Each and every church pastor and congregation habitually recites the Lord’s Prayer.
Despite praying accordingly, they have not acted upon what it said.
If so, how can they truly receive what they prayed for?
People pray, “Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors,”
but unlike this prayer they curse others instead of forgiving them.
People pray, “Deliver us from the evil one,”
but unlike this prayer they carry out wicked actions.
People refuse to receive the daily bread and to believe God’s will that is done in heaven.
They do not believe the coming of God and the holy spirit.
How can people who are ignorant of the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer
and who do not act upon it, be acknowledged as the believers of the Lord?
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
The prayer Jesus taught

Jesus taught his disciples what to pray for and where to pray,
when he saw hypocritical people during his first coming.
Jesus told his disciples not to babble like the hypocrites
because the Father God already knew what they would need even before asking.
The prayer Jesus taught them at that time was the Lord’s Prayer.
The saints of God, therefore, need to pray to the Father
with the content of the prayer the Lord Jesus taught to them.
It is a known fact; this Lord’s Prayer is recited and quoted habitually
by almost every single church today.
It is, however, difficult to perceive the meaning of this prayer
and even more so to believe and act upon its content.
Believers seem to think that all it takes is for them is just to recite it with their lips.
예수님은 초림 당시 외식하는 자들을 보시고,
제자들에게 기도 내용과 기도할 곳을 알려 주셨다.
그리고 외식하는 자들같이 중언부언하지 말라고 하시며,
구하기 전에 너희 아버지 하나님께서 아신다고 하셨다.
이 때 예수님이 알려 주신 기도가 곧 주기도문이다.
성도는 주께서 알려 주신 기도문의 내용으로 아버지께 기도해야 할 것이다.
이 기도문은 오늘날 교회마다 습관처럼 외우고 있다.
그러나 기도문의 뜻도 잘 알지 못하며, 기도문대로 믿고 행하는 것이 쉽지 않다.
그저 입으로 외우기만 하면 되는 줄 아는 것 같다.
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
Why do we need to pray?

Both Jesus and the disciples spoke about how
we can be sanctified with the word and prayer. (Jn 17:17; 1 Tm 4:5)
There is also another passage where it asks us to pray without ceasing.
(1 Thes 5:17)
The Lord also taught us to pray continually.
If we remain in God and think about God’s work,
then having that mentality is the same as praying.
Living a life according to God’s will is the same as praying ceaselessly.
God’s people breathe together with God and work with him.
Walking on the path of heaven, which was shown to us,
carrying out a life of faith and praying according to the Bible,
and becoming the people of heaven through the actions previously mentioned
are the same as being sanctified through the word and prayer.
예수님도 그 제자들도 말씀과 기도로 거룩해진다고 하셨다.
쉬지 말고 기도하라는 말씀도 있다. 쉬지 않고 기도하라 하였다.
내가 하나님 안에 있어 하나님의 일을 생각하는 그 사상이 기도이며,
늘 그 뜻대로 하는 생활이 곧 쉬지 않고 기도하는 것이다.
하나님의 사람은 하나님과 함께 호흡하며 일하는 것이다.
주신 바 천국의 길로 가는 자 곧 성경 따라 신앙하고 기도하는 자가 되어
천국 백성이 되는 것이 말씀과 기도로 거룩해지는 것이다.
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
Why do we need to know the word?

The word is true food for our spirits and souls.
It is God’s seed and God himself. It is also equated with the holy spirit.
As this word enters us, it renews our hearts and spirits,
and this is how we can become holy.
For the same reason, God likens the word unto the water of life
that washes our hearts and spirits. (Jn 7:37-38)
말씀은 우리 영혼의 참 양식이며, 하나님의 씨이며, 곧 하나님이며, 성령이시다.
이 말씀이 사람 안에 들어와 우리의 심령을 새롭게 하심으로 우리가 거룩해진다.
그래서 하나님의 말씀을 우리의 심령을 씻어 주는 생명수로 비유한 것이다.
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
People without the word

Jesus, who was the word,
referred to himself as the way, the truth, and the life.
Jesus also stated that people could come to the Father only through him (Jn 14:6).
People without the word do not have God, Jesus, life, and light (refer to Jn 1:4).
They are not born of God’s seed (Lk 8:11).
They are the children of darkness (refer to 1 Thes 5:1-8).
It is common sense among Christians that people born of God’s seed become the holy ones and the sons of God.
People without the word are actually not born from God.
말씀이신 예수님께서 자신이 길이요 진리요 생명이라 하셨고,
예수님을 통해 아버지께 올 수 있다고 하셨다(요 14:6).
말씀이 없는 자는 하나님도 예수님도 생명도 빛도 없는 자이며,
하나님의 씨(눅 8:11)로 난 자가 아니며, 어둠의 자식이다.
하나님의 씨로 난 자가 거룩하다는 것과 하나님의 아들이라는 것은
기독교인라면 누구나 다 아는 사실이며 상식이다.
말씀이 없는 자는 하나님께로부터 난 자가 아니다.
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
Will God accept our prayers?

Prayer is something for which God’s saints are able to ask of God.
When we pray, we must pray in the place and with the prayer Jesus taught to us.
The first priority that needs to be considered before praying is to know ourselves and examine whether or not we are qualified to ask and pray to God for something.
We must first resolve what has to be resolved before praying.
Only when we do this first, will we be able to receive what we pray for.
The scriptures show us how our prayers are likened unto the incense offered and lifted up to God (Rv 5:8, Rv 8:4).
Will God accept prayers that are not like incense to him?
기도는 성도가 하나님께 구하는 내용이다.
예수께서 알려 주신 곳에서, 알려 주신 뜻으로 기도해야 하며,
먼저 해결해야 할 것은 자기를 알고 하나님께 기도로 구할 수 있는 자격이 있는가 없는가의 문제이다.
기도 전에 먼저 해결할 것을 해결한 후 기도해야 그 구한 것을 받을 수 있을 것이다.
기도는 하나님께 올려 가는 향(香)이라 하였다.
향이 아닌 기도를 하나님께서 받으실 수가 있겠는가?
shincheonji / shinchonji testify "Why do we need to pray?"
True repentance

Will God grant the answers to the prayer of a sinner who merely prays
without repenting?
Luke 18:10-13 illustrates the prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collectors
in the temple.
Jesus approved of the tax collector.
True repentance was the sincerity of lowering himself
rather than exalting himself.
Just because one blesses and prays does not mean
that he will receive what he asks for.
God grants what people pray for only when they are qualified for receiving it.
Instead of being joyful over the blessings
and the prayers one may receive from foolish people,
he first must examine himself through the unchanging word of God (Jn 10:35),
repent of his wrongdoings, be born again,
and make an effort to be qualified for receiving the answers
from their prayers to God.
죄인이 회개 없이 기도를 한다 하여 그 구한 것을 주시겠는가?
누가복음 18:10-13에 본바 바리새인과 세리(稅吏)가 성전에서 기도하였다.
예수님은 세리의 손을 들어 주셨다.
자기를 높이는 것보다 자기를 낮추는 진실이 참된 회개였다.
축복하고 기도를 한다 하여 구한 것을 받는 것이 아니고, 받을 그릇이 되어야 주시는 것이다.
어리석은 사람들이 축복과 기도를 해주는 것으로 기뻐할 것이나, 하나님의 말씀은 불변하니(요 10:35)
자기를 돌아보아 잘못을 회개하고 거듭나 받을 그릇이 되기를 힘써야 할 것이다.
▼ Click on the link below for more details.
☞ The lord’s prayer lyrics
☞ The Word and Prayer
Source of Article : The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
Source of Image : Pixabay