Among the bible story, I wish to tell whether talk that
glory in heaven and peace on earth(Luke 2:14)
I'm not that good either, but I hope this helps.
Main references: Luke 2:14, Luke 19:38-42
What is glory in heaven and peace on earth?

It is the end of sin and wickedness, and of both physical and spiritual war.
It is the coming of world peace and restoration of light.
하늘의 영광과 땅의 평화는 어떤 것일까요?
죄악이 끝나고 영육 전쟁이 종식되고, 세계 평화·광복이 있게 되는 것입니다.

It was also the message that an angel passed on to shepherds at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem(Luke 2:14).
Jesus’ disciples also offered praise with the same content (Luke 19:35-38).
Having heard this word the Pharisees said to Jesus,
"Teacher, rebuke your disciples!"
Jesus replied to them,
"I tell you. If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Mt 23:33)

As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said,
“If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace
but now it is hidden from your eyes” (Luke 19:41-42)
“The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against
you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.
They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls.
They will not leave one stone on another,
because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you”
(refer to Lk 19:43-44; Mt 24:1-2)
누가복음 19장에 예루살렘 성에 가까이 온 예수님은 성을 보시고 우시며
“너도 오늘날 평화에 관한 일을 알았더면 좋을 뻔하였거니와, 지금 네 눈에 숨기웠도다.”
고 하셨습니다.

Because of this word Jesus was teaching,
the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the leaders among the people
were looking for the means to kill Jesus.(Luke 19:47-48)
Is today not like this?
They were persecuting Jesus and labeling him
as a heretic, a troublemaker, and a demon-possessed person,
just to cover up their faults, shortcomings, and their shamefulness.
당시 유대 지도자들은 자기들의 잘못과 부족이 드러남과 창피함으로 인해 이를 가리고자
예수를 이단, 염병, 귀신들린 자라 하며 핍박했고,
심지어는 예수를 죽일 방침을 찾고 있었습니다.
오늘날도 이와 마찬가지입니다...
Roughly 2,000 years have passed by.
What about today?
Jesus spoke about how there would be betrayers, destroyers, and a savior regarding today.
He also stated that not one stone of the temple would be left on another, and that the destroyer would stand in the holy place.
At that time, the pastors in the temple and their congregation will receive the mark from the destroyers and worship them.
Whoever does not worship them will get killed.
Those who kill people will think,
“This is the way to offer a service to God.”
If a savior appears in the midst of this situation, how intensely he will get persecuted!
It becomes obvious how people will persecute the saviour at that time.
This is the small and narrow path of salvation.
이 때로부터 2 천 년이 지난 오늘날은 어떠한가요?
예수님은 오늘날을 가리켜, 배도자·멸망자·구원자가 있음을 말씀하셨고,
‘성전은 돌 하나 없이 무너지고, 멸망자가 거룩한 곳에 선다.’고 하셨습니다.
이 때 성전의 목자와 성도가 멸망자에게 표 받고 경배하게 되고,
경배하지 않는 자는 죽인다고 하셨습니다.
그런데 죽이는 자가 말하기를 ‘이것이 하나님을 믿는 예(例)라.’고 합니다.
이럴 때 구원자가 나타났으니 얼마나 핍박이 심하겠습니까?
이것이 좁고 협착한 구원의 길입니다.

It is not as easy as we think to attain salvation without understanding the prophecy regarding today.
Firstly, one must understand the word of the prophecy in the New Testament.
Secondly, one must recognize the betrayers and the destroyers through the recorded promised word.
Thirdly, one must know the promised savior.
6천 년 간의 역사와 오늘날에 대한 예언과 깨달음이 없이 구원받는 일이 쉬운 일만은 아닙니다.
첫 번째는 신약 성경의 예언의 말씀을 깨닫는 일입니다.
두 번째는 배도자와 멸망자를 기록된 약속의 말씀으로 알아야 합니다.
세 번째는 약속한 구원자를 알아야 합니다.
Such work is the will that God is going to accomplish.
They are carrying out their life of faith with incomplete faith, and they attend church habitually just as they always have been doing.
This is why corruption has slipped into people without them recognizing it.
Darkness has covered their hearts and thoughts so that they will not receive the revelation (i.e. the revealed word).
Even if salvation belongs to God, how can it enter into people if their hearts are shut?
이 일이 하나님께서 이루실 뜻이로되, 그저 세월 따라 형식적으로 교회에 출석하고 있으니,
부패함이 자기도 몰래 숨어들어 와 어둠이 마음과 생각을 가리니, 계시를 받지 못하는 것입니다.
구원하고자 함이 하나님께 있다 할지라도, 마음 문이 닫혔으니 들어갈 틈이 없는 것입니다.

Two thousand years ago at the time of the First Coming,
Jesus stated how peace was hidden from the eyes of the people in Jerusalem.
It was hidden from Jerusalem because Satan killed all the spirits
of the saints in the Jerusalem temple through the snakes, the Pharisees.
It was also because they hated Jesus, the messenger of peace, and his words of peace.
Just as it says,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men,”
world war will only end when religious war—in which people dispute with one another,
claiming to have the truth—comes to an end.
This is going to happen as the truth overcomes, and religions are unified through the truth.
War will come to an end as Satan, the spirit of wickedness, is seized and locked up.
It will be glory to God and peace to men as the God of peace retrieves the world he created and reigns over it.
Today the whole world desires peace.

Today the truth has triumphed over the world.
Peace will come to each person as the God of peace reigns.
Peace and restoration for you and me. Let us offer glory to our God.
2천 년 전 초림 때 ‘예루살렘에서 평화가 너희에게 가리워졌다.’는 말씀은
사단이 바리새인들을 통해 예루살렘 성전 성도들의 영을 다 죽였기 때문이며,
그들이 평화의 사자 예수님과 그가 하는 평화의 말을 싫어했기 때문입니다.
그리고 ‘하늘에는 영광이요, 땅에는 평화.’라고 하신 말씀처럼
오늘날 서로 진리라고 다투는 종교 전쟁이 끝남으로 세상 전쟁도 끝나는 것입니다.
오늘날 진리로 세상을 이겼고, 평화의 하나님이 통치하심으로
평화가 각인에게 찾아들 것입니다.
우리 모두 세계 평화를 위해 함께 기도해요.