and Jesus (Jn 5) fulfilled on earth just as they saw in heaven.

This is the heaven in the spiritual world
and what is fulfilled on earth is the heaven in the physical world.

In the same way, at the Second Coming, the one who fights against
and overcomes the devil (the promised pastor) sees the Holy City,
the new Jerusalem, in Revelation 21 and 4.
He then fulfills it (Rv 3:12).

When the spiritual world comes down to the physical world and becomes one with it, it is like how a bridegroom and meets the bride, and lives together.
(refer to Rv 21:9-11)

모세도(출 25장) 예수님도(요 5장) 하늘의 것을 보고 이 땅에 그와 같이 이루셨다. 
하늘은 영계 천국이고, 이 땅에 이루어진 것은 육계의 천국이다. 
이와 같이 주 재림 때에도 마귀와 싸워 이긴 약속의 목자가 
계시록 21장과 4장에서 본 거룩한 성 새 예루살렘을 계시록 3:12에서와 같이 이루신다. 
영계가 육계에 임하여 하나가 될 때는 마치 신랑과 신부가 만나 함께 사는 것과 같다.

One who believes in God believes 
in Him for two, three reasons. 
One reason is that God is the Father who created him.
Another reason is that heaven will be fulfilled on him.
Another reason is that he does not desire to be in hell’s fire with the devil.

There are three things that a believer must know. 
One is that he must know God. Another is that he must know the devil,
and another is to know the words of promise and His kingdom.

A true believer must know himself in front of the Bible.
If one still has not been born from the heavens,
does not know the will of the heavens,
and does not know God’s promise and His will,
then it is night and darkness for him.

하나님을 믿는 사람은 두세 가지 이유로 믿는다.
그 하나는 하나님이 자기를 창조한 아버지이시기 때문이다. 
또 하나는 천국이 자기에게 이루어지기 때문이다.
다른 또 하나는 마귀와 함께 지옥 불에 들어가기가 싫어서이다.

그리고 신앙인이 꼭 알아야 할 세 가지가 있다.
그 하나는 하나님을 알아야 하는 것이고, 또 하나는 마귀를 알아야 하는 것이며, 
다른 또 하나는 약속의 말씀과 그 나라를 알아야 하는 것이다.

참 성도라면 성경 앞에서 자기를 알아야 한다. 아직 하늘로서 나지도 않았고, 
하늘의 뜻도 모르고, 하나님의 약속과 그 뜻도 알지 못하면, 밤과 어둠이다. 


The Lord’s Prayer & His Kingdom And His Righteousness

Heaven and Hell

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church

I will introduce the most beautiful place in korea 'Jeondong Catholic Church'

'Jeondong Catholic Church' is one of the famous tourist attractions in Korea.

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church
One of the most beautiful cathedral in korea

'Jeondong Catholic Church' is one of the most beautiful cathedral in korea

These bible words are carved on the stone beside 'Jeondong Catholic Church'.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

- Ps 119:105 -

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

- Mt 11:28 -

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church
Elegant and unsophisticated Cathedral

Jeondong Catholic Church in entrance of Korean-style village is elegant and unsophisticated.

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church
Catholic Martyrs' Site of the Joseon dynasty

Jeondong Catholic Church in Jeonju was built in honor of Catholic martyrs of the Joseon Dynasty on the very same spot the martyrs lost their lives.
(Historic Site No. 288)

It is established in the exact place that Pungnam gate was located when the first martyr Yun Jichung and Gwan Sangyeon were excuted in Shihae persecution in 1791.

Jeondong Catholic Church, which was built from 1907 to 1914, is the cradle of faith that preserving martyrdom place.

The most beautiful place in korea, Jeondong Catholic Church
The first Western style building

As the first Western style building in Honam province with Romanesque style, it became an attractive place with the cornerstone indication martyrdom place and strained glasses with colors and paintings of martyrs Kwon Sangyeon, Yun Jichung and Yu Jungchul and Lee Sunyee couple.

Jeondong Catholic Church Adress

☞ 51, Taejo-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do 

Jeondong Catholic Church Homepage

☞ http://tour-eng.jeonju.go.kr/