Love is Anterior to Life, Love is Forgiveness, Shinchonji is...
Love is Anterior to Life...
Love is Anterior to Life
- Emily Dickinson -
Love is anterion to Life
Posterior to Death
Initial of Creation, and…
The Exponent of Earth!
Love is...
What do you think about love? What love are you doing?
What love do you desire? I will talk about this love.
There is a wide variety of people, races, and opinions here on earth.
Furthermore, there are also many religions, and everybody thinks his religion is the best.
However, the human race was blind like the dark night and it kept running
like an orphan who had lost his way and the place it ran into was the tomb.
The reason Buddha had lamented over people being born,
growing old, getting sick, and dying and the reason
why he had struggled to find God was because he realized life
was like wandering through a boundless path.
Love is Forgiveness, Shinchonji is...
For the love of money is...
It says in 1 Tm 6:9-10,
“People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap
and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith
and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
It also says in James 1:15,
“Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
Under the pretext of religion and Jesus,
some people are eager to possess money and authority
They pretend to believe in Jesus on the outside,
but on the inside there is full of wickedness and venom.
This is the reality of the present religious world.
Love is Forgiveness, Shinchonji is...
God’s love saves sinners.
God, the creator of the heaven and earth,
left the world because of man’s sin (Gn 6:1-3).
The God of love who left the world loved the world
and so he sent his only holy child for the sinners (Jn 3:16).
Jesus, the only holy child of God,
gave up his life for the sinners according to God’s will (Mt 26:39, Mt 27).
God and Jesus poured their utmost love to save lives that were lost in sin (Mt 1:21).
Without this love the sins cannot be resolved so salvation
was given through love rather than punishment.
Although sinners deserve to die because of their sin,
God’s love saves sinners.
하나님과 예수님께서는 그 사랑을 죄인을 구원하는 데에 쏟으셨다.
이 사랑이 없이는 죄를 해결할 수가 없기에 형벌보다 사랑으로 구원하신 것이다.
죄인은 죄로 인해 죽어 마땅하나, 하나님의 사랑은 죄인을 구원하는 것이었다.
Love is Forgiveness, Shinchonji is...
God is love, Love is Forgiveness!

Those who belong to God or those who are born of God
will love others just as God does.
This is because God is love.
Therefore, those who do not love are proof that they were not born of God.
(1 Jn 4:7-10)
The reason why people slander, swear,
curse and try to harm others by making up all kinds of lies rather than loving
and forgiving is because they are controlled by Satan(Jn 8:44);
it is not the true intention of men.
These are pitiful and unfortunate people
and such behavior is proof they were born to become Satan's children.
Therefore, they should realize and repent and come out to the true path,
the path of love and forgiveness so they can be saved.
Love is Forgiveness, Shinchonji is...
Jesus's Love, There is no greater love than this
Jesus, a righteous man, gave up his life for sinners
and we should be thankful for this above all things
and there is no greater love than this.
The body that ought to be punished is forgiven
through the blood of a righteous man and such love
should be considered to be truly great.
Those who realize this great love should love one another.
(1 Jn 4:11)
Sin and Forgiveness